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    Marche nordique dans le Sud-Tyrol

    Garde la forme - avec le nordic walking dans le Sud-Tyrol. Développée en Finlande, cette discipline sportive combine exercice physique et plaisir de la nature, soulage entre autres les tensions musculaires et améliore les performances cardio-vasculaires. Et pour ceux qui ne maîtrisent pas encore l'utilisation des bâtons, un professionnel est à leur disposition pendant leurs vacances dans le Sud-Tyrol, dans les parcs de nordic walking et lors des tours guidés. Pour tous les autres, plus de 2.000 kilomètres de chemins pour la marche nordique dans le Sud-Tyrol les attendent.

    Running & Fitness
    Circular Route H - St. Georgen
    Schenna/Scena, Meran/Merano and environs
    This easy running route starts at St. Georgen and runs 3 kilometers via the apple orchards and the St. Georgener Straße back to St. Georgen.
    Difficulté : facile
    100 m altitude
    0h:19 min durée
    Running & Fitness
    Nordic Walking Tour 1: "Vogeltenn"
    Naturns/Naturno, Meran/Merano and environs

    This easy route is ideal for beginners. It's the perfect place for you if you need to concentrate on technique and correct movement without losing your breath. Starting from the Nischlhof farm, you'll have delightful views of the village of Naturno from the Vogeltenn Promenade. The path then leads up to the Sonnenberger Panorama Path and goes on for 1.6km. to the Runsthof farm. Then simply take the same way back to where you started from.

    Difficulté : facile
    110 m altitude
    0h:45 min durée
    Running & Fitness
    Circular Route G - Maiser Waalweg
    Schenna/Scena, Meran/Merano and environs
    This moderately difficult running route starts in the center of Schenna at the tourist office and runs 7 kilometers along the Maiser Waalweg and the Mitterplattweg back to Schenna.
    Difficulté : moyenne
    250 m altitude
    1h:19 min durée
    Running & Fitness
    Circular Route D - Castle round
    Schenna/Scena, Meran/Merano and environs
    This easy running route starts at the tourism office Schenna and runs for 2 kilometers along the Schlossweg, Wiesenweg path and the Waldweg path.
    Difficulté : facile
    100 m altitude
    0h:19 min durée
    Running & Fitness
    Nordic Walking Tour 5: "Ötzi"
    Naturns/Naturno, Meran/Merano and environs

    This route includes the entire length of the Nordic Walking circuit on the lower Naturno Sonnenberg. Starting from the Nischlhof, head towards the Kirchgraben and the bridge over the Engelsburg then turn left to the Schwalbennest Jausenstation. The route then leads up to where it meets the Waalburgweg path and on to the Wiedenplatzer Keller. From there it goes on along the asphalted road and downwards to the Sonnenberger Panorama Path which leads you to Pardell. From there, take the path down along the asphalted road as far as the Weintal and past the two farmhouses at Stein and Fallegg until just before the Rusthof farm to the Sonnenberger Panorama Path and the Vogeltenn Promenade back to your starting point.

    Difficulté : moyenne
    627 m altitude
    3h:12 min durée
    Running & Fitness
    Circular Route A - Village Round
    Schenna/Scena, Meran/Merano and environs
    This easy 1.5-kilometer route starts at the Schenna tourist office and follows the sidewalk along Schlossweg to Verdinser Straße, then back to the starting point.
    Difficulté : facile
    60 m altitude
    0h:10 min durée
    Leisure & Experience
    Sëlva/Selva, Dolomites Region Val Gardena

    We start at the Selva skating arena and follow path no. 17A to the first station of the cross, and from there on path no. 17A over the Rifugio Juac in the direction of Rifugio Firenze (path no. 3-1) and over path no. 13 into the UNESCO World Heritage Puez-Geisler Park in the direction of Pieralongia. We then take path no. 4A which brings us to the mountain station of the Col Raiser cable car. We continue on path no. 4 to the Gamsblut hut, from there along path no. 1A to the Sangon hut, past the Lech Ciaulonch and then on path no. 3 to the Rifugio Juac, which leads back to the Selva skating arena.

