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    Sites touristiques

    Endroits à visiter dans le Sud-Tyrol

    Le Sud-Tyrol est remarquablement riche en contes et légendes qui se rapportent à des lieux mystérieux et à des paysages inhabituels. Des lieux mystiques comme les bancs des sorcières sur l'Alpe de Siusi racontent des histoires de sorcières et de rois, des lieux de force comme les Stoanernen Mandln avec leurs plus de cent formations de pierre ou les anciennes ruines sur la colline de Castelfeder invitent à se ressourcer. Des paysages uniques comme les pyramides de terre sont des buts de randonnées qui valent la peine.

    Culture & Attractions
    The King’s Vantage Point in the Laranz forest
    Kastelruth/Castelrotto, Dolomites Region Seiser Alm

    The Laranz Forest between Seis and Telfen is the quintessence of a mysterious fairytale forest: The trail through the forest is a gift of peace, strength and inner contemplation. Settlements had already been established on this hilly knoll in the days of Ötzi the Ice Man, and to this day we can still see the Wallburg fortresses of Gschlier and the pre-Christian sacrificial site at the Rungger Egg. The leisurely loop route leads through dappled pine forests to the Königswarte (the "King's Keep"), a spectacular lookout point. Shortly before the Lanzin farms the trail branches off into another loop route, which will take you to a further lookout point, the Katzenlochbühl.

    Culture & Attractions
    Chestnut Trail / Section 5
    Jenesien/San Genesio Atesino, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    This section of the "Keschtnweg" leads from the Bilderburg Runkelstein in the provincial capital of Bolzano through the sun-drenched vineyards, past the beautiful wine farms, along the slopes of the Guntschnaberge to the mighty chestnut trees in Glaning and on over the low mountain range above the Etsch Valley to Terlan and Vilpian.

    Distance: 27.5 km
    Metres in altitude ascent: 1,446 m
    Metres in altitude descent: 1,511 m
    Average walking time: 9.40 hours

    The hike begins at the car park or bus stop below Runkelstein Castle. From there you walk over a bridge and turn left, past allotment gardens, until you reach the valley station of the Jenesien cable car (currently closed). Continue on hiking trail no. 2, which leads very steeply over the access road to the Rafenstein castle ruins, past the Sandner Hof farm and after about 80 m you turn into hiking trail no. 1 B. The trail leads into the farmyards of Jenesien (currently closed). The trail leads to the farm access road above the church of St. Jakob im Sand.
    Hiking trail 1A leads moderately steeply above St. Georgen. Now follow the narrow farm access road to the right and after about 100 m the hiking trail (5A) branches off to the left in the direction of Fagenbach and you reach the Winterle farm. Now follow trail no. 5, cross the country road and climb up a steeper section to Glaninger Straße. Then continue to the junction with trail no. 9. In a few minutes you reach the little church of St. Martin in Glaning.
    From Glaning, you now hike in a westerly direction, branch off to the right (no. 11), cross the Mauritiusbach stream and from there descend again onto the asphalted road. Above the Noafer inn, follow trail no. 9 to the Schmalzhof farm and then follow the trail in a left-hand direction. After another short climb, you reach the main road again and follow it uphill for a short distance until you reach the "Moar in Rumsein" farm. Then follow trail no. 9 and after about 200 m of descent, always following the asphalt farm access road, turn right and descend over a few hairpin bends to a bridge. You then reach the Lanzoner Hof farm. Follow the road to the left for about 500 m until you reach the Wegscheider farm. The path now leads first to the right to a fenced water reservoir, then briefly uphill to a path on the left (signposted Terlan). Follow the signpost no. 8 B in the direction of Verschneid. Then turn left onto trail no. 4 A in a westerly direction until you reach the road to Mölten.

    Note: If you do not want to descend to Terlan, you can choose trail no. 4 A here in a westerly direction to "Ober-Tschirggl", which then continues to Vilpian.

