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    Itinéraires cyclistes dans et à travers le Sud-Tyrol

    Sentiers cyclables de vallée, itinéraires cyclistes longue distance ou circuits cyclistes culturels. Dans le Sud-Tyrol, tous les cyclistes trouveront le circuit qui leur convient.
    Alpine Trail Ramitzl

    Ramitzl Alpine Trail

    Anyone looking for a bigger challenge, does not turn towards the Unterpulghütte mountain hut after 4.4km, but continues his route at the same gradient to the Ramitzler Schwaige Alpine pasture. As a reward and compensation for all efforts, excellent food and sensational views are also waiting here. For the sportily ambitious, there is also the opportunity to continue the route without bicycle and to climb the Rasciesa di Fuori/Außerraschötz mountain with its extraordinary summit cross and incredible 360° panoramic view (walking time of approx. 1.5 hours from the Ramitzler Schwaige).





    Difficulté : moyenne
    747 m altitude
    7.3 Km distance
    Unterland Tour
    Tramin an der Weinstraße/Termeno sulla Strada del Vino, Alto Adige Wine Road
    Through the villages in Unterland down as far as the language barrier at Salurn.

    Through the vineyards and orchards you go from Tramin past the neighbouring village of Kurtatsch to Margreid. In this small little village we can find the oldest grape vine in Europe from the year 1601. You continue on through Kurtinig to Salurn where we can visit Haderburg castle after a short walk. For the return route we cycle through Laag on the cycle path which takes us along the Etsch river to Auer. We leave the cycle path at Auer and cross the bridge over the Adige. After approx. 500 metres, we turn right into the hamlet of Gmund (Pfatten). We cycle along this path until we reach the Laimburg crossroads. Here we turn sharp left and ride down to the lake. Cycle around the lake and after the St. Josef campsite you will come back to the cycle path towards Tramin. The home village of Tramin isn’t far from there.
    Difficulté : facile
    406 m altitude
    34.4 Km distance
    Around the Mitterberg
    Tramin an der Weinstraße/Termeno sulla Strada del Vino, Alto Adige Wine Road

    From Tramin to Neumarkt. After the Etsch bridge you have to turn left in the Etsch cycle path and to follow until Bozen. In Bozen you pass Castel Firmiano with the Messner Mountain Museum, then in direction to Appiano and at the return over Caldaro back to Tramin.
    Don't forget your swimwear!

    Difficulté : facile
    799 m altitude
    46.7 Km distance
    Laion - Restaurant Stern
    Start in Laion - Restaurant zur Sonne down to the right and at the crossroads keep left along the road. Pass the Tantscherhof on the left and follow the trail to the intersection of the main road Chiusa- Pontives. After crossing the main road, continue along the forest road in the direction of Restaurant Stern.
    Difficulté : facile
    17 m altitude
    3.8 Km distance
    Bike-tour S. Vigilio-Pederü-S.Vigilio
    Al Plan/San Vigilio, Dolomites Region Kronplatz/Plan de Corones

    Paved track with two short uphill slopes. Suitable for beginners. Setting off from the church square, turn right after a short uphill ride and then continue along the road towards Pederü for 6 km.
    Once you reach Fodara Masaronn, follow the new cycling path to Pederü. To go back, take the same route – this also gives you the option to shorten the trip by just turning round and cycling back.

    Difficulté : facile
    346 m altitude
    11.5 Km distance
    Cycling tour to the Lake Kaltern
    Terlan/Terlano, Alto Adige Wine Road
    We ride on the Etsch cycle path from Terlan in the direction of Bozen to the Sigmundskron train station. Here we take the main road, cross the Etsch bridge on the right and then drive towards Girlan. After a short ascent, we come back to the bike path, which leads in a moderate incline and with a wonderful view of the Adige Valley to the village of St. Michael / Eppan. Here we always stay on the bike path and continue to the village of Kaltern, where we come to the “New Cellar”. There we have to cycle back a short distance and then come right downhill through the orchards into the Lavason valley. We ride downwards and enjoy the wonderful view of Lake Kaltern. At the crossroad to Kaltern we stay left towards Klughammer. Here the lake is on our right. We continue to Gmund and keep left, past some houses, pass under the motorway, onto a bridge and immediately turn left onto the cycle path towards Bozen. Along the Etsch river it goes to Bozen Süd, where you turn left towards Sigmundskron and Terlan.
    Difficulté : facile
    355 m altitude
    52.6 Km distance
    Bike round tour of Vilpiano
    Tisens/Tesimo, Alto Adige Wine Road

