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    Itinéraires cyclistes dans et à travers le Sud-Tyrol

    Sentiers cyclables de vallée, itinéraires cyclistes longue distance ou circuits cyclistes culturels. Dans le Sud-Tyrol, tous les cyclistes trouveront le circuit qui leur convient.
    Kaltern Bike Tour: Mitterberg Round
    Kaltern an der Weinstraße/Caldaro sulla Strada del Vino, Alto Adige Wine Road

    If you've ever been to Kaltern / Caldaro or at least passed by it, then you'll already be familiar with the Mitterberg, this long, heavily forested hump of reddish rock in the middle of the Etsch / Adige Valley between the Etsch / Adige River and Lake Caldaro. But not everyone knows that there are more than 600 km of trails and paths in the vicinity of the Mitterberg – an ideal playground for bikers of every stripe. The Mitterberg circuit tour leads entirely along bike trails. It is not restricted solely to the Mitterberg. Rather, it will take you around it – a tour that is extremely suitable for beginners and families – but also a great trail to get a little practice. From Kaltern, you'll first glide along the bike trail on your way down to Auer / Ora. You then continue along Lake Caldaro and finally round the southern tip of the Mitterberg until you come to the Etsch Bridge. Here – just before the village of Auer – you'll now enter the Etsch Valley Bicycle Trail which continues to the south towards Trento and to the north towards Bozen / Bolzano. The tour sticks to the Etsch River – usually far enough away from the autobahn so that you won't be bothered by traffic noise. The Mitterberg circuit tour can be taken in either direction since it consists wholly of asphalt bicycle paths. But the direction indicated here is recommended especially for afternoons when the south wind – the "Ora" – will provide a pleasant tailwind as you speed along the level Etsch Bicycle Trail towards Bozen. Just behind Bozen, the bike trail winds along the old railroad line slightly uphill towards Kaltern.

    Variants: To the south of Lake Caldaro, you can continue straight on the bike trail to Auer / Ora and combine this route with, e.g., the "Neumarkt / Egna" tour.

    Mustn't be missed: Lake Caldaro, the provincial capital of Bozen, Sigmundskron Castle with the Messner Mountain Museum.

    Difficulté : facile
    246 m altitude
    36.2 Km distance
    Pustertal|Val Pusteria Bike Route: Leg Brunico|Bruneck - Fortezza|Franzensfeste
    Franzensfeste/Fortezza, Dolomites Region Kronplatz/Plan de Corones

    The Brunico|Bruneck to Fortezza|Franzensfeste leg is rich in cultural and historical treasures that make the route unique. The settlements, fortresses, and historical monuments from Roman times through the Middle Ages line the bike path along the Rienza|Rienz, offering interesting insights into the history of the valley.

    This leg of the Pustertal|Val Pusteria bike route is also hilly, as it forms the connecting point between the Central Val Pusteria and the Isarco|Eisack Valley. From Brunico, it continues in the direction of S. Lorenzo|St. Lorenzen to the former Roman road station, Mansio Sebatum. Excavations and a museum offer the opportunity to learn more about the Romans in the Pustertal. The petting zoo at Wildberg Manor is a pleasant change of pace for both young and old and not to forget the Castel Sonnenburg. Things continue on quietly through landscapes of forests and meadows toward Casteldarne|Ehrenburg (Castel Ehrenburg) and Chienes|Kiens. Those who enjoy cheese will be in for a treat at the Gatscher farmhouse cheese dairy. The trip then proceeds to S. Sigismondo|St. Sigmund and Vandoies|Vintl. At Lodenwelt, which is located there, the adventure museum devoted to the subject of loden felt can be visited, as can an animal reserve and the fine Capriz cheese dairy. Those who enjoy the finer things in life certainly won’t come up short along this route! After passing Vandoies, the bicycle trail passes by the Rio Molino|Mühlbach Gap, a former valley and road block from the twelfth century, continuing on to Rio Molino. At this point, it is possible to return by train. But for all those who have some energy and motivation left, continuing on to visit the fortress in Fortezza is certainly worthwhile.

