Don't miss the diverse range of experiences of South Tyrol! Enjoy sporting activities, discover the rich culture and visit diverse events in Alpine and Mediterranean locations. Whether young or old, everyone will find something suitable. To help you decide, we present our suggestions for an unforgettable holiday in South Tyrol. Experience the diversity!
The route to the Niger pass links the biking region of the Seiser Alm to the biking adventure in the Eggental. You have to grapple with 562 m of elevation but can replenish your energies at the Refuge Niger Pass before you set off to explore the other biking region.
The extremely challenging Duron valley tour is guaranteed biking fun at its best. It leads you through the whole of the Seiser Alm, through the Duron valley and into Trentino, and completing the loop round the Langkofel and Plattkofel mountains.
Information about the timetables and tickets of the summer lifts: