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    Almeny w Meran i Okolice

    Poznaj urokliwe almeny w regionie Meran i okolice. Te tradycyjne schroniska oferują nie tylko przepiękne widoki, ale także wyjątkowe doświadczenia kulinarne i kulturalne.
    Alpine Farms
    Faltmar Alm Alp
    Moos in Passeier/Moso in Passiria, Meran/Merano and environs
    Faltmar Alm Alp (1,682 m) Starting point: Inn Bergkristall ¦ Pfelders/Plan Hiking trail number: 5 ¦ 5+5b Difference in altitude: 120 m ¦ 350 m Walking time: 30 minutes ¦ 2 hours Difficulty level: easy ¦ medium Opening hours: middle of May - beginning of October Closing day: none Accessible by baby carriage (from the Inn Bergkristall) - playground
    Alpine Farms
    Gampen Alm
    St.Pankraz/San Pancrazio, Meran/Merano and environs
    The Gampen Alp is the ideal hiking destination for the whole family and a wonderful sunny spot with a view of the great Laugen (2383 m). Guests are served homemade, traditional dishes. In addition, various types of cheese and yoghurt are produced on the alpine pasture. Ausgangspunkt: Parkplatz Hofmahdjoch (1.785 m), Wanderweg: Nr. 8, 24, Endpunkt: Gampen Alm, Gehzeit: 1 h 30 min, Höhenunterschied: 86 m (leichte Bergtour)
    Alpine Farms
    Schartalm Alp
    Moos in Passeier/Moso in Passiria, Meran/Merano and environs
    Schartalm Alp (1,850 m) Starting point: parking area Ulfas/Ulvas ¦ Christl Hiking trail number: 2a+2b ¦ 3 Difference in altitude: 380 m ¦ 720 m Walking time: 1 hour 15 minutes ¦ 2,5 hours Difficulty level: medium Opening hours: June - October Closing day: none Playground
    Alpine Farms
    Schnals/Senales, Meran/Merano and environs
    Visit us at 2.214 meters above sea level. Breathtaking views in the surroundings of mountain peaks await you on the idyllic hike up to the Bergl Alm. After walking through roaming larch forests stop at the cozy Café for some delicious regional food – these are just some of the many adventures awaiting you on your hiking trip through the famous Val Senales (Schnalstal). You can easily reach us via one of the many hiking routes, some of which lead all the way to Kortsch/Schlanders in Vinschgau. The Bergl Alm is the perfect spot for families with children, who will be able to play freely in the alpine meadow and our own little playground, while their parents relax in the sun.
    Alpine Farms
    Bockhütte Alp
    Moos in Passeier/Moso in Passiria, Meran/Merano and environs
    Bockhütte Alp (1,899 m) Starting point: Stuls/Stulles, parking area Hochegg ¦ Jaufenpass mountain pass, "Römerkehre" ¦ curve Rabenstein/Corvara Hiking trail number: 14+14b+15b ¦ 12a+12+15+15a+15b ¦ 26+14b+15b Difference in altitude: 260 m ¦ 400 m (ascent) 490 m (descent) ¦ 430 m Walking time: 40 minutes ¦ 5 hours ¦ 1 hour 45 minutes Difficulty level: medium Opening hours: beginning of May - beginning of November Closing day: none Accessible by baby carriage (from Stuls/Stulles) - playground
    Alpine Farms
    Ulten/Ultimo, Meran/Merano and environs
    The Fiecht Alm is located above Weißbrunn in St. Gertraud in the Ultental Valley. Starting point: Weißbrunn (1,884 m), hiking trail no. 101, end point: Fiechtalm, walking time: 40 min, difference in altitude: 179 m (easy mountain tour)
    Alpine Farms
    Egger-Grub-Alm Alp
    Moos in Passeier/Moso in Passiria, Meran/Merano and environs
    Egger-Grub-Alm Alp (1,943 m) Starting point: Stuls/Stulles, parking area Hochegg ¦ Jaufenpass mountain pass, "Römerkehre" ¦ curve Rabenstein/Corvara Hiking trail number: 14+14b ¦ 12a+12+15+14 ¦ 26+14b Difference in altitude: 300 m ¦ 400 m (ascent) 450 m (descent) ¦ 500 m Walking time: 50 minutes ¦ 5 hours ¦ 1 hour 45 minutes Difficulty level: medium Opening hours summer: middle of May - beginning of November Closing day summer: Wednesday Opening hours winter: beggining of December - end of March Closing days winter: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (no closing day on Holidays) (Open also on request for groups in the evenings and on other days of the week) Accessible by baby carriage (from Stuls/Stulles)