    Possible variations along the route:

    • Val Badia Bike Route from Brunico to San Vigilio or to San Martin – 23 or 24 km (14.5 or 15 miles)
      Getting to know the Ladin culture and language.
    • Valli di Tures and Aurina|Tauferer Ahrntal Bike Route from Brunico via Campo Tures|Sand in Taufers to S. Giacomo|St. Jakob – 36 km (22 miles)
      On two wheels through the realm of more than seventy three thousand meter (ten thousand foot) peaks.
    • Bike Route Brennero-Bolzano from Fortezza|Franzensfeste toward Brennero|Brenner (45 km/28 miles) or in the direction of Bolzano|Bozen (43 km/27 miles).
    Difficulté : moyenne
    975 m altitude
    34.8 Km distance
    Tour to the Messner Mountain Museum
    Nals/Nalles, Meran/Merano and environs

    From Nalles you go to Vilpiano and then along the cycle path Etschtal Valley until Firmiano and afterwards to Appiano.

    It continues through the vineyards to Cornaiano and on a beautiful trail to the Messner Mountain Museum. The tour brings you along the apple trees to Andriano and back to Nalles.

    • Total length: 32 km
    • Driving time: 3 hours
    • Difference in altitude: 240 m
    Difficulté : facile
    319 m altitude
    32 Km distance
    Kaltern Bike Graveltour: Tour of Caldaro
    Kaltern an der Weinstraße/Caldaro sulla Strada del Vino, Alto Adige Wine Road
    If you start cycling in Kaltern, you will first find yourself surrounded by vines. Soon, however, the paths disappear into forests where you can lose yourself. This tour can only explore a few kilometres of the huge network of paths, but as a selection of the best paths it does justice to the claim of getting to know the area.

    It first leads into the forest on the western flank of the Adige Valley between the sports centre and the small hamlet of Altenburg with one of the most beautiful viewpoints over Lake Kaltern. On the other side, between Kaltern and Etsch, rises the Mitterberg. From the Adige valley, rugged walls rise 400 metres steeply. On the Kalterer side, the wooded terrain slopes gently. Over there is the next destination of the tour, the large stone valley. On the slopes of the Mitterberg you now stay in the forest and pass the Montiggler Lakes. Here you can dangle your feet in the water or go swimming. The Montiggl forest offers an endless network of paths that lead via the village of Montiggl to the cosy wine village of Girlan. Now the vines line the path again when it goes from Girlan back to Kaltern.

    Variants: You can also skip the detour to Altenburg and just do the short loop via the Große Steintal and Montiggl to Girlan. If you feel like it, you can also include a detour to Lake Kaltern in the loop.
    Difficulté : moyenne
    840 m altitude
    35.0 Km distance
    Kaltern Bike Tour: Entiklar
    Kaltern an der Weinstraße/Caldaro sulla Strada del Vino, Alto Adige Wine Road

    This tour will take you through picturesque South Tyrolean vineyards all the way to Entiklar and is one of the most-challenging of the novice tours around Kaltern. You'll have to contend with more than 700 meters of altitude differential. But on the other hand, it does not require a high level of technical cycling skills – that's because the trail is almost entirely over asphalt paths. Especially in the springtime, when the fruit trees blossom beneath the snow-capped mountains of the Dolomites, this tour boasts a great deal of scenic beauty. From Kaltern, you'll first cycle up the low-traffic road uphill to Altenburg – just to get your blood flowing at the beginning. Then you'll glide over the small, level plateau until you come to a steep asphalt path downhill to Söll / Sella and further downhill to Tramin / Termeno. If that's enough for you, you can also cycle down into the fruit orchards on the floor of the Etsch / Adige Valley and glide back to Lake Caldaro. But we recommend that you continue along the defined route – that's because the especially appealing segment will take you through hilly terrain and through the fruit orchards and vineyards to Kurtatsch / Cortaccia and finally to the small village of Entiklar high above the Etsch / Adige Valley. On the valley floor, you'll find the little town of Margreid / Magrè. You've now already completed the difficult part of the tour – the return trip is over level side roads and through fruit orchards back to Tramin and from there to nearby Lake Caldaro. Once you've arrived there, you might want to stop for refreshments at one of the many dining establishments there – or maybe go for a dip in the lake. Afterwards, you can attack the remaining 180 meters of altitude differential on the way back to Kaltern.

