Line 203: Cable car Vilpian- Mölten
Line: 203 - Cable car - Vilpian/Mölten
The Adige cycling path along the Via Claudia Augusta is a cultural experience through gardens and architecture. The cycling path leads you through the beautiful landscapes of the Etschtal Valley from the Vinschgau Valley to Merano/Meran and to the south to Bolzano/Bozen and Caldaro/Kaltern. Here is the description of the tour from Stava/Staben near Naturno/Naturns to Nalles/Nals, which leads you to Merano and further south. Without any big efforts you can explore the wide valley. The tour is ideal for families and bikers who want to take it slow.
The family-friendly bike ride with the starting point in Nalles, leads you along the villages of the Etschtal Valley through the apple trees.
From the Adige Valley to the mountains, visitors can cycle with constant temperatures through shady forests and flowering meadows, far away from the hustle and bustle of traffic.
Bike tour Saltaus/Saltusio - Prenn - Meran/Merano - Saltaus/Saltusio
This tour, the Valle Isarco route I, links the biking region of the Seiser Alm/Val Gardena with the bottom of the Eisacktal Valley, where a number of tours lead in the direction of Brixen and Bozen. These well-maintained bike paths guarantee great routes for mountain bikers and road cyclists alike.
In Val Passiria, we sample apples from South Tyrol at the country’s first
Apple Hotel.
Circuito di Naturno (Naturno – Plon – Kreuzbrünnl lungo la Bike Highline Meran/o fino a Ötzi trail – Platzgumm – Ötzi Flow Trai - Naturno)
Parcines/Rablà – Naturno – Castelbello – Laces –
Coldrano – Lago di Coldrano and back
The beginning of our Bolzano bike-tour is the Talvera/Talfer bridge. We follow the cycle-lane along the left-hand bank of the river, going northwards, passing idyllic Castle Mareccio/Maretsch, nestling in the vineyards, up to Sant'Antonio/St. Anton, where the valley begins to narrow, and on to the fairy-tale Castle Roncolo/Runkelstein with its amazing frescoes. After visiting the castle (leave your bike in the bike-park below, before walking up the short but steep path to the castle), you make your way back to the Talfer bridge. At the Piazza Vittoria/Siegesplatz you could visit the new museum-display entitled "BZ 18-45" in the crypt of the Victory Monument. Then we cycle down the Corso Libertá/Freiheitsstrasse to the square of Gries, formerly a village-municipality in its own right and an internationally-renowned spa. The square is dominated by the massive baroque parish church and Benedictine monastery. Nearby is the old parish church of Gries with its romantic cemetery outside and a gem of Gothic wood-carving inside, the beautiful altar by Michael Pacher. From Gries we take the Vittorio Veneto street westwards. For the first 100 metres you will really need to pay attention to the traffic until you hit the cycle lane again. You then pass farms and vineyards before you come to the hospital. Here the cycle lane forks and you head for the Via Druso/Drususstraße. At the big roundabout follow the signs for Appiano/Eppan as far as the bridge, then take the cycle lane to Castle Firmiano/Sigmundskron and the Messner Mountain Museum. The way back follows the bank of the Isarco/Eisack river, passing below several bridges. After the swimming pool complex we turn left just before the yellow iron bridge, now following the Talvera river until we come opposite the futuristic glass cube of the Museion modern art gallery. We are now back in the town centre, but we have to watch out: the Via Museo/Museumstraße, the Piazza Erbe/Obstplatz and the Piazza Walther Platz are pedestrianized and closed to cyclists, so that means pushing the bike. If you still have got some energy left, you could visit the Ötzi Museum, the Civic museum or the Natural History Museum.
A nice tour on racing bike from Mölten to Hafling, Meran, Terlan and back to Meltina.
Bike tour Moos/Moso - Pill/Bovile - "Hütt" - Bergkristall - Pfelders/Plan - Moos/Moso
Bike tour Riffian/Rifiano - Vernuer/Vernurio - Riffian/Rifiano
Shuttle service to Glorenza – Via Claudia Augusta cycle
path from Glorenza to Naturno
From Nalles the tour runs along the Etschtal Valley bicycle path to Settequerce. From there it goes through San Maurizio, over Grieser square and past the victory monument to the Walter square, the center of the city Bolzano.
It continues through the Portici of Bolzano to the meadows of Talvera, with a view of the Castle Firmiano (Messner Mountain Museum). It runs along the river Isarco, farther south.
You pass under the Messner Mountain Museum, from here on the tour leads you along the Etschtal Valley bicycle path and along the wine road back to Nalles.
Bike tour St. Leonhard/S. Leonardo - Walten/Valtina - St. Leonhard/S. Leonardo
Discover numerous sights and museums of Upper Vinschgau by bike.