    This route crosses four villages of the Val d'Adige by orchards, vineyards, along the forest and also provides some viewpoints. The route is easy to ride, since no large height differences have to be overcome.

    There are several places of interest which invite you to linger. The route leads not only past designated bike paths, but also to non-busy routes. Very easy to ride with the racing bike too.

    Difficulté : facile
    47 m altitude
    10.9 Km distance
    Cycle line Brunico - San Vigilio
    Al Plan/San Vigilio, Dolomites Region Kronplatz/Plan de Corones

    From Brunecker Rathausplatz drive along the road to St. Lorenzen. There you turn right and follow the path towards St. Martin and then to Maria Saalen. Next, follow the trail towards Plaiken and Enneberg Pfarre. Arrived at the road that leads from Longega to Maria Saalen, turn left and moves up to Plaiken (beautiful church with onion dome) and continued until San Vigilio passing by Enneberg.

    Difficulté : moyenne
    984 m altitude
    16.9 Km distance
    From Klausen to Brixen
    Barbian/Barbiano, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    This easy family tour begins at the market place in Klausen (parking area nearby) near the north entrance to the town. The cycle path runs directly from here. Head north, mostly along the Eisack, right into Brixen town centre. When you get to the Adlerbrückengasse in Brixen, turn left towards the town centre and on the Domplatz square. Brixen has a wealth of art and architecture, and a good walk through the town is a must. One absolute must-see is the Diocesan museum in the Hofburg castle, which houses countless artistic treasures. For the homeward route, take the same cycle path back to Klausen

    Difficulté : facile
    40 m altitude
    12 Km distance
    MTB Val-Costa-Tour
    Al Plan/San Vigilio, Dolomites Region Kronplatz/Plan de Corones


    Short and very varied circular tour near San Vigilio, between the meadows and fields of the many mountain farms and adjoining woods.



    Difficulté : facile
    256 m altitude
    7.4 Km distance
    Bike route from Terlan to Lana
    Terlan/Terlano, Alto Adige Wine Road

    The route is easy to ride, there are no special height differences to be overcome. Three bike service areas invite you to have a rest: one stop at Vilpian shortly after the Etsch Bridge, a short drive further in Gargazon and one stop at Burgstall/Lana (via the "Old Railway Bridge").

    Attractions in Lana:

    • The Schnatterpeckaltar in the parish church of Niederlana
    • Museum of Fruit-Growing at Brandiser Waalweg No. 4 (near the golf course).
    Difficulté : facile
    93 m altitude
    30.9 Km distance
    Biketour through the apple orchards of the Adige Valley
    Andrian/Andriano, Alto Adige Wine Road
    The cycle route of about 30 km leads over long stretches between villages and apple orchards of the Adige Valley. A sea of flowers meets the cyclists in the first half of April. The tour starts in Andrian and touches the villages of Nalles and Lana along the Via Claudia Augusta. Here it crosses the Adige River to join the Adige Cycle Path and return to Andrian.
    Difficulté : facile
    96 m altitude
    29.5 Km distance
    From Bolzano to Merano
    Algund/Lagundo, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    Da Bolzano è possibile raggiungere Merano grazie alla pista ciclabile che passa attraverso i meleti e segue il percorso del Fiume Adige. Il tour passa vicino a Castel Firmiano, Terlano e Gargazzone. Superato Postal si arriva a Sinigo e subito dopo a Merano.