    Difficulté : difficile
    969 m altitude
    5h:01 min durée
    Running & Fitness
    Circular Route K - Schenner Waalweg path
    Schenna/Scena, Meran/Merano and environs
    This moderately difficult running route starts near the valley station of the Taser cable car and runs 4,5 kilometers along the Schenner Waalweg and the orchards back to the starting point.
    Difficulté : moyenne
    200 m altitude
    0h:34 min durée
    Running & Fitness
    Circular Route M - Verdins
    Schenna/Scena, Meran/Merano and environs
    This moderately challenging running route starts in Verdins and extends for 4.5 kilometers along the Wiesersteig trail to the Hofweg and the Taser cable car, then down to the Verdinser road, returning to the starting point.
    Difficulté : moyenne
    225 m altitude
    0h:30 min durée
    Running & Fitness
    Circular Route J - Salfgut
    Schenna/Scena, Meran/Merano and environs
    This moderately difficult running route starts above the St. Georgen district at Vernaun Castle and runs 5 kilometers along the Schenner Waalweg and Buschenschank Salfgut back to the starting point.
    Difficulté : moyenne
    250 m altitude
    0h:45 min durée
    Running & Fitness
    Nordic Walking St. Walburg/S. Valburga
    Ulten/Ultimo, Meran/Merano and environs

    The starting point of the Nordic Walking Park of S. Valburga/St. Wallburg is located on the Zoggler Stausee reservoir and runs on a consistently smooth path along the lake up to Pracupola/Kuppelwies at the starting point of the technical course (for mastering a solid Nordic Walking technique in 7 steps) as well as the S. Nicolò/St. Nikolaus course. The majority of the path runs through the forest and gravel soil. Difference in altitude: 79 m.

    Difficulté : facile
    0 m altitude
    1h:30 min durée
    Leisure & Experience
    Ski World Cup Tour
    Sëlva/Selva, Dolomites Region Val Gardena

    We start in Selva at the “Kulturhaus Oswald von Wolkenstein” and follow path no. 30B in the direction of Monte Pana, where we also cross the Ciaslat meadow at the foot of the World Cup downhill route Saslong’s notorious “camel back”. Arriving at the Monte Pana road, we cross this and continue on the hiking trail to the next fork, there we bear right in the direction of S. Cristina and come by way of the Tervela Waterfall to the base station of the Monte Pana chair lift. Here we run directly towards Ruacia, right past the finish area of the Saslong downhill route, up the Ruacia road to the roundabout in the centre of S. Cristina and from there the Tieja Road uphill until we turn right on the old railway and head back to Selva.

    Difficulté : moyenne
    250 m altitude
    2h:17 min durée
    Running & Fitness
    Circular Route F - upper town
    Schenna/Scena, Meran/Merano and environs
    This simple running route starts at the Schenna mini-golf course and stretches over 3.5 kilometers along Verdinser Straße, Wiesenweg path , and Bloseggweg path.
    Difficulté : facile
    150 m altitude
    0h:19 min durée
    Running & Fitness
    Circular Route E - Thurnerhof
    Schenna/Scena, Meran/Merano and environs
    This easy running route starts above Schenna and runs for 1,5 kilometers along the Wiesenweg path to the restaurant Thurnerhof, then returns to the starting point via the Verdinser Straße.
    Difficulté : facile
    55 m altitude
    0h:10 min durée
    Running & Fitness
    Saltaus Irrigation Channel Trail
    Meran/Merano, Meran/Merano and environs

    From the parking lot of the Hirzer cable car station in Saltaus, the way leads down to the Passer causeway and continues to the Torgglerhof Apple Hotel. From there, the trail alongside the old irrigation channel leads up to Schenna – or, after the Waaler hut, in the direction of Riffian and Meran. After about 1.5 hours you reach Meran, from where you can easily take the bus back to Saltaus. Total length: 10 km

    Difficulté : facile
    14 m altitude
    1h:00 min durée
    Running & Fitness
    Round track of the Lake of Toblach
    Toblach/Dobbiaco, Dolomites Region 3 Zinnen

    The nordic walk starts at the car park east of Dobbiaco Lake (near Hotel Baur at the Lake) or at the car park west from Dobbiaco Lake (near the Seerestaurant). Make the round track in clockwise direction.

