A nice tour on racing bike from Mölten to Hafling, Meran, Terlan and back to Meltina.
Start in from Mölten to Schlaneid in direction Vöran and Hafling . From there down into the valley to Sinich in Meran. About the state street to Burgstall , Gargazon, Vilpian and Terlan. From there the panoramastreet back to Mölten.
Timetables: suedtirolmobil.info
Line 204: Bozen-Terlan-Mölten-Vöran-Hafling
By car from the Brenner Pass, take the A22 motorway to the Bolzano Sud exit, then take the MEBO expressway in the direction of Meran until the Terlan exit. From there, take the mountain road to Mölten.