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Filtres sélectionnés

    Visites guidées à Chiusa

    Rejoignez des visites guidées à Chiusa, Barbiano, Velturno et Villandro. Découvrez les sites emblématiques et l'histoire fascinante de ces localités.
    Wine academy South Tyrol: Wine
    "At the winemaker" - open wine cellar day
    Villanders/Villandro, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    Experience wine up close with our winemakers on Saturday, 03rd May 2025 at the open wine cellar day! A shuttle service will take you from winery to winery, where you can taste the wines of our winemakers and also get an insight into their wine cellars. Participating wineries -Cantina Valle Isarco -Winery Spitalerhof -Winery Thomas Dorfmann -Winery Garlider -Winery Radoar -Winery Zöhlhof -Winery Röck Ticket Ticket: 30.00 € for the tasting at all seven participating wineries. The tasting ribbon (ticket) can be directly purchased at all wineries. It is also possible to enjoy the wines by the glass or bottle (for a fee) without a ticket. No registration necessary!
    03 mai, 2025 - 03 mai, 2025