    You can reach Merano by bike thanks to the wonderful cycle path that runs thourgh the apple plantages and along the river Adige/Etsch. The tour also pass by Castle Firmiano/Sigmundskron, Terlano and Gargazzone. After Postal/Burgstall you will reach sinigo/Sinich and then Merano.

    If you rent your bike at the “Südtirol Rad” rental point in Bolzano, you may give it back at that company’s rental point in Merano so you can return by train to Bolzano. For the latter option, you may want to purchase the Bikemobil Card, which combines two different offers: unlimited travelling on all of South Tyrol’s means of public transport and a day trip on a borrowed bicycle.
    If you ride your own bicycle you can bring it with you on the train. The daily ticket for the bike costs € 7.
    Difficulté : facile
    77 m altitude
    33.4 Km distance
    Riedl Tour
    Karneid/Cornedo all'Isarco, Dolomites Region Eggental

    This medium difficulty circular bike tour delights everyone, as it runs mostly on paved roads without particularly difficulties passages. The fantastic view of the neighbouring Dolomite mountains is always fascinating.

    Difficulté : moyenne
    599 m altitude
    17.9 Km distance
    Bike route from Vilpian to Lana
    Terlan/Terlano, Alto Adige Wine Road

    The route is easy to ride, because there are no special height differences to be overcome. Attractions in Lana: the Schnatterpeckaltar in the parish church of Niederlana and the South Tyrol Museum of Fruit-Growing at Brandiser Waalweg No. 4 (near the golf course).

    Difficulté : facile
    47 m altitude
    20.7 Km distance
    Naurnser Alm mountain hut - Rio lagundo - Lagundo
    Algund/Lagundo, Meran/Merano and environs


    Start at the outdoor pool in Algund/Lagundo and turn right to take the cycle path to Naturns/Naturno. In Naturns/Naturno, cross the bridge and continue until the sports field, where the ascent to the Naturnser Nörderberg mountain begins. Passing by a few mountain farms, you continue uphill until you reach the forest road leading to the Kreuzbrünnl car park and to the Naturnser Alm mountain hut. Proceed along trail no. 9A branching off to the right directly behind the mountain hut (Please note: We recommend against taking trail no. 30!). After a short ascent, an old cart path leads along the high plateau to the junction with trail no. 9. Follow this partly steep trail until Vigiljoch/Monte San Vigilio. Take the forest road at the small church to descend towards Aschbach/Rio Lagundo and continue along the asphalt road down to Töll/Tel and back to Algund/Lagundo.
    Difficulté : difficile
    1706 m altitude
    47.6 Km distance
    Family Biking Tour in Gais
    Gais, Dolomites Region Kronplatz/Plan de Corones

    The biking tour from Gais to Campo Tures/Sand in Taufers through the idyllic landscape along the river Aurino/Ahr is suitable for families and flat. The starting point is the children's playground in the center of Gais; the bike path, brings vacationers across meadows, fields and villages along the Aurino river, until the waterfalls of Riva di Tures/Rein in Taufers are reached, before Campo Tures. It's a marked cycle path that passes partly on roads, partly on streets of access to farms and on paths through the fields. The return journey follows the same route.

    Difficulté : facile
    0 m altitude
    11 Km distance
    Pustertal|Val Pusteria Bike Route: Variation San Lorenzo - Val Badia
    St.Lorenzen/San Lorenzo di Sebato, Dolomites Region Kronplatz/Plan de Corones

    This variation of the bike path continues from Brunico in the direction of S. Lorenzo|St. Lorenzen to the former Roman road station, Mansio Sebatum. Excavations and a museum offer the opportunity to learn more about the Romans in the Pustertal. The route goes from San Lorenzo to San Vigilio or to San Martin – 23 or 24 km (14.5 or 15 miles).

    Difficulté : moyenne
    0 m altitude
    0.0 m distance
    Kaltern Bike Tour: Wine route Middle from Caldaro
    Kaltern an der Weinstraße/Caldaro sulla Strada del Vino, Alto Adige Wine Road

    With a length of about 23 km, this is the shortest of the three wine village tours. It will take you through some of the best-known and most-scenic historic wine villages along the South Tyrolean Wine Route, including Girlan / Cornaiano, Eppan / Appiano, and Kaltern / Caldaro – renowned for their Pinot Blanc and the local Lake Caldaro wine.