Variants: This roundtrip tour can be taken in either direction. If you take it in reverse order, you'll begin in Neumarkt / Egna and visit the Castelfeder last. But because the route crosses the street between Neumarkt and Montan / Montagna, you can also limit yourself to looping backwards via Pinzon / Pinzano and Montan, or you can completely forgo this loop.
Lago di Caldaro Tour
Naturno – Marlengo – Lana – Riva di Sotto – San Paolo –
Lago di Caldaro – Ora – Lana – Naturno
Bike tour Riffian/Rifiano - Trail along the Passer River Causeway - Riffian/Rifiano
The „Eisacktal Valley-Dolomites region Seiser Alm link trail“ connects the valley cycle path with the Seiser Alm/Val Gardena biking region and its villages Kastelruth, Seis am Schlern, Völs am Schlern, Tiers am Rosengarten and Seiser Alm.
One reaches the Bike Highline Meran/o through various Uphills, or by utilizing either the Aschbach cableway or the shuttle service. From the Bike Highline Meran there are various single and also forest trails returning back down into the valley.
The stretch between the Tablanderalm and Mauslochalm mountain pastures is technically challenging. All other routes are generally accessible & do not present complications.
Bike tour St. Leonhard/S. Leonardo - Stuls/Stulles - Moos/Moso - St. Leonhard/S. Leonardo
Passo di Monte Giovo Tour
San Leonardo, Passiria – Valtina – Passo di Monte Giovo –
Valtina – San Leonardo, Passiria
The 20-km bike path along the Passer river promises unforgettable moments with your family.
The Regglberg is a high-altitude plateau rising above the eastern shores of the Etsch / Adige River. If you choose to ascend from Leifers / Laives to Deutschnofen / Nova Ponente, you'll land in a landscape of alpine meadows. Here you'll find plenty of rest-stop options – too many, in fact, since you couldn't possibly stop for a break in every inn and cafe situated along this challenging and long tour.
This tour is challenging, but allows you to explore the east of the Etsch / Adige Valley, on the fringe of the foot of the Dolomites. The meadow landscape at the Regglberg between Deutschnofen and Aldein / Aldino resembles a verdant carpet stretching out in front of the impressive Latemar – from the perspective of Kaltern, the nearest outpost of the Dolomites, this most-prominent peak looms 2,842 meters above sea-level. But to approach it, you'll have to constantly pedal. The first milestone of your journey is the Mitterberg / Monte di Mezzo, accessible via the little Pass Road and the Kreither Saddle and then into the Etsch / Adige Valley. After a couple of relatively level kilometers, you'll reach Leifers / Laives, where the Branten Valley indicate the continued upward direction. At the upper end of the Branten Valley, you'll find the town of Deutschnofen / Nova Ponente perched on a high-altitude plateau. There is a path in the valley basin for your ascent, but the winding trails on the north flank of the valley offer more scenic beauty and are just as quick – besides giving you more panoramic views towards Deutschnofen. You will now proceed upwards into the rolling meadow landscape. You've mastered the steep uphill grade; now, it's a constant up and down. This route offers beauty and variety, and every couple of kilometers, you can take a rest-stop at one of the many charming inns and cafes along the way: the Laabalm, the Neuhütt-Alm, the Schmiederalm, or the Schönrast-Alm. In view of this wealth of options, you might be tempted to spend too much time here – but don't forget: The return leg is still ahead of you! The trail will first take you down into the Etsch Valley. But because the direct way from the Regglberg into the valley is possible only via very steep trails that are best traversed on foot, you'll have to instead take a slight diversion and follow the trail along the former Fleims / Fiemme Valley railroad, which displays a pleasant downhill grade at Montan / Montagna. And you'll be treated to spectacular scenery along the way: First, there's the unobstructed view of the valley, then the rolling terrain of the Castelfeder biotope with its mystical medieval cult site. Once you've arrived in Auer / Ora, you can traverse the Etsch River and quickly reach Lake Caldaro. On warm summer days, you could now take a pleasant dip at Klughammer. After a refreshing dip, you'll be ready to attack the final 200 meters of altitude differential from the lake up to Kaltern / Caldaro.
The scenery is dominated by the panorama of the Dolomites UNESCO World Heritage. The route follows the old railway from Toblach/Dobbiaco to Cortina d´Ampezzo, from the Hochpustertal/Alta Pusteria valley across the Höhlensteintal/Val di Landro valley, past lakes and the View of the Three Peaks.
In the period from 01.04. to 09.07.2022, the rink route from the Nordic Arena - Dobbiaco Lake to the Nasswand will be closed with diversion to an alternative route.
Bike tour St. Martin/S. Martino - Breiteben/Pianlargo - Christl/Cresta - St. Martin/S.Martino