Reschen/Resia, Graun im Vinschgau/Curon Venosta, Vinschgau/Val Venosta
From Reschen head via Vallierteck in the direction of Rojen. Arrived at the Kopferbrücke bridge parking lot of the Rescher Alm, take the main road on the right to reach the Rojen valley. Here the trail continues slightly uphill on the asphalt road. At the crossroads to the hamlet of Rojen, continue straight on and then turn left towards Schöneben mountain station and the alpine pasture there at 2,087m. After a short stop at the Schönebenhütte, continue below the hut on the asphalt road towards St. Valentin-Haideralm. After a long downhill ride, the gravel road "Plattweg" branches off to the right on the ski slope in the direction of Haideralm. Now it's about 3 km slightly uphill to the Haideralm at 2,120 m. Make another stop here. The regional cuisine is highly recommended. After a culinary refreshment, start the return journey to the valley. The 5 km long descent along the forest road in the direction of St. Valentin leads through beautiful spruce and larch forest to Plagött above Lake Haider. From Plagött, a wonderful view of the small natural lake opens up towards the south of the Vinschgau Valley. Once in St. Valentin, take the cycle path on the left towards the dam wall of Lake Reschen and cycle on to Graun and Reschen.