    Alpine Farms
    Kühberg Alm
    Ulten/Ultimo, Meran/Merano and environs
    Ausgangspunkt: Berggasthaus Steinrast - Wanderweg Nr. 4B und 4 A Richtung Kofelraster Seen - Gehzeit: 1 h - Höhenunterschied: 368 m (leichte Bergtour)
    Alpine Farms
    Jaufen Alp
    St.Leonhard in Passeier/San Leonardo in Passiria, Meran/Merano and environs
    Jaufen Alp (1,850 m) The alp is located directly on the street below the Jaufenpass mountain pass. Starting point: Walten/Valtina, parking place in front of the inn Alpenrose Hiking trail number: 17a+17b+17 or 17 Difference in altitude: 600 m Walking time: 1,5 hours Difficulty level: medium Opening hours: June - October Closing day: Monday (holidays no closing day) Accessible by car - playground
    Alpine Farms
    Glacier Hotel Grawand
    Schnals/Senales, Meran/Merano and environs
    For lunch, we also have a large self-serve restaurant with 300 seats indoors and 120 seats on the sun terrace which is open from 11:00 a.m. to 3 p.m.
    Alpine Farms
    St. Anna Pfistradalm Alp
    St.Leonhard in Passeier/San Leonardo in Passiria, Meran/Merano and environs
    St. Anna Pfistradalm Alp (1,350 m) Starting point: St. Leonhard/S. Leonardo, parking area Schnitzerhof farm ¦ Walten/Valtina, "Sagstatt" Hiking trail number: 13 ¦ 12+13a+13 Difference in altitude: 500 m ¦ 300 m Walking time: 1,5 hours ¦ 2 hours Difficulty level: medium Opening hours: end of May - beginning of October Closing day: none Accessible by baby carriage (from Schnitzerhof farm) - playground
    Alpine Farms
    Obisell Alm Alp
    Riffian/Rifiano, Meran/Merano and environs
    Obisell Alm Alp (2,160 m) Starting point: "Öbersthöfe" Vernuer/Vernurio Hiking trail number: 5 or 21a+21 Difference in altitude: 760 m Walking time: 2 hours or 2,5 hours Difficulty level: medium Opening hours: middle of June - middle of October Closing day: none
    Alpine Farms
    Oberglanegg Alp
    Moos in Passeier/Moso in Passiria, Meran/Merano and environs
    Oberglanegg Alp (2,060 m) Starting point: Timmelsjoch High Alpine Road, parking area Oberglanegg Alp ¦ parking area Seeberalm Alp Hiking trail number: 43a ¦ 20 Difference in altitude: 40 m ¦ 150 m Walking time: 10 minutes ¦ 30 minutes Difficulty level: easy Opening hours: End of May/ Begin of June - October Closing day: none Accessible by baby carriage (from the parking area Oberglanegg) - playground
    Alpine Farms
    Family-Alm Gampl
    Lana, Meran/Merano and environs
    Choose between traditional Alpine dishes and South Tyrolean delicacies. Teas, coffee, home-made cakes and desserts - not to mention our children's favourites. Stop for a break at the Gampl Family-Alm, looking out on the surrounding mountains. You'll be glad you did!
    Alpine Farms
    Außerfalkomai Alm
    St.Pankraz/San Pancrazio, Meran/Merano and environs
    Wandervorschlag: Ausgangspunkt St. Helena, Weg Nr. 9A Richtung Mariolberg Alm. Von dort auf dem Weg Nr. 3 bis zur Außerfalkomai Alm Gehzeit: 2 Stunden
    Restaurants & Taverns
    Leadner Alm Alpine hut
    Vöran/Verano, Meran/Merano and environs
    The Leadner Alm alpine hut lies in the centre of the hiking and relaxation area of the Tschoegglberg range, above the villages Hafling and Voeran. The alp has a large meadow where you can relax on the grass, and a toboggan run for children in winter. The mountain hiking trails are open also in winter.