    Variants: At the roundabout, you can take a right turn and go on a side-trip to Neumarkt / Egna.

    Mustn't be missed: The St. Vigilius Church in Kurtatsch / Cortaccia, the numerous fruit orchards and vineyards along the route, and the charming little village of Entiklar / Niclara.


    Difficulté : moyenne
    753 m altitude
    36.8 Km distance
    Altavia di Appiano & Forcolana
    Eppan an der Weinstaße/Appiano sulla Strada del Vino, Alto Adige Wine Road
    Intensive Mountainbike-Tour auf dem Eppaner Höhenweg. Erfahrene Biker kommen dank fantastischer Aussicht, aber auch spannender Trails voll auf ihre Kosten.
    Difficulté : difficile
    736 m altitude
    15.7 Km distance
    Kaltern Bike Graveltour: "Fennberg"
    Kaltern an der Weinstraße/Caldaro sulla Strada del Vino, Alto Adige Wine Road

    During this gravel tour you'll be speeding along the western fringes of the Etsch / Adige Valley. You'll be biking along paths and trails offering a variety of cycling experiences, via Altenburg and Graun all the way up to Lake Fennberg, through to Tramin / Termeno and then back to Lake Caldaro.

    In the "South of South Tyrol," the Mendel Ridge rises majestically above the Etsch / Adige Valley. At first glance, it looks as though, between the various wine villages dotted across the valley and the mighty summits, there were only forest. But if you are adventurous at heart, you might want to explore this hidden landscape offering a variety of views and experiences. From the Altenburg Sports Center, forest paths wind their way along the slopes to the Gummererhof Alpine Inn and on into the little hamlet of Graun. From here, you can admire the fabulous view of some of the communities strung along the Wine Route like pearls on a necklace: Tramin / Termeno and Kurtatsch / Cortaccia. You can now remain up high on this balcony and continue rolling to Lake Fennberg. An idyllic scene that – when viewed from below – you wouldn't expect. The lake and the church over its shores is hidden on a small saddle, shielded from the prying eyes of the busy valley, which is why it radiates a special sense of peace and quiet. When taking the return trip, you'll first proceed down the same route, but will the soon leave this balcony and roll down into the Etsch Valley. From Tramin via Lake Caldaro, vineyards will again dominate the landscape. If you have the time, there are numerous eateries and inns along the way where you can stop for refreshments. But there's no reason to not forge on ahead until you get to the market square in Kaltern / Caldaro, where you can toast your success with a glass of delicious Lake Caldaro wine. Or you can interrupt your tour to go for an invigorating dip in the lake.

    Variants: You can simply take this tour back and forth. If you choose this option, when getting to Graun on the return leg, you can also divert and proceed to Altenburg. From here, the road will then take you straight back to Kaltern.

    Difficulté : moyenne
    1675 m altitude
    56.3 Km distance
    S.Pietro - Pontives
    Start is in San Pietro at the church. Follow the road to the next fork, turn left and at the next intersection keep right in the direction of Rabanser Hof. From here turn right and follow the forest road until you reach the "Plankl Höfe". From there on the asphalted road in the direction of the Pontives craft zone.
    Difficulté : facile
    95 m altitude
    3.8 Km distance
    Bike tour in Terlan
    Terlan/Terlano, Alto Adige Wine Road

    This route crosses four villages of the Val d'Adige by orchards, vineyards, along the forest and also provides some viewpoints. The route is easy to ride, since no large height differences have to be overcome. There are several places of interest which invite you to linger. The route leads not only past designated bike paths, but also to non-busy routes. Very easy to ride with the bike.