    Now you begin the descent to Terlan. Follow the Mölten road to the left and then trail no. 4 to the right. Past the Liebeneich estate of the Counts of Enzenberg, the trail continues to the left to the Köstenholz estate and you reach the centre of Terlan.
    The last section of the "Keschtnweg" now leads from the centre of Terlan to Vilpian. From the Terlan parish church, follow Kirchgasse on the right and turn left into Silberleitenweg (no. 4A). You quickly overcome the difference in altitude and then look out for trail marker no. 1 A, which continues to the left in a westerly direction. You now walk along the road from Vorberg until you reach Scholer Hof. From Scholer Hof, follow trail no. 1 A for a short distance and turn left onto trail no. 1. This leads to a fork in the road, where you can take the steep descent to the left down to the provincial fire brigade school (only for experienced hikers) or take the easy trail no. 1 down to the cable car valley station in Vilpian. Both paths take you to the centre of Vilpian.
    Churches & Monasteries
    St. Sisinius' Church, Lasa/Laas
    Laas/Lasa, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    The Romanesque St. Sisinius' Church is situated on a plateau above Lasa/Laas, the village of marble in South Tyrol. Its rare choir tower church was built on the ruins of a former building. Skeleton and clay fragments from the Bronze Age even prove the existence of a cult worship place. The hill’s many years of settlement are probably due to its location. Even today, visitors enjoy the wonderful view of the surrounding mountains that extend to the Laaser Ferner glacier.

    The church itself was first mentioned in 1290 and is dedicated to the martyr Sisinius, who lived in the Nonsberg area of South Tyrol. Surrounded by a high asylum wall in a Romanesque herringbone pattern, the eastern wall has a Gothic pointed arch gate devoid of a gate wing. The choir is located in the tower, which is covered by a stone tower pyramid. The nave, on the other hand, has two round arched windows, a protruding triumphal arch and a portal made of pure Lasa marble.

    The church has no sacral furniture and is closed. Once a year only, just before Easter, it is decorated as an Easter grave for devotion.

    On Good Friday and Holy Saturday the Easter tomb is on display in the church.

    Culture & Attractions
    Observation platform Kreuzjoch
    Vöran/Verano, Meran/Merano and environs

    The observation platform is situated on the European footpath on 2,086m and offers a fantastic panoramic view at the surrounding mountains: from the Dolomites, to the Ortles and the mountains around Meran/Merano.

    Culture & Attractions
    St. Martin's trail
    Jenesien/San Genesio Atesino, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    This about 3 km long round trail is a child-friendly, creative and near-naturally designed contemplation trail!

    The visitors, especially children, receive in this wonderfull calming landscape the opportunity, to experience the nature and his creator understanding the God's message to us with all senses…

    The famous St. Martin is the patron of Glaning. The design of the round trail is based on his life and model.

    With the helpful elements like footprints, stone bench, labyrinth, „Our-Father“ rock or splendid viewpoints, can both children and adults comprehend the life of the Saint Martin learning also more about themselves…

    Forts & Castles
    Historical city center Klausen
    Klausen/Chiusa, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    The City of Artists and Albrecht Dürer
    The medieval city, which is surpassed in height by the mighty Sabiona Monastery mountain, proudly calls itself the "City of Dürer." Here, where the city was the scene of intense artistic activity just a hundred years ago, is where Albrecht Dürer stopped during his journey through Italy. He exploited his portrait of the city as a background for an allegorical copper-plate engraving titled "Das Grosse Glück" ("Nemesis").

