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    A partir de la ferme

    Des herbes aromatiques, du fromage de lait de brebis tendre, du pain de campagne, du miel crémeux, du vin délicieux ... qui n'a pas l'eau à la bouche ? Tu trouveras ici un aperçu de tous les magasins à la ferme de la région des Dolomites de la vallée d'Eggen.

    Cheese dairy farm Ebenhof
    Karneid/Cornedo all'Isarco, Dolomites Region Eggental
    At the cheese dairy farm Ebenhof, the South Tyrolean cheese tradition is cultivated with passion. Since 2007, delicious raw milk cheeses have been made from the fresh grass-fed milk of the local Alpine cows. Farmer and cheesemaker Markus relies on natural ingredients and craftsmanship to create unique cheeses such as the mildly flavoured "Sternkasl", the aromatic Mountain Cheese and the versatile Farmer Cheese.

    Production takes place directly on the farm - from milking the cows to maturing the cheese in the cellar. Sustainability and animal welfare play a central role here. 

    You can buy the eight different types of cheese at the farmers' markets in Welschnofen|Nova Levante and Bozen|Bolzano and at the grocer's shop Despar Masoner in Steinegg|Collepietra. Farm-gate sales are only possible by prior appointment by telephone.
    Service providers
    Deutschnofen/Nova Ponente, Dolomites Region Eggental
    Agricultural beer - also available in the enoteca Obkircher in Deutschnofen/Nova Ponente
    Local traditional products
    Winery Pitzner
    Karneid/Cornedo all'Isarco, Dolomites Region Eggental
    The Pitzner winery, located just above Kardaun, produces wines of distinctive character. The two Pitzner brothers cultivate a total of five hectares in five different individual locations, with healthy, middle-aged vines, well-ventilated sites, ideally nourished soils and a special microclimate. In the 700-year-old wine cellar, tangy, elegant wines are made with great passion and innovative spirit. There are guided tours of the winery every Thursday followed by wine-tasting (approx. 2 hours).
    Reservation required.
    Service providers
    Badstuber Farm
    Deutschnofen/Nova Ponente, Dolomites Region Eggental
    1,700 chickens live on the Badstuberhof farm in Deutschnofen /Nova Ponente - together with Luis and Astrid, who make sure that the animals want for nothing. While they spend the nights well protected in the henhouse, during the day they run around freely on the farm and the surrounding meadows. This produces nutritious eggs from happy chickens.
    Grain mill Carezza
    Welschnofen/Nova Levante, Dolomites Region Eggental

    Visitors can enjoy guided tours of the restored grain mill in Carezza. As well as an explanation of how the mill worksand where the water comes from, guests can observe the mill in action as it grinds grain to make fl our.

    On request, guided visits for groups from 6 people.

