Der Kalterer See ist der wärmste Bergsee im Alpenraum. Die gemütliche Radtour, geeignet für die ganze Familie, führt entlang des Sees durch bezaubernde Obstwiesen und Weinberge. Erkunden Sie die schönsten Plätze im Süden Südtirols auf Ihrem Fahrrad.
Der Kalterer See ist der wärmste Bergsee im Alpenraum. Die gemütliche Radtour, geeignet für die ganze Familie, führt entlang des Sees durch bezaubernde Obstwiesen und Weinberge. Erkunden Sie die schönsten Plätze im Süden Südtirols auf Ihrem Fahrrad.
On the Pustertal cycling route from the Antholz Valley to Bruneck.
On the Pustertal cycling path to Toblach and ahead in direction Cortina till the View of the 3 Peaks.
From the Antholz Valley to Mühlbach along the Pustertal Bike Route
Antholz Niedertal > Antholzer See > Staller Sattel > Klammljoch > Rein in Taufers > Sand in Taufers > Bruneck > Rasen > Antholz Niedertal.
Rasen > Olang > Furkelpass > Enneberg > Maria Saalen > Reischach > Ried > Rasen
This tour leads you through the Adige cycle path to the historic city of Trento.
From Algund to Meran in the direction of the Passeier Valley. Before you come to the Zenoberg bridge, which leads across the Gilf canyon, turn right uphill to the Passer dam. The cycle path leads you mostly on gravelled road along the river Passer, which you must cross (bridges) several times. Passing the villages of Riffian, Saltaus and St. Martin. The road is well marked and without extended uphill runs until St. Leonhard.
Antholz Niedertal > Redensberg > Aschbach > Nasen > Antholz Valley
The southernmost ‘Wine & Bike’ route leads from the wine villages of Cortaccia/Kurtatsch and Magrè/Margreid to Cortina all’Adige/Kurtinig and Salorno/Salurn. Return via Egna/Neumarkt and Ora/Auer, the Lake Kaltern and back to Termeno/Tramin. The stretch from Salorno to Ora can be completed by train.
The mystical Haderburg Castle in Salorno is majestically enthroned on a ledge and offers a breathtaking view over the whole valley.
This tour leads you to the breathtaking GardaLake with its Mediterranean flair and pictorial villages.
This bike tour follows the trackbed of the former Fleimstalbahn railway, which was built during the First World War, serving primarily to transport goods until 1936. It began in Ora/Auer and ran to the town of Predazzo. The stretch from Ora to San Lugano is still in good condition and is easy to ride. The bike tour leads through historic villages, wonderful vineyards - right through the Pinot Noir heart of Pinzon/Pinzano and through Auer/Ora, the home of the Lagrein - the wonderful mountain landscape of the Trudner Horn/Monte Corno Nature Park and is particularly rewarding because of the unique view of the South Tyrolean lowlands.
From the MediterraneanfFlair of Salorno to the pictorial arbours of Egna and the bucolic alleys of Ora and the historical center of Bolzano.
To Ried and passing the castle Lamprechtsburg to Bruneck. On the Pustertaler cycling route back to the Antholz Valley.
Der Radweg führt über das schöne Etschtal zwischen der Landeshauptstadt Bozen, dem mittelalterliche Städtchen Klausen und der Bischofsstadt Brixen entlang.
Starting in the centre of Trodena on an asphalted street we drive down to Fontanefredde (1005m). Then we drive past the farm "Pausa" until we reach Montagna (672m). The track leads past Castelfeder (377m), between Ora and Egna we reach the connection to the Adige Cycle Route.
Tour Nr. 4
Visit the Bassa Atesina and go in for a beautiful bike tour alomg the Südtiroler Weinstraße/Strada del Vino. The pictorial arbours of Egna, the contemplative Village Cortaccia and the romantic historical center of Termeno are waiting for you!
Dieser Strecke ist ein Teilstück des bekannten Etschradweges und des Radweges Via Claudia Augusta. Hier erleben Sie die beeindruckende Landschaften und die zauberhafte Natur Südtirols. Empfehlens-wert ist ein Abstecher in die Kurstadt Meran, bekannt für zahlreiche Museen und Sehenswürdigkeiten, und den botanische Gärten von „Schloss Trautmannsdorf“.
On the Pustertal cycling route from the Antholz Valley to Bruneck and then in direction Ahnrtal to Sand in Taufers to the starting point of the waterfalls Reinbach. From there you can visit the waterfalls on foot.
From the Antholz Valley to the Furkelpass/Passo Furcia (Altitude difference: 728 m | Lenght: 10,2 km)