    It is a very breathtaking place where you can see the wildlife.

    An educational path with 11 stations leads around the lake.

    Further information to the water treasures of Dobbiaco:

    Difficulté : facile
    7 m altitude
    0h:19 min durée
    Running & Fitness
    Nordic Walking in Vallunga
    Sëlva/Selva, Dolomites Region Val Gardena

    The tour into the Vallunga is the ideal introductory tour for first-time mountain bikers or for families. It is toned-down because the tour goes not go into the upper Vallunga, but only just as far as the mouth of the valley.

    Difficulté : facile
    480 m altitude
    3h:15 min durée
    Running & Fitness
    Nordic Walking Tour 3: "Wallburg"
    Naturns/Naturno, Meran/Merano and environs

    Starting from the Nischlhof farm, the path leads along the Kirchgraben to the bridge near Engelsburg then turns left to the Schwalbennest Jausenstation. It goes on upwards to the crossroads with the Wallburgweg path then along this path to the Wiedenplatzer Keller restaurant and on downwards along an asphalted road to the Sonnenberger Panorama Path. It then follows the Sonnenberger Panorama Path and along the Vogeltenn Promenade back to the starting point

    Difficulté : moyenne
    248 m altitude
    2h:00 min durée
    Leisure & Experience
    Laufrunde: Soltn
    Jenesien/San Genesio Atesino, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    Running Round at the beautiful larch reported on the "Salto", start finish: Maso Maneggio Edelweiss to albergo Lavena and back! Run lenght: 10,7 km

    Difficulté : facile
    269 m altitude
    3h:40 min durée
    Running & Fitness
    Circular Route I - Vernaun
    Schenna/Scena, Meran/Merano and environs
    This easy running route starts at St. Georgen and runs 3 kilometers via the apple orchards and the St. Georgener Straße back to St. Georgen.
    Difficulté : facile
    100 m altitude
    0h:25 min durée
    Running & Fitness
    Circular Route B - Saltner
    Schenna/Scena, Meran/Merano and environs
    This easy 4-kilometer route starts at the planted flower heart in the center of Schenna and follows Mitterplattweg path to the edge of the village, then returns to the starting point along the sidewalk of Schennaer Straße.
    Difficulté : facile
    100 m altitude
    0h:25 min durée
    Running & Fitness
    Nordic Walking Tour 9: "Meraner Höhenweg"
    Naturns/Naturno, Meran/Merano and environs

    The so-called Könings-Route, or "Kings' Path", included the whole of the Nordic Walking Track on the higher slopes of the Naturnser Sonnenberg. Starting from the mountain station of the Unterstell/Naturno cable-car, the path heads in the direction of Merano past the farms at Galmein and Grub to reach the Pirchhof farmstead. It then climbs up to the Schatzhof farm and on again past Galmein to follow the Meraner Höhenweg as far as Innerforch and on to the Linthof farm. From there, it climbs again to the Dickhof, the highest point of the entire circuit, and goes on towards the Schnals valley. The way back starts from Kopfrom along the Meraner Höhenweg to Innerunterstell then goes on downwards past Patleid to return to the cable-car mountain station.

    Difficulté : difficile
    1169 m altitude
    4h:28 min durée
    Running & Fitness
    Circular Route G - Vorland
    Schenna/Scena, Meran/Merano and environs
    This easy running route starts at the mini-golf in Schenna and runs 2.5 kilometers via the Kampflkreuz and the Schennaer Straße back to the mini-golf.
    Difficulté : facile
    85 m altitude
    0h:15 min durée
    1 2 3