    Difficulté : facile
    121 m altitude
    12.3 Km distance
    Uphill Tablander Alm
    Naturns/Naturno, Meran/Merano and environs

    From the Etschbrücke bridge in Tschars (Winkler Inn) the trail leads along a slight climb past various farms up to Tomberg and from there to the Schartegg parking lot (1,460m). The last stretch from the parking lot to the pasture requires a little stamina, as the trail becomes steeper. The first 8.3 km are on a paved road and the rest of the route on a gravel path. The trail to the Tablander Alm mountain pasture offers various opportunities to enter the Lupo and Fontana trails. After 6.7 km and 570m gain it is possible to take the crossing Fontana Trail, and after 4.3 km and 360m gain the crossing Lupo Trail.

    Difficulté : difficile
    1208 m altitude
    12.8 Km distance
    Family cycling tour from Laas to fishing ponds Prad
    Prad am Stilfser Joch/Prato allo Stelvio, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    From the village center in Laas on the cycle path westwards through the orchards to Oris, through the Tschengls biotope further to Prad and over the "Prader Sand" to the fishing ponds.

    Difficulté : facile
    60 m altitude
    12 Km distance
    Kaltern Bike Tour: Round Lake Caldaro
    Kaltern an der Weinstraße/Caldaro sulla Strada del Vino, Alto Adige Wine Road

    The Lake Caldaro circuit rout is not especially long. With a length of 17 km and about 300 meters of altitude differential, it's the ideal training tour for your day of arrival, a great way to familiarize yourself with the "lay of the land" around the lake, and an efficient method to obtain a quick overview of the countless further possibilities this region offers. The route is chiefly over asphalt biking paths so it's especially well-suited for novice cyclists and families with children. You'll first glide away from the Infopoint in the Kellereistrasse and down into the Lavason Valley. The trail then flattens out as you continue down towards Lake Caldaro and Auer / Ora. Now comes a single, short ascent before you apply the brakes and speed through the vineyards on your way to the lake. Once you've arrived at the lake in Klughammer, you'll continue on the eastern shores of the lake towards the south. Just south of the lake, you'll take a right turn from the Bozen-Auer Bicycle Trail and proceed over level ground around the lake, past the St. Joseph Church, until you come to the large parking lot at Lake Caldaro with its many lakeside restaurants, beaches, and swimming areas. In the summertime, you'll be tempted to go for a refreshing dip or treat yourself to an ice cream. After a rest-stop, you can continue along asphalt bicycle trails up to Kaltern / Caldaro – there are limestone-white ties embedded in the ground all along the Wine Route that indicate the various different wine-growing terrains. You'll now have to shift gears and overcome 180 meters of altitude differential – which is easier in the afternoon, with the south wind to your back. Once you're back in Kaltern, the lively atmosphere there might tempt you to enjoy a refreshing ice cream or a delicious cappuccino.

    Variants: South of Lake Caldaro, you can proceed straight along the bicycle trail towards Auer / Ora and undertake a multitude of longer tours – e.g., the "Mitterberg / Monte di Mezzo" tour or the "Neumarkt / Egna" tour.

    Mustn't be missed: Beautiful Lake Caldaro with its biotope and bird-watching point. The famous Caldaro Wine Route.

    Difficulté : facile
    283 m altitude
    16.9 Km distance
    Kaltern Bike Tour: Termeno and Egna
    Kaltern an der Weinstraße/Caldaro sulla Strada del Vino, Alto Adige Wine Road

    This bicycle tour – connecting two of Kaltern's prettiest neighboring communities – offers a cornucopia of cultural impressions. This tour will first take you past Lake Caldaro to Tramin / Termeno, the home of the Gewürztraminer variety of grape. This charming wine village with its crooked lanes, historic buildings, and authentic wine cellars is nestled on the side of the Etsch / Adige Valley. The village square rises approx. 50 meters above the river flowing just three kilometers to the west, towards the Po Valley. Visitors to Tramin who want to get more than just a superficial impression of the regional culture should consider going to the Hoamet Museum at the village square, where they can embark on a mental journey backwards in time. In any event, you're sure to become a lot more familiar with South Tyrolean history in the course of this tour. Below on the Etsch River, you'll find Neumarkt / Egna, one of the most-beautiful places in South Tyrol and rich in history.