    Alpine Farms
    Obere Gostalm Alp
    Moos in Passeier/Moso in Passiria, Meran/Merano and environs
    Obere Gostalm Alp (1,990 m) Starting point: Timmelsjoch High Alpine Road, parking area Platterköfel Hiking trail number: 29b Difference in altitude: 350 m Walking time: 45 minutes Difficulty level: easy Opening hours: beginning of June - middle of October Closing day: none Accessible by baby carriage - playground
    Alpine Farms
    Ulfaseralm Alp
    Moos in Passeier/Moso in Passiria, Meran/Merano and environs
    Ulfaseralm Alp (1,601 m) Starting point: parking area Ulfas ¦ Christl Hiking trail number: 2a or 2+2a ¦ 3 + Waalweg Difference in altitude: 100 m or 460 m (ascent) 360 m (descent) ¦ 470 m Walking time: 30 minutes ¦ 2,5 hours ¦ 1,5 hours Difficulty level: easy or medium ¦ medium Opening hours: May - October Closing day: none Accessible by baby carriage (from parking area Ulfas) - playground
    Alpine Farms
    Prantacher Alm - Fartleis Alp
    St.Martin in Passeier/San Martino in Passiria, Meran/Merano and environs
    Prantacher Alm - Fartleis Alp (1,470 m) Starting point: car park "Fartleishöfe" ¦ St. Martin/S. Martino ¦ St. Leonhard/S. Leonardo Hiking trail number: 2 ¦ 2 ¦ E5 + 2a + 2 Difference in altitude: 350 m ¦ 870 m ¦ 820 m Walking time: 1 hour ¦ 2 hours 45 minutes ¦ 3 hours Difficulty level: easy¦ medium ¦ medium Opening hours: May - October Closing day: none Our alp is easily accessible and ideal for a family hike or bike tour. We offer Alpine dishes prepared with lots of love, a sun terrace to enjoy, a small playground and lots for the little ones to discover!
    Alpine Farms
    Algund/Lagundo, Meran/Merano and environs
    Located in the midst of meadows and woodlands, offers a unique view of the Adige Valley, the Dolomites and the Val Venosta with the Ortler group.
    Alpine Farms
    Mariolberger Alm
    St.Pankraz/San Pancrazio, Meran/Merano and environs
    Starting point: Kaserbach (1,465 m), hiking trail: No. 9,5, endpoint: Mariolberg Alm, walking time: 1h 40 min, difference in altitude: 377 m (easy mountain tour)
    Alpine Farms
    Ulten/Ultimo, Meran/Merano and environs
    After a hike to the Schusterhütte, you will be rewarded with a magnificent panoramic view of the surrounding mountains and traditional alpine dishes.
    Alpine Farms
    Flatschberg Alm
    Ulten/Ultimo, Meran/Merano and environs
    Ausgangspunkt: Parkplatz Flatschhöfe (1.750 m), Wanderweg: Nr. 143, Endpunkt: Flatschberg Alm, Gehzeit: 1 h 30 min, Höhenunterschied: 360 m (leichte Bergtour)
    Alpine Farms
    Faltschnal Alm Alp
    Moos in Passeier/Moso in Passiria, Meran/Merano and environs
    Faltschnal Alm Alp (1,871 m) Starting point: Pfelders/Plan ¦ top terminal of the Grünboden Express Hiking trail number: 6 or logging road (no hiking trail no.) or 8+4 ¦ Panorama way (4) Difference in altitude: 260 m or 290 m or 330 m ¦ 120 m (ascent) 250 m (descent) Walking time: 1 hour or 1 hour 20 minutes or 1 hour 30 minutes ¦ 1 hour Difficulty level: easy Opening hours: beginning of June - middle of October Closing day: none Accessible by baby carriage (from Pfelders/Plan) - playground
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