    Today, Klausen is still numbered among the most-beautiful of Italy's ancient cities: Its tower-studded facades, its wide alcove balconies, and the picturesque signs of its old inns and pubs were all that was needed to convince the club "I borghi più belli d'Italia" of its worthiness. And the "Treasure of Loreto" (a singular collection of works of art) in the city museum has got to be seen to be believed.
    Culture & Attractions
    Earth pyramids in Terenten
    Terenten/Terento, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    The formation of the pyramids in Terento probably dates back to 1837. As a result of a strong storm, the Ternerbach River swept away 3 residential houses, 16 mills, 13 beaters, a smiths and a sawmill. 13 people died during this storm. It is very likely that the slope started to disintegrate as a result of this storm. Over the following decades, the erosion had an impact on two different types of debris: the classic pyramids were formed from the material mix with stone blocks; from the material containing no stone blocks only ravines and ridges were formed. Starting point: car park in the village center
    Culture & Attractions
    Sulfner Weiher Pond
    Hafling/Avelengo, Meran/Merano and environs

    Locals refer to the pond above Hafling/Avelengo either as Sulfner Weiher, which means ‘pond’ or Sulfner See, which means ‘lake’. Whether the body of water classifies as a pond or a lake, it was created many years ago as an artificial water reservoir to irrigate Sulfner’s lower lying pastures. Over time, many animal and plant species settled in and around the pond.

    The pond is at its loveliest in summer. White water lilies cover the pond while yellow irises, floating water plantains, marsh horsetails, bulrushes, bur-reed, and a host of other plants thrive at the shoreline. Higher up on the banks of the pond, Alpine roses bloom in June – a colourful juxtaposition to forests of spruce, larch and Scots pine. In spring, common toads mate by the hundreds in the water: in the months that follow, naturally, you can see myriad tadpoles and small frogs in the water, surrounded by dragonflies.

    The Sulfner Weiher Pond is easy to reach in a short walk from St. Kathrein/S. Caterina.

    Forts & Castles
    Chapel St. Katharina (Hocheppan)
    Eppan an der Weinstaße/Appiano sulla Strada del Vino, Alto Adige Wine Road

    The castle chapel of Hocheppan with its roman frescos is one of the most important roman art monuments in South Tyrol. The centuries old frescos had been painted over and were only entirely laid open in 1926. Besides religious themes, the hunting scene on the exterior wall can be seen as one of the rarest profane depictions in Tyrol dating from this time period. The wall paintings originate from the first decade of the 13th century and show famous illustrations like the foolish virgins, the dumpling eater - the first proof for Tyrolean dumplings - and the picture of 'Maria Heimsuchung' which is well known far beyond the border of South Tyrol.

    Culture & Attractions
    Knottnkino in Vöran
    Vöran/Verano, Meran/Merano and environs

    The Knottnkino (Rock Cinema) is the work of artist Franz Messner, who hails from Renon. The Knottnkino sits atop a red porphyry rock formation, Rotstein Knott Mountain, which is located in Vöran/Verano on 1,457 metres.

    The lookout point, outfitted with thirty cinema seats made of steel and chestnut wood, is a wonderful place for hikers to take a seat, unwind, and enjoy a unique experience: nature as cinema. The site overlooks the whole of the Adige Valley so visitors enjoy stunning views that encompass the Texel Group Nature Park, Mount Penegal, and even Corno Bianco/Weißhorn Mountain farther afield.

    In the local German dialect spoken in South Tyrol, Knottn means ‘rock’. Millions of years ago, when lava and falling ash formed the Tschögglberg Mountain Plateau, these round, wine-red knolls also came into being. These rock formations are unparalleled in South Tyrol. In Verano, there are three: Rotstein, Beimstein and Unterstein Knott.

    The Knottnkino³ circuit trail conects the three red porphyry rocks of Vöran/Verano. Starting from the Burgstall-Vöran upper cableway station, the trail leads to the three panoramic landmarks of Verano: the Rotstein, Beimstein and Timpfler Knott.

    Churches & Monasteries
    St. Peter by the Hill
    Völs am Schlern/Fiè allo Sciliar, Dolomites Region Seiser Alm

    On a small hill, in a sunny position, there is the settlement of Peterbühl. The hill, which tower is an important historical site. Here are the origins of Völs am Schlern and the entire region of the Schlern. People settled here many thousands of years before Christ. Today, the chapel of St. Peter am Bühl stands somewhat apart in the greenery. Above the door you can see the crossed keys of St. Peter, and next to them the coats of arms of the Thun and Firmian families: they are of Regina von Thun and Katharina von Firmian, the two wives of Leonhard the Elder of Völs. The altar from the 16th century is on display in the Völs Parish Museum. The decorative paintings are made in the year of 1600 in style of renaissance.

