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    Les alpages de Merano et ses environs

    Que serait la randonnée sans la traditionnelle "Brettl-Marende" ? Merano et ses environs comptent de nombreux alpages et refuges surplombant les vallées et offrant une vue magnifique sur les montagnes. Là où se trouvent les sentiers de randonnée, les délicieuses possibilités de se restaurer ne sont généralement pas loin. Ainsi, ta prochaine randonnée sera un moment fort pour toute la famille.

    Mountain Huts & Alpine Farms
    Farmazon Alm Alp
    Moos in Passeier/Moso in Passiria, Meran/Merano and environs
    Farmazon Alm Alp (1,886 m) Starting point: parking area Außerhütt ¦ Platt/Plata Hiking trail number: logging road (no hiking trail no.) ¦ 10 Difference in altitude: 430 m ¦ 760 m Walking time: 1 hour 20 minutes ¦ 2 hours 15 minutes Difficulty level: easy ¦ medium Opening hours: beginning of June - end of September Closing day: Thursday Accessible by baby carriage (from Außerhütt) - playground
    Mountain Huts & Alpine Farms
    Faltschnal Alm Alp
    Moos in Passeier/Moso in Passiria, Meran/Merano and environs
    Faltschnal Alm Alp (1,871 m) Starting point: Pfelders/Plan ¦ top terminal of the Grünboden Express Hiking trail number: 6 or logging road (no hiking trail no.) or 8+4 ¦ Panorama way (4) Difference in altitude: 260 m or 290 m or 330 m ¦ 120 m (ascent) 250 m (descent) Walking time: 1 hour or 1 hour 20 minutes or 1 hour 30 minutes ¦ 1 hour Difficulty level: easy Opening hours: beginning of June - middle of October Closing day: none Accessible by baby carriage (from Pfelders/Plan) - playground
    Mountain Huts & Alpine Farms
    Naturns/Naturno, Meran/Merano and environs
    Stop in the mountain pasture, Zetnalm up the Monte Tramontana Naturno.
    Mountain Huts & Alpine Farms
    Untere Gostalm Alp
    Moos in Passeier/Moso in Passiria, Meran/Merano and environs
    Untere Gostalm Alp (1,854 m) Starting point: Timmelsjoch High Alpine Road, bridge "Schneebergbrücke" Hiking trail number: 32 Difference in altitude: 200 m Walking time: 45 minutes Difficulty level: easy Opening hours: middle of June - end of September Closing day: none Accessible by baby carriage - playground
    Restaurants & Taverns
    Ulfaseralm Alp
    Moos in Passeier/Moso in Passiria, Meran/Merano and environs
    Ulfaseralm Alp (1,601 m) Starting point: parking area Ulfas ¦ Christl Hiking trail number: 2a or 2+2a ¦ 3 + Waalweg Difference in altitude: 100 m or 460 m (ascent) 360 m (descent) ¦ 470 m Walking time: 30 minutes ¦ 2,5 hours ¦ 1,5 hours Difficulty level: easy or medium ¦ medium Opening hours: May - October Closing day: none Accessible by baby carriage (from parking area Ulfas) - playground
    Restaurants & Taverns
    Schnals/Senales, Meran/Merano and environs
    From Naturns to Schnalstatl and turn off at the Pfossental to the Gasthaus Jägerrast, park there and walk for 1.5 hours on foot to the Eishof.
    Restaurants & Taverns
    Streitweide - mountain inn
    Schenna/Scena, Meran/Merano and environs
    Suggestion: homemade cakes, different Tyrolean dishes, strudel, lamb, goat specialities, milk, buttermilk, live music every Wednesday, children’s playground Own products: bacon, juices
    Mountain Huts & Alpine Farms
    Gompm Alm Alp
    Schenna/Scena, Meran/Merano and environs
    Gompm Alm Alp (1,800 m) - "Real quality in the mountains" Starting point: mid terminal "Prenn" of the Hirzer aerial tram ¦ top terminal "Klammeben" of the Hirzer aerial tram Hiking trail number: 4+5 ¦ 40+5 or 40+5b Difference in altitude: 400 m ¦ 150 m (descent) Walking time: 1,5 hours | 30 minutes Difficulty level: medium | easy Restday: Tuesday Accessible by baby carriage
    Restaurants & Taverns
    Hirzerhütte Tallner Alm Alp
    Schenna/Scena, Meran/Merano and environs
    Hirzerhütte Tallner Alm Alp (1,983 m) Starting point: mid terminal "Prenn" of the Hirzer aerial tram ¦ top terminal "Klammeben" of the Hirzer aerial tram ¦ chair lift Grube Hiking trail number: 4+8+40 ¦ 40 ¦ 8a+40 Difference in altitude: 580 m ¦ 20 m ¦ 180 m Walking time: 2 hours ¦ 15 minutes ¦ 1 hour Difficulty level: medium ¦ easy ¦ easy Opening hours: middle of May - beginning of November Closing day: Saturday Accessible by baby carriage - accomodation - playground
    Mountain Huts & Alpine Farms
    Stierberg Alm
    Proveis/Proves, Meran/Merano and environs
    Starting point: Proveis (1,405 m), hiking trail: No. 19, endpoint: Stierberg Alm, walking time: 1h 30 min, difference in altitude: 491 m (easy mountain tour)
    Mountain Huts & Alpine Farms
    Ulten/Ultimo, Meran/Merano and environs
    After a hike to the Schusterhütte, you will be rewarded with a magnificent panoramic view of the surrounding mountains and traditional alpine dishes.
