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    Randonnée dans la région de Törggele

    L'air frais et les couleurs automnales enchanteresses des forêts du Sud-Tyrol invitent à des promenades vivifiantes dans les régions où l'on cultive des châtaignes et où l'on produit du vin depuis toujours, dans le cadre de la coutume du Törggelen.

    Chestnut Experience Trail
    Lana, Meran/Merano and environs

    There are various stations where visitors can learn lots about chestnuts. The Chestnut Experience Trail (Kastanienerlebnisweg) is especially recommended for families and those who like a gentle walk. Along the trail one can learn a lot about the tree's wood, its fruit and the various types of chestnut.

    Parking is available next to the church in Foiana/Völlan or at the football ground. Follow the Propst-Wieser-Weg trail. After the sporting grounds a Keschtnigl, a spiky chestnut the size of a person, advertises the Chestnut Experience Trail.

    Follow the signs past the Weinreichhof farm to the start of the Chestnut Experience Trail. The trail is designed to be easy and interesting for young and old. Ten stations, some of them interactive, await visitors on a hike through the chestnut trees where it is all about the precious fruit.

    Difficulté : facile
    131 altitude
    0h:49 min durée
    1 2