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    Artisans d'art la Région des Dolomites Val di Funes

    Broderies en plumes d'oie, figurines de crèche, dentelles aux fuseaux, bijoux en or, tapis en laine ainsi que travaux sur bois, tournage et tressage. Tu es à la recherche d'un produit fait main ? Regarde autour de toi parmi nos artisans compétents.

    Crochet and knitting
    Villnöss/Funes, Dolomites Region Villnösstal
    Monika Lovo, a native of Villnöss valley and a passionate needleworker, crochets warm hats from the wool of the sheep "Villnösser Brillenschaf". In pure natural colours and lined with cotton jersey, they keep the head warm and protected from the wind. Monika is happy to show interested guests how these original caps and beanie's are made during a demonstration in the respective accommodation. The caps are available for purchase in local businesses in the valley, including Vontavon & Niederstätter, Restaurant Pitzock and Naturwoll.
    Meat and sausages
    Farmers' shop
    Villnöss/Funes, Dolomites Region Villnösstal

    In the farmer's shop you will find good, healthy and homemade products from Villnöss Valley. Various products are on sale in the village centre of St. Peter (Viel Nois Guest House). Open all day from Tuesday to Sunday; the shop is closed on Monday. 