    Mountain Huts & Alpine Farms
    Laureiner Alm
    Laurein/Lauregno, Meran/Merano and environs
    La malga di Lauregno (1.777 m.s.l) è situata nella Alta Val di Non in mezzo la natura con vista sulle montagne circostanti. La malga offre torte fatte in casa e piatti tipici sudtirolesi. La malga è raggiungibile attraverso la Val d'Ultimo oppure attraverso il Passo Palade. Dal parcheggio Hofmadh si segue a piedi la strada forestale n. 28 in direzione Malga Lauregno (ca. 45 min) La malga è il punto di partenza per l'escursione verso i punti panoramici "Monte Ori" e "Monte Pòpi" (sentiero n. 26) ed il Giro delle malghe nel gruppo delle Maddalene (sentiero n. 26 + 114) al confine tra Alto Adige e Trentino
    Mountain Huts & Alpine Farms
    Spitzner Alm
    Ulten/Ultimo, Meran/Merano and environs
    Ausgangspunkt: Staudamm, St. Walburg, Wanderweg: Nr. 27, 27a, 22 oder 27, 27a, 21, 21a, Endpunkt: Spitzner Alm, Gehzeit: 2h 10 min, Höhenunterschied: 834 m (leichte Bergtour)
    Mountain Huts & Alpine Farms
    Faltmar Alm Alp
    Moos in Passeier/Moso in Passiria, Meran/Merano and environs
    Faltmar Alm Alp (1,682 m) Starting point: Inn Bergkristall ¦ Pfelders/Plan Hiking trail number: 5 ¦ 5+5b Difference in altitude: 120 m ¦ 350 m Walking time: 30 minutes ¦ 2 hours Difficulty level: easy ¦ medium Opening hours: middle of May - beginning of October Closing day: none Accessible by baby carriage (from the Inn Bergkristall) - playground
    Mountain Huts & Alpine Farms
    Riemerbergl Alm
    Ulten/Ultimo, Meran/Merano and environs
    Ausgangspunkt: Simian (1.720 m) - Wanderweg Nr. 4 - Gehzeit: 1 h - Höhenunterschied: 322 m - leichte Bergtour
    Mountain Huts & Alpine Farms
    Innerfalkomai Alm
    Ulten/Ultimo, Meran/Merano and environs
    Ausgangspunkt: St. Helena (1.535 m), Wanderweg: Nr. 8, Endpunkt: Innerfalkomai Alm, Gehzeit: 2h 20 min, Höhenunterschied: 649 m (leichte Bergtour)
    Mountain Huts & Alpine Farms
    Vöraner Alm alp inn
    Vöran/Verano, Meran/Merano and environs
    The Vöraner Alp inn is one of the most beautiful mountain huts in South Tyrol. It offers a wonderful view in the South Tyrol mountains. Our specialties: the delicious roast mutton and apple strudel.
    Mountain Huts & Alpine Farms
    Flatschberg Alm
    Ulten/Ultimo, Meran/Merano and environs
    Ausgangspunkt: Parkplatz Flatschhöfe (1.750 m), Wanderweg: Nr. 143, Endpunkt: Flatschberg Alm, Gehzeit: 1 h 30 min, Höhenunterschied: 360 m (leichte Bergtour)
    Mountain Huts & Alpine Farms
    Tirol/Tirolo, Meran/Merano and environs
    We serve hot food all day. Here on the alp we serve hearty treats and our own produce such as home-made alpine butter, home-smoked speck bacon and Kaminwurzen sausages, home-reared roast lamb, bacon and cheese dumplings and much more. Stay with us for a while on the sun terrace surrounded by animals and alpine flowers and enjoy a nice cappuccino and apple strudel with cream.