    During the Renaissance Era, the market experienced an economic boom as draymen transporting their goods along the heavily-trafficked Brenner trade route needed a relay station for their horses every 30 km or so. After more and more goods were shifted to the increasingly important railroad, the village diminished in importance. Away from the rail line between the provincial capitals of Bozen / Bolzano and Trento, this commercial center no longer served that purpose. The village became impoverished, young people emigrated, and renovations slowed. But the alleged poverty of Neumarkt was simultaneously its selling point. In the 1980s, a cultural curator recognized the value of the place, with its neglected but unchanged and historically valuable center, and suggested that the center be completely restored in its original style. The restoration work was arduous and time-consuming – but done with care and attention to detail. Consequently, today's Neumarkt with its handsome houses and historic arcades is a true jewel. In some of the inner courtyards, you may still stumble upon original Renaissance frescos. All these aspects make Neumarkt an especially worthwhile destination in the beautiful "South of South Tyrol." The easy bike tour from Kaltern / Caldaro to Neumarkt will take you through the fruit orchards of the "Unterland" district of South Tyrol to the no-traffic zone of central Neumarkt. You can escape the hectic activity of the modern era and immerse yourself in the medieval atmosphere, with its charming old manors, charming lanes, and ancient monuments. There is an abundance of cute little boutiques and shops, and when it comes to dining, you can choose from many different little restaurants. We recommend that you stop by the little Andreas Hofer Museum or in the Museum for Everyday Culture. Andreas Hofer was a hero of Tyrolean history; after he was sentenced to death, he was transported to Mantua and, in doing so, spent a night in Neumarkt. He was kept in a house basement and, according to the story, told his guards: "Keep a good eye on me! Because if I run away, you'll be executed in my place." With a backpack full of pleasant memories and impressions, you can now continue your journey on the Etsch Bicycle Route towards Auer / Ora and finally undertake the 180 meters of altitude differential back to Kaltern – it'll get your heart pumping and so help you develop a little appetite for dinner in one of Kaltern's many nice restaurants.

    Variants: This tour can be combined with, e.g., the "Mitterberg / Monte di Mezzo" tour.

    Mustn't be missed: Tramin / Termeno with the Hoamet Museum. Neumarkt / Egna with its historic center and the Andreas Hofer Museum and the Museum for Everyday Culture in Neumarkt.

    Difficulté : facile
    332 m altitude
    32.4 Km distance
    Etsch Bike Route from Meran/Merano to Bozen/Bolzano
    Meran/Merano, Meran/Merano and environs
    The Etsch Bike Route is a pleasant cycle path running from Meran/Merano to Bozen/Bolzano. If you rent your bike at the “Südtirol Rad” rental point in Meran, you may return it at that company’s rental point in Bozen. The return trip to Meran can then be undertaken by train. For the latter option, you may want to purchase the bikemobil Card, which combines two different offers: unlimited travelling on all of South Tyrol’s means of public transport and a day trip on a borrowed bicycle.
    If you ride your own bicycle and would like to take the train from Bozen to Meran, you should keep in mind that taking bicycles on the train is subject to a charge (€ 7) and is only possible to a limited extent (not more than 16-20 bicycles per train) due to space and security reasons. In any case, priority is given to the transportation of people.
    Difficulté : facile
    0 m altitude
    30 Km distance
    Long-distance cycle track
    Road biking - Passo del Rombo
    Naturns/Naturno, Meran/Merano and environs

    Passo del Rombo Tour
    San Leonardo, Passiria – Moso, Passiria – Passo del Rombo –
    Moso, Passiria – San Leonardo, Passiria

    Difficulté : moyenne
    3539 m altitude
    58.6 Km distance
    Val d’Adige cycling track Algund - Bozen
    Algund/Lagundo, Meran/Merano and environs
    The train of the Bozen-Meran line is ideal for enhancing your cycling experience in South Tyrol. There is one bike hire service at the train station Merano and another one at the Messe railway station Bozen Sud, both being available from mid June to mid September.