    A beautiful place for a leisurely walk directly in Völs am Schlern. Several seating options provide a relaxed atmosphere and invite you to relax. A small children's playground can also be found along the circular path, as well as a statue. Sometimes there are some goats that come to the Peterbühl and provide a good company. In summer you can take a guided tour to see the Peterbühl church from the inside.

    Forts & Castles
    Rodenegg Castle
    Rodeneck/Rodengo, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    The castle can be visited only with guided tours!
    Guided tours take place daily (except Saturdays) at 11.30 am and 2.30 pm.
    Duration: approx. 1 hour

    Group registrations from 15 persons: +39 348 739 2329 or

    The castle is located between Sciaves and Rio di Pusteria in the municipality of Rodengo on a small rock outcrop, steeply descending into the gorge of the Rienza river. Castel Rodengo is one of the most majestic fortresses of its times in South Tyrol and you will be astonished by its position and the large number of rooms and cellars of the castle.

    Entry fee:
    Adults € 8.00
    Right (10-18 years) € 4.00
    Children (6-10 years) € 3.00
    Groups (from 15 people) € 6.00

    at 10.00-11.30 a.m. every Monday in July & August.

    Churches & Monasteries
    St. Kathrein church
    Hafling/Avelengo, Meran/Merano and environs

    The romanesque church called St. Kathrein has a gothic apse and dates from the thirteenth century. It has well-preserved frescoes from the fourteenth century and a winged altar in the late-Gothic Tyrolean style (which can only be see through an opening in the portal).

    The story

    Like many other churches in the region, the St. Kathrein church in Hafling was built on a site that was originally a pagan place of worship. Presumably there was already a small church standing here in the twelfth century, which was destroyed by fire in 1202. The only parts of the church that survived from the period before the church fire are the regularly stratified walls of the flat-roofed nave.

    Fifty years later, a Romanesque church had already come into being, which was newly consecrated in 1251. In the late Gothic period, the church was rebuilt again. Two hundred years later, in 1452, it was once again rebuilt and rededicated.

    The late-Gothic winged altar is a valuable decorative element of the church. The central part of the altar cabinet contains three wooden figures: the patron saint, St. Catherine, flanked by John the Baptist and Mary Magdalene.

    The Legend

    According to legend, the local people wanted to build a Christian church on this site. They charged two giants to procure stones. The giants, however, had promised to build at church in Lafenn at the exact same time. Having only one hammer between them, the two giants had to share. Eventually, a conflict arose between the pair over the hammer, so the Lafenn giant picked up an enormous boulder and threw it at the St. Catherine giant. The boulder missed its target, but can still be seen in the meadow near Sulfner, just below the church.

    Dates church tours 2022:
    30.05. | 13.06. | 27.06. | 04.07. | 11.07. | 18.07. | 25.07. | 08.08. | 16.08.* | 22.08. | 29.08. | 05.09. | 19.09. | 03.10. | 24.10. | 31.10.2022

    Churches & Monasteries
    St. Nikolaus´Church in Burgeis
    Mals/Malles, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    An inscription refers to the first consecration of the church in 1199. The nave has a flat ceiling and is equipped with oylets. The choir has a semi-circular, vaulted apse with a Majestas representation and two well-preserved Evangelist symbols. There are traces of frescoes dating back to the 13th century. To the south of the triumphal arch appear the victims of Cain and the upper body of a fish-tailed siren. The head with long hair, the thoughtful expression and the gestures of the arms give the depiction a uniquely melancholic appearance, which contrasts significantly with the image of the demonic element in the other wall paintings.

    The Church of S. Nicolaus is open from 15.04.2025 - 07.10.2025 every Tuesday at 2 pm for the guided tours in German and Italian language (3,00 € per Person, no registration needed).

