Unterschiedliche Gesteinsarten, wie zum Beispiel Granit oder Prophyr, Routenhöhen bis zu über 30 Meter und eine breit gefächerte Auswahl an Routen in allen Schwierigkeitsstufen machen das Klettern in Südtirol zu einem ganz besonderen Erlebnis. An milden Wintertagen laden sonnig gelegenen Sportklettergärten, beispielsweise in Truden, Kurtatsch, am Ritten oder in Latsch, zum Klettern ein.
The highwire adventure course is located next to the valley station of the Seceda gondola in Ortisei.
- World debut: FLY Line of 680m!
- New: The children's route has been extended and they can "discover", in the middle of the trees, a real flight helicopter!
- Small animal park: the park hosts several animals
- There is also a area with four trampolines: not only for the fun of children, but also a valid fitness training for anyone.
- Duration: 1,5 - 2 h