    Bikes can be borrowed and returned at different stations. The borrow service includes a cycling helmet. For our little guests who are still too small to cycle by themselves there are children’s seats available. In addition, there are special tandems and multi-purpose trailers (also for dogs).

    The price of transporting a bike & a person is the same as the price per person, which is EURO 7. A day ticket can be bought at the ticket office.

    Bikemobil Card:   This combi ticket can be used for all public transport (bus, train, lift facilities) in all of South Tyrol. In addition, on one day of your choice, you can also borrow a bike at one of the numerous borrow-a-bike stations with the ‘Südtirol Rad’ symbol (Bike South Tyrol). Borrowed bikes can be returned at any of the ‘Südtirol Rad’ hire stations. A fabulous way to discover South Tyrol!
    • 7 day ticket Bikemobilcard: Adults/€ 35,00 - Junior (6 to 14 yrs.) € 17,50
    • 3 day ticket Bikemobilcard: Adults/€ 30,00 - Junior (6 to 14 yrs.) € 15,00
    • 1 day ticket Bikemobilcard: Adults/€ 25,00 - Junior (6 to 14 yrs.) € 12,50
    Difficulté : facile
    60 m altitude
    36.8 Km distance
    Algund - Aschbach - Vigiljoch
    Algund/Lagundo, Meran/Merano and environs

    From Algund via Mitterplars to Töll - entrance to the new cycle path. Ride towards the bridge, then follow the Quadrathofstrasse, which will lead you up a steep hill. After 2.4 km turn in the direction of Aschbach (left) at the crossroads, pass two restaurants: at 3 km Gasthaus Niederhof and at 4.3 km Gasthof Bründl. The road leads you through steep forests uphill, passing the former Gasthof Mahlbach (ruins), until the roads ends at 7.3 km at a barrier. Ride on via the forest road, which soon becomes less steep, until you come to 9.2 km. At a fork at 9.8 km, you have reached the highest point (1,416 metres). Turn right, follow path # 27 to Aschbach until you come to 10.9 km, where the forest road ends. After pushing your bike for about 3 to 4 minutes along the hiking path, you come back to a forest road leading downhill to Aschbach (1,362 metres / 12.4 km / N46º 38631 E011º04.421). The Aschbacherhof is a good place to rest and eat and offers you wonderful panoramic views. Be careful on the road leading down to the valley. There are lots of unexpected cars turning corners. Drive via Mitterplars to Algund.

    Difficulté : moyenne
    1570 m altitude
    34.7 Km distance
    Bicycle ride through asparagus fields and blossoming apple orchards
    Terlan/Terlano, Alto Adige Wine Road

    The movement in the outdoors is not only healthy, it also causes mental miracles: On foot or by bike - fresh air promotes circulation, relax and brings good mood. The view of the Asparagus fields in Terlan and the blossoming orchards promotes this feeling of happiness.

    Difficulté : facile
    95 m altitude
    29.2 Km distance
    Tour to the Gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle
    Nals/Nalles, Meran/Merano and environs

    The tour leads you from the Town Hall Square in Nalles to the Apple-cycle-path along the golf course in Lana. It continues through Lana, after Sinigo and then it goes up to the Gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle (visitation possible). It goes back through the beautiful spa town of Merano. Along the apple trees, the tour leads you back to Nalles.

    • Total length: 36 km
    • Driving time: 3 hours
    • Difference in altitude: 260 m
    Difficulté : facile
    179 m altitude
    36 Km distance
    Kaltern Bike Graveltour: To the Heilig lake
    Kaltern an der Weinstraße/Caldaro sulla Strada del Vino, Alto Adige Wine Road

    This is a wild and demanding gravel tour which will take you across the "Green Line" of the South Tyrolean forests and down to Lago Santo ("Lake Heilig") in Trentino. You'll proceed along winding forest trails and curving paths – requiring a good command of your gravel bike on earthy terrain.