    Culture & Attractions
    Weiher Bruggen Pond
    Vöran/Verano, Meran/Merano and environs

    The delightfully landscaped Weiher Bruggen Pond on trail no. 16 below Leadner Alm Mountain Hut in Vöran affords weary travellers a refreshing footbath and some peace and quiet.

    In the summertime, little fish dash about in the water. The pond also makes an ideal habitat for frogs, toads and dragonflies. Benches around the pond invite hikers to linger and enjoy a lovely backdrop: spectacular views of the Ifinger Peak.

    Culture & Attractions
    the mills in Terenten
    Terenten/Terento, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    The educational mills path leads along Ternerbach River. During a 1.5 hour hike you walk past 7 renovated corn mills, some of which are up to 500 years old. This is where farmers used to grain corn into fine flour, and sometimes still do During the summer months one mill is open to the public every Monday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. During the Mill Festival you can get an insight into the millers' profession. Starting point: car park in the village center
    Culture & Attractions
    Waterfall Schwarzbach
    Ahrntal/Valle Aurina, Ahrntal/Valle Aurina

    Marvel the impressive spectacle of the Schwarzbach waterfall above Luttach/Lutago wich, in the midst of a narrow crevice, falls 15 meters into a blue lagoon. Feel the cooling freshness on your skin, breathe in the pleasant fresh air and admire the colorful light reflections when the sun shines. The track is lined with wooden sculptures made during the annual sculptors-symposium by internationally renowned artists.

    Forts & Castles
    Cave dwelling "Mortner Gufl"
    Karneid/Cornedo all'Isarco, Dolomites Region Eggental
    The cave dwelling "Mortner Gufl" is located on the old Steinegger carriage road, which at that time connected Steinegg|Collepietra with Kardaun|Cardano and Bozen|Bolzano.  About 500 m from the farm Mortner in the direction of Kardaun, there is an extensive, flat square with a thick stone slab hanging over it, as if it wanted to provide a protective roof for the little place. It is said that a hermit, the Mortner Hias, lived here during the First World War. He even set up a farm oven in this natural dwelling and walled the place up. The hermit wove baskets here. During the Second World War, this place was used as an air-raid shelter for the inhabitants of the nearby farm Mortner. Some remains of the wall can still be discovered and admired today.
    In 1951, there is also said to have been an apparition of the Virgin Mary at this special place.
    A descriptive board on site tells of these extraordinary occurrences at the "Mortner Gufl".
    Route description:
    Starting point is the Steinegg village square. From the car park at the Cafè Christl, walk past the Lex Market grocery shop along hiking trail [2] / Rittersteig. Continue along the Rittersteig past the Ebenhof farm until you reach the turnoff to the Mortner farm. Here you walk a short distance in the direction of Mortner farm and then immediately turn left to the "Mortner Gufl".
    The way back is via the same path.
    Length of the route from the Steinegg village square to the "Mortner Gufl": 3km (approx. 50 minutes walking time)
    Forts & Castles
    Kastelruth/Castelrotto, Dolomites Region Seiser Alm

    Witches'spring: adventure path with the witch Curadina to the sulfur springs

    Forts & Castles
    Hocheppan Castle
    Eppan an der Weinstaße/Appiano sulla Strada del Vino, Alto Adige Wine Road

    The castle Hocheppan is situated high above the Val d’Adige and offers a panoramic view over the Ötztal alps, the Dolomites and to the capital city of South Tyrol: Bolzano.


    Lord Ulrich II built the castle around the year 1130 and it was one of the most majestic noble’s residences in the country. In 1158, the castle was destroyed, but soon after again rebuilt and in 1315, it was handed over to the sovereigns of Tyrol and from that time on, the castle changed owner from time to time. Since 1911, the castle had been in possession of the Earls of Enzenberg. In 2016, the local authority of Appiano has bought the castle. Among the numerous preserved castles in South Tyrol, Hocheppan is one of the most impressive medieval castles. 