    This roundtrip tour begins in Kaltern, at the square in front of the large winery cooperatives (Kellerei Kaltern and Erste + Neue). From here, the route stretches through a patch of forest to the two Montiggl lakes. It continues to Girlan / Cornaiano, an historic wine village with underground wine cellars actually occupying more area than the village itself. The following segments include St. Pauls / San Paolo as well as St. Michael /San Michele – the actual center of Eppan, renowned for its fortress. You might consider taking a side-trip to the mountain fortress of Hocheppan (managed), which dates back to the 12th century. From there, you can admire a fabulous view of the Etsch / Adige Valley and the Dolomites. The wine route will now take you back to Kaltern by the Lake – which enjoys a great reputation not only for the Lake Caldaro wine named after it. Once you've completed the tour, we recommend going to the market square and visiting the "Punkt" wine house – which has been modernized in appearance – or the South Tyrolean Wine Museum.

    General information about these three wine village tours:

    Cycling along the South Tyrolean Wine Route is always a unique experience. Mild temperatures and approx. 300 days of sunshine per year make this, the oldest Wine Route of Italy, an ideal place for active vacationers and pleasure-seekers wishing to explore the vicinity by bike. The three pleasure cycling routes of the low-traffic South Tyrolean Wine Route offer plenty of options to experience the vineyards, visit the wine cellars, and explore the castles. The three wine routes (North, Middle, and South) display almost no significant inclines – and they can be cycled throughout the year, both individually and in combination.

    Complete service

    • We pay attention to your safety: First water to quench your thirst, and then wine for enjoyment.
    • When you come to us, you can rest assured that your bicycle is in good hands: Reliable onsite parking is guaranteed.
    • We care about your comfort: Upon request, we will deliver your purchases from some of our member wineries to your hotel (surcharge).
    Difficulté : facile
    565 m altitude
    23.3 Km distance
    Mountain bike
    Uphill Marzoneralm 2
    Kastelbell-Tschars/Castelbello-Ciardes, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    From the Etschradbrücke bridge in Tschars the uphill trail no. 2 to the Marzoner Alm mountain pasture leads with a slight incline past various farms up to Tomberg, and continues on to the Zirmtal intersection. There the trail turns right in order to reach, by means of another climb, the Marzoner Alm mountain pasture (1,600 m). The first 8,3 km are paved and the rest of the route is along a gravel path. Upon arrival at the Uphill  Marzoner Alm 2, there are two different ways to join either the Lupo Trail or the Fontana Trail. At 6,7 km (570m vertical climb) one can take the Fontana Trail and at 4,3 km (360m vertical climb) the Lupo Trail.

    Difficulté : moyenne
    1077 m altitude
    11.9 Km distance
    Bike - Tour Laion

    Laion Bike-Tour

    Extremely diverse tour, which really offers everything that makes an eventful MTB route. Different grounds, the change between woods and meadows, views and pleasant shade, and not least the interesting profile with several ascents and descents of different gradients, as well as short flat sections lend this circular tour a unique character. After not quite 12km, there is also the opportunity to tackle a further ascent to one of the two managed cabins, or to choose the descent straight back to Laion/Lajen.

    Difficulté : moyenne
    943 m altitude
    16.0 Km distance
    Wine & bike: The Wine Road
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    The circular bike tour leads through some of the most famous and beautiful historical wine villages along the South Tyrolean Wine Road, Cornaiano/Girlan, Appiano/Eppan, and Caldaro/Kaltern, well-known for their Pinot Blanc wine.