    You'd better have an adventurous spirit if you want to undertake this tour. In the border area between South Tyrol and the province of Trentino, you'll be passing through seemingly endless forests radiating an enchanting quality. There are many reasons to undertake this tour: You'll love the unparalleled peace and quiet – in part on earthy trails where you can have some fun. And idyllic "Lago Santo" is certainly a worthwhile destination. You'll first proceed at a quick pace via Lake Caldaro and down into the Etsch / Adige Valley. You'll start your ascent on the valley's left flank near Auer / Ora. The trail along the former Fleims / Fiemme Valley railroad will afford you splendid views of the "South of South Tyrol." Once you've passed the last few hamlets, you'll be leaving civilization and ascending on forest roads to the Gfrill Saddle. After a short ascent, you'll arrive in the hamlet of Gfrill / Cauria, 1,000 meters above the Etsch Valley, the last small outpost of South Tyrol before you pass over the provincial border to Trentino. You'll enter into this wild forest and proceed along earthy trails on your way to Lake Heilig. But the adventure isn't over yet! First, there's an exciting descent where you'll come out in Salorno / Salurn, on the shores of the Etsch River. The Etsch Bicycle Trail is the quickest connection back to Lake Caldaro where you can perhaps take a refreshing dip and maybe enjoy a snack near Klughammer. The real end of this tour is only after you have accomplished the final 200 meters of altitude differential on your way to Kaltern / Caldaro. But you'll already have rest-stop options along the way – e.g., at the Albergo Lago Santo or in Salurn. Neumarkt / Egna is likewise worth a side-trip. The bicycle trail will lead you right to it.

    Variants: This tour can also be taken in the reverse order. However, when cycling from Salorno / Salurn up to Lake Heilig, you'll have to overcome slight ramps.

    Difficulté : difficile
    1871 m altitude
    83.2 Km distance
    Pustertal|Val Pusteria Bike Route: Leg San Candido|Innichen - Brunico|Bruneck
    Rasen-Antholz/Rasun Anterselva, Dolomites Region Kronplatz/Plan de Corones

    On the San Candido|Innichen to Brunico|Bruneck leg, the green color of the meadows, fields, and forests dominates the view. Along the railway route, sometimes through inhabited areas and sometimes through an undisturbed natural landscape, the bike path runs with a constant up and down from village to village as far as Brunico, the economic center of the Pustertal|Val Pusteria. 

    After the start in San Candido, the absolute first destination that is reached is the village of Dobbiaco|Toblach, the highest point of the entire leg. Following the Rienza-Rienz down the valley, the cyclist will then continue on to Villabassa|Niederdorf and Monguelfo|Welsberg. Anyone who would like to enjoy a game of golf can do so here in the newly built miniature golf course. For all culture lovers, a visit to Welsperg Castle is recommended. From Monguelfo, it is not far to Valdaora|Olang. Riders will pass by all three parts of the village, namely Valdaora di Sopra|Oberolang, Valdaora di Mezzo|Mitterolang, and Valdaora di Sotto|Niederolang, and the only problem will be too many choices as to whether there should be a detour to the Kinderwelt (“Kid’s World”) of Valdaora, a visit to the Kron Arc Adventure Park, or a trip to the restored Venetian “Lipper Säge” (Lippa Sawmill).  From Valdaora, the bike path continues downriver through undisturbed nature until the small medieval city of Brunico is reached. Towering high above the roofs of the city is Brunico Castle, while further down on the via Centrale|Stadtgasse, a lively hustle and bustle is going on in the charming shops and the many cafes, inns, and restaurants. In Brunico, there are a whole variety of museums and art treasures to experience. Of particular significance is the Folklore Museum in Teodone|Dietenheim, the Messner Mountain Museum MMM RIPA which is housed in Brunico Castle, and the newest museum, the MMM Corones. The latter is located at an elevation of 2,275 m (7,464 ft.) on the summit of the Kronplatz|Plan de Corones, and it can be reached from Riscone|Reischach by cableway.