    Architecture style and particularities:

    Castle Hocheppan is the perfect combination of natural beauty and the romance of a medieval castle. Art lovers should visit the well-preserved castle chapel with its precious fresco cycle, which is one of the best-preserved frescos all over Tyrol. 

    Guides of art history:

    The castle chapel and the castle Hocheppan can be visited with a guided tour every day from 10 am to 4 pm, except on Wednesday. For more information feel free to contact the tourist information Eppan:, +39 0471 662206.

    The tavern:

    The castle tavern is open daily (except Wednesday) from 10 am to 5 pm. It is focused on dumplings and this is why you have the possibility to try different types of dumplings. In addition, typical South Tyrolian specialities, homemade cakes and a great selection of wines are waiting for you. 

    The 3D archery course:

    The 3D archery course next to the castle Hocheppan is open every day, except Wednesday. You can rent bow and arrows from 10 am to 2 pm directly at the castle, in the tavern.

    Hiking possibilities:

    The hike to the castle Hocheppan is part of the hiking route to the three castles in Missian | Eppan: Hocheppan, castle Boymont and castle Korb.

    Churches & Monasteries
    St. Veit´s Church
    Mals/Malles, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    The mystical Hill of Tartsch towers amidst the green valley of Upper Vinschgau Valley, surrounded by the villages of Glurns/ Glorenza, Matsch/ Mazia and Mals/ Malles. Due to its position as viewing platform, the schist drumlin was already settled in prehistoric times. In the 11th century A.D. the Romanesque St. Veit Church dedicated to St. Vitus was erected upon a pagan cult site. It is one of the few churches that were never restored and displays precious medieval murals.
    The Romanesque frescoes, which unfortunately have only been preserved in a few places, are of great art-historical importance. The interior of the church has a wooden ceiling from the 16th century. 
    Traces of fire can still be seen in some parts of the church. These date back to the Engadine War of 1499. 

    The church S. Veit is open from June to October every Thursday at 5pm for the guided tours in German and Italian language (Info: +39 0473 831190).

    Forts & Castles
    Fort of Mühlbach
    Mühlbach/Rio di Pusteria, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    The Rio Pusteria Fortress can be found at the entrance to the Val Pusteria, between the villages of Rio Pusteria and Vandoies. The fortress is directly located along the main road, also the Pusterbike Cycle Route runs past this impressive place of interest. Exactly in this place, the borderline between the countships of Goerz and Tyrol ran in 1271. For this reason Meinhard, Duke of Carinthia, had a dam built, that is to say the castle-like Rio Pusteria Fortress.

    Actually the original building was located 600 m in the west of the present-day location and consisted of a long-drawn-out barrage as well as two turrets. The ancient fortress was built according to the model of Mediaeval dam. The construction material consisted of natural and homogeneously-sized river stones, which were hardly modified. The last documents regarding this building are dated 1340.

    The newly-built construction, that is by the way preserved still today, bears the hallmarks of Sigismund, Archduke of Austria. The fortress is decorated by round turrets, while a dam stretches up the forested slope. In fact, the Rio Pusteria Fortress not only used to be a toll station, but was also residential building and dam. The building can be visited in a guided tour in summer months.

    Culture & Attractions
    7 sea hike
    Völs am Schlern/Fiè allo Sciliar, Dolomites Region Seiser Alm
    At the foot of the Schlern, between Völser Aicha and St. Konstantin, a path connects seven lakes: Salmseiner Weiher, Gflierer Weiher, Völser Weiher, Huber Weiher, Umser Weiher, Oachner Weiher and St. Konstantiner Weiher.

    It leads through a varied, impressive nature and past an ancient and unique cultural landscape. In parts, it runs through the Schlern-Rosengarten Nature Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The demanding hike can also be done in sections or in the opposite direction. Various connecting paths are available for entry and exit. The trail leads past farms, villages and through private properties. Some of the 7 nature ponds are privately owned. For the return there are excellent bus connections.