    From Bolzano follow the bike trail that leads to Cornaiano, a historical wine village featuring underground cellars that take up more space than the village itself. The next stage is San Michele/St. Michael, the actual centre of the Appiano castle region. A visit to the wineries in this outstanding wine region is really worthwhile. The wine route now leads back to Caldaro by the lake, famous not only for the wine named after the Kalterer See, but also because it is one of the most well-known wine villages in the province. The route then leads to the village Ora/Auer and from here returns to Bolzano following the Adige/Etsch river.
    Difficulté : moyenne
    436 m altitude
    49.2 Km distance
    Kaltern Bike Tour: Wine route South from Caldaro
    Kaltern an der Weinstraße/Caldaro sulla Strada del Vino, Alto Adige Wine Road

    The South Wine Route then runs about 40 km in a long circuit to Salorno / Salurn, the southernmost community of South Tyrol. Along the way, you'll pass through the charming wine villages of Tramin / Termeno, Kurtatsch / Cortaccia, Margreid / Magrè, and Kurtinig / Cortina all’Adige as you glide along the Wine Route.

    The South of South Tyrol: Bicycle tour

    This tour begins at the square in front of the large winery cooperatives (Kellerei Kaltern and Erste + Neue). From here, the bike trail will lead you through the vineyards and down to Lake Caldaro and past its eastern shore (by Klughammer) towards Auer / Ora. You'll pass the reeds and the biotope on the southern banks of the lake before the route enters the Auer-Tramin Bicycle Trail. There, it also bends into the South Wine Route. You can ride on it in either direction. In other words: There are two paths to the southernmost point in Salurn.

    If you now take the right turn, you'll first proceed on the South Tyrolean Wine Route and enter into the historic wine village Tramin / Termeno. The Gewürztraminer variety of grape – which is indigenous to this locality and is used to make some of the finest wines available – is named after this village. The route continues to the south through the historical wine village of Kurtatsch / Cortaccia and past the famous "original grapevine" grafted here in the year in Margreid / Magrè. From here, you will proceed to Kurtinig – often referred to as "Little Venice" by the locals because it is flooded so often. It's only now that the route crosses the Etsch River. Salurn is located on its eastern side. You can take the short side-trip to the Haderburg – which was established here on a rocky prominence in the 11th century as a fortress.

    On the return trip back to Kaltern, you will encounter the villages of Neumarkt / Egna and Auer / Ora on this side of the valley. In Neumarkt, you ought to visit the centuries-old and impressive leafy arcades in the center (which is closed to motor traffic). It's a wonderful opportunity to exit the hustle-and-bustle of modern times and immerse yourself in the Middle Ages. You can admire the handsome old manors, enjoy the coolness of the arcades, and explore the village's shopping options.

    Farther to the north, the bicycle trail will take you past the Castelfeder biotope – an ancient cult site located on a wild, romantic hilly landscape abounding with fascinating geological formations and enormous boulders left behind by receding glaciers, and that has lost none of its magical appeal. If you wish, you can now pay a visit to Auer before continuing across the Etsch River to Lake Caldaro and up to Kaltern.

    A fitting conclusion would be, e.g., a visit to the wine house at the starting-point / finish line of this tour. Or at the market square. The "Punkt" wine house there carries a wide assortment of wines from the Lake Caldaro area.

    Variants: At Margreid / Magrè and Neumarkt / Egna, there are two additional bridges over the Etsch River which you can use as short-cuts. There is also rail service between Salorno / Salurn, Kurtinig / Cortina, Margreid, Neumarkt, and Auer – a great way to save yourself a few kilometers (

    General information about these three wine village tours:

    Biking along the South Tyrolean Wine Route is always a very special experience. Mild temperatures and about 300 days of sunshine per year make the oldest Wine Route of Italy an ideal place for active vacationers and pleasure-seekers wishing to explore the vicinity by bike. The three pleasure cycling routes of the low-traffic South Tyrolean Wine Route offer a wealth of options to experience the vineyards, visit the wine cellars, and explore the castles. The three wine routes (North, Middle, and South) display almost no significant grades – and they can be cycled throughout the year, both individually and in combination.

    Difficulté : moyenne
    645 m altitude
    54.0 Km distance
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9