    Possible variations along the route:

    • Valle di Casies-Gsieser Tal Bike Route from Monguelfo to Santa Maddalena-St. Magdalena – 15 km (9.5 miles)
      Experience the rural lifestyle.
    • Valle Anterselva-Antholzertal Bike Route from Rasun-Rasen to Anterselva di Mezzo-Antholz Mittertal – 13.5 km (8.5 miles) 
      On the route to one of the most beautiful high mountain lakes in South Tyrol-Südtirol.
    • Val Badia Bike Route from Brunico to San Vigilio or to San Martin – 23 or 24 km (14.5 or 15 miles)
      Getting to know the Ladin culture and language.
    • Valli di Tures and Aurina-Tauferer Ahrntal Bike Route from Brunico to S. Giacomo-St. Jakob – 36 km (22 miles)
      On two wheels through the realm of more than seventy peaks of three thousand meters (ten thousand feet).
    Difficulté : moyenne
    684 m altitude
    34.8 Km distance
    Val d’Adige cycling track Vinschgau Mals - Algund
    Algund/Lagundo, Meran/Merano and environs

    The Vinschger railway is ideal for enhancing your cycling experience in South Tyrol. Due to the new Vinschger railway, the Vinschgau region can also now be discovered by a combination of train and bike. The railway connects the garden village of Lagundo aslike the spa town of Meran with the village of Mals. There are six railway stations along the line that offer a bike borrow service (mid April to beginning of November): Meran, Naturns, Latsch, Spondinig, Schlanders and Mals.

    Bikes can be hired and returned at different stations. The hire service includes a cycling helmet. For our little guests, who are still too small to cycle by themselves, there are children’s seats available. In addition, there are special tandems and multi-purpose trailers (also for dogs).

    Due to the incredible success of bike admittance on trains, there was not enough space on the trains for passengers and bikes. For this reason, restrictions had to be applied at that time. This restriction is still valid at the railways stations of Meran and Algund if you enter with your bike for the journey going towards the Vinschgau region. If this applies to you at some stage, you can use an alternative service: the bike shuttle. This bus runs six times daily from Meran to Mals, i.e. at 9.16 am / 9.46 a.m. / 9.46 a.m. / 10.16 a.m. / 11.16 a.m. / 4.16 p.m. and 5.16 p.m. Afterwards, your bike can be picked up at one of the bike borrow stations of your choice, which are at the following stations: Naturns, Latsch, Schlanders, Spondinig or Mals.

    The price of transporting a bike & a person is the same as the price per person, which is EURO 7. A day ticket can be bought at the ticket office.

    Bikemobil Card:

    This combi ticket can be used for all public transport (bus, train, lift facilities) in all of South Tyrol. In addition, on one day of your choice, you can also hire a bike at one of the numerous borrow-a-bike stations with the ‘Südtirol Rad’ symbol (Bike South Tyrol). Borrowed bikes can be returned at any of the ‘Südtirol Rad’ borrow stations. A fabulous way to discover South Tyrol!

    • 7 day ticket Bikemobilcard: Adults/€ 35,00 - Junior (6 to 14 yrs.) € 17,50
    • 3 day ticket Bikemobilcard: Adults/€ 30,00 - Junior (6 to 14 yrs.) € 15,00
    • 1 day ticket Bikemobilcard: Adults/€ 25,00 - Junior (6 to 14 yrs.) € 12,50
    Difficulté : facile
    110 m altitude
    58.7 Km distance
    Bicycle "Via Claudia Augusta", part Naturno to Merano
    Naturns/Naturno, Meran/Merano and environs

    Naturno - Plaus - Rablá - Tel - Lagundo - Merano

    The bicycle route along the Adige River passes along the ancient Via Claudia Augusta all the way to Merano/Meran. The Roman connection road between the North and the South passes along fruit courtyards, cultural points of views and brings the bicyclist easy to the Mediterranean small city of Merano/Meran. Until the Tel/Töll the path goes relatively flat. From the Tel/Töll downwards the path follows the downhill pathway passing by the thrones of Trauttmansdorff and the village of Lagundo/Algund.

    Difficulté : facile
    0 m altitude
    14 Km distance
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9