    Mountain Huts & Alpine Farms
    Marschnell Alm
    Ulten/Ultimo, Meran/Merano and environs
    Ausgangspunkt: Gigglhirnhof (1.670 m), Wanderweg: Nr 10 bis zur Marschnell Alm, Endpunkt: Marschnell Alm, Gehzeit: 1h 40 min, Höhenunterschied: 543 m (leichte Bergtour)
    Restaurants & Taverns
    Family-Alm Gampl
    Lana, Meran/Merano and environs
    Choose between traditional Alpine dishes and South Tyrolean delicacies. Teas, coffee, home-made cakes and desserts - not to mention our children's favourites. Stop for a break at the Gampl Family-Alm, looking out on the surrounding mountains. You'll be glad you did!
    Mountain Huts & Alpine Farms
    Lazins Alm Alp
    Moos in Passeier/Moso in Passiria, Meran/Merano and environs
    Lazins Alm Alp (1,860 m) - "Real quality in the mountains" Starting point: Pfelders/Plan Hiking trail number: 24 or 8 Difference in altitude: 250 m Walking time: 1 hour Difficulty level: easy Opening hours summer: middle of May - October Opening hours winter: November - Easter Closing day: none Accessible by baby carriage - playground
    Mountain Huts & Alpine Farms
    Obere Gostalm Alp
    Moos in Passeier/Moso in Passiria, Meran/Merano and environs
    Obere Gostalm Alp (1,990 m) Starting point: Timmelsjoch High Alpine Road, parking area Platterköfel Hiking trail number: 29b Difference in altitude: 350 m Walking time: 45 minutes Difficulty level: easy Opening hours: beginning of June - middle of October Closing day: none Accessible by baby carriage - playground
    Mountain Huts & Alpine Farms
    Seeberalm Alp
    Moos in Passeier/Moso in Passiria, Meran/Merano and environs
    Seeberalm Alp (1,847 m) - "Real quality in the mountains" Starting point: Timmelsjoch High Alpine Road, parking area Seeberalm Alp ¦ parking area Oberglanegg Alp ¦ Rabenstein/Corvara Hiking trail number: 20a or 20+43a+43+44 ¦ 43a+20+20a ¦ 43 Difference in altitude: 50 m or 235 m (ascent) 310 m (descent) ¦ 220 m (descent) ¦ 630 m Walking time: 20 minutes or 1 hour 45 minutes ¦ 50 minutes ¦ 2 hours 15 minutes Difficulty level: easy ¦ easy ¦ medium Opening hours: June - October Closing day: none Accessible by baby carriage (from the parking area Seeberalm)
    Mountain Huts & Alpine Farms
    Auerberg Alm
    Ulten/Ultimo, Meran/Merano and environs
    Ausgangspunkt: St. Nikolaus (1.222 m), Wanderweg: Nr. 18, Endpunkt: Auerberg Alm, Gehzeit: 1 h 20 min, Höhenunterschied: 452 m (mäßig schwierige Bergtour)
    Mountain Huts & Alpine Farms
    Schneid Alp
    Moos in Passeier/Moso in Passiria, Meran/Merano and environs
    Schneid Alp (2,159 m) Starting point: Pfelders/Plan Hiking trail number: 6a Difference in altitude: 560 m Walking time: 1,5 hours Difficulty level: medium Opening hours: end of June - end of September Closing day: none We serve daily breakfasts with regional produce from the Alpine pastures (advance booking required), as well as traditional local cuisine
    Mountain Huts & Alpine Farms
    Malga Kessel Alm
    Proveis/Proves, Meran/Merano and environs
    Punto di partenza: Hofmahd, punto di arriva: Malga "Untere Kessel Alm", tempo di percorrenza: 40 min, difficoltá: facile, con carrozzina per bambini
    Mountain Huts & Alpine Farms
    Ulten/Ultimo, Meran/Merano and environs
    The Fiecht Alm is located above Weißbrunn in St. Gertraud in the Ultental Valley. Starting point: Weißbrunn (1,884 m), hiking trail no. 101, end point: Fiechtalm, walking time: 40 min, difference in altitude: 179 m (easy mountain tour)
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