    Duration: about 4 hours - 13.2 km. 

    The 7 ponds trail is not suitable for baby carriages.
    Churches & Monasteries
    St. Benedikt´s Church
    Mals/Malles, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    The St. Benedikt church of Mals was ercted in the 8th century A.D. Its Carolingian frescoes are among the earliest murals in central Europe. Originally, St. Benedict's did not have a tower; this was probably only built in the 12th century and therefore appears somewhat oversized. 
    Without doubt, however, the two portraits of the founders are the most interesting. They show the Bishop of Chur and a Franconian landlord in traditional costume. This portrait is unique in Europe, as there is no comparable representation anywhere else. 

    Opening hours summer 21.04.2025 - 31.10.2025:
    Open to the public: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday from 10:00 - 11:30 am
    Guided tours: Monday, Wednesday at 14:00, Friday at 10:00
    Prices: € 1.80 per person; with guided tour € 3.00 per person
    Registration not required 

    Opening hours winter 07.12.2024 - 15.03.2025:
    Open: Saturday at 10:00 am
    Price: € 1.80 per person
    Registration not required 

    Guided tours only in German or Italian language (Info: +39 0473 831190)

    The church is closed on Sundays and public holidays.

    Culture & Attractions
    Tschon Stoan stone
    Kastelruth/Castelrotto, Dolomites Region Seiser Alm

    Tschon Stoan One day, long ago, the wizard Hans Kachler was very angry and threw an immense stone, the Tschon Stoan, from the highest peak of the Sciliar/Schlern mountain on the Seiser Alm. That’s how the legend goes. Starting point: Seis am Schlern

    Culture & Attractions
    Stone Man "Stoanerne Mandln"
    Sarntal/Sarentino, Meran/Merano and environs

    Hiking up to see the Stoanernen Mandln, which translates roughly to ‘Men of Stone’, is quite a popular excursion.

    The stone men are located atop a remarkable knoll on Alpine pasture and tower at an elevation of 2,000 metres above the municipality of Tschögglberg mountain plateau, looking out over the Sarentino Alps. Human figures made of stone such as these can also be found in other parts of South Tyrol: they served as a landmark frequently or were simply built by shepherds to pass the time.

    Prehistoric flint tools and stone carvings have been found at the Stoanernen Mandln, however, demonstrating that this stone knoll has served as a passage from the Adige Valley into the Sarentino Valley for millennia.

    Mythology and Witchcraft:
    Myriad tales are linked to this place. In early modern times, people believed witches met with the devil up there, celebrating wild festivals, changing the weather, and sending strong thunderstorms down into the valley.

    Tip: Sunrise and sunset hikes.

    Forts & Castles
    The Sulfur Spring
    Olang/Valdaora, Dolomites Region Kronplatz/Plan de Corones

    Nestled in the pristine nature of Bad Bergfall, just a few kilometers from the village center, lies one of the region’s most fascinating natural wonders – the sulfur spring. Known for its healing properties, the spring has been valued since the 16th century. The mineral-rich water that bubbles from the spring contains a high sulfur content, traditionally used for treating skin conditions and promoting overall health.

    Culture & Attractions
    Timpfler Knott
    Vöran/Verano, Meran/Merano and environs

    The Timpfler Knott is one of the three "tuff knolls" (Rotstein, Beimstein and Timpfler Knott), they are of volcanic origin and are unparalleled in South Tyrol.

    Set in a quiet location near Vöran, the Timpfler Knott is an ideal rest stop for passing hikers. The seating arrangement was dug out of the porphyry stone directly, and serves as a viewing platform. This peaceful place is complemented by an enigmatic sculpture by artist Michael Fliri, which never fails to surprise observers: two gloved hands intertwined on a stick project a shadow resembling a wolf on the ground, which moves with the changing position of the sun.
    The artists: Verena and David Messner, Michael Fliri

    The Timpfler Knott is part of the new circular hike Knottnkino³.
    From Vöran village follow the signs to Timpfler Knott.

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