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    Toutes les randonnées à ski dans le Gsiesertal/Val Casies

    Paysage vierge, tranquillité loin des pistes de ski et des pentes enneigées avec de la poudreuse et du névé. Lors d'une randonnée à ski dans le Gsiesertal/Val Casies, vous pourrez vivre des expériences uniques dans la nature et des aventures sportives.

    Ski Tours
    Ski Tour: Hoher Mann in Val di Casies Valley – S. Maddalena
    Gsies/Valle di Casies

    A beautiful panorama tour across the Aschtalm, Pfinnhütten, Pfinnscharte and Hoher Mann

    Starting point: Head of the valley in St. Magdalena in the Gsieser Valley 1465 m
    Descent: back via the ascent route
    Hiking time: ca. 3 ½ hours
    Level of difficulty: easy ski mountain that requires some endurance
    Altitude difference: 1100 m
    Slope exposure: south + east

    Difficulté : facile
    1100 m altitude
    3h:30 min durée
    Ski Tours
    Ski Tour: Hochkreuzspitze in Val Casies Valley – S. Maddalena
    Gsies/Valle di Casies

    The classic Gsieser ski and snowshoe hike through the Pfoital and to the Hochkreuzspitze

    Starting point: Val Casies/Gsiesertal Valley – S. Maddalena, Head of the valley 1465 m
    Hiking time: 4 ½ hours
    Level of difficulty: moderate – difficult; for average skiers, the route offers a wide and open terrain with only a few steep slopes that only require extra caution following fresh snow
    Altitude difference: 1274 m
    Slope exposure: southwest

    Difficulté : moyenne
    1274 m altitude
    4h:30 min durée
    Ski Tours
    Ski Tour: Kalksteinjöch in the Val Casies Valley – S. Maddalena (2349 m)
    Gsies/Valle di Casies

    The Kalksteinjöchl, at the passage into the Villgraten Valley (A) – an interesting challenge for snowshoe hikers and ski tour enthusiasts in a snow-covered alpine landscape

    Starting point: Val Casies Valley – S. Maddalena, Head of the Valley (1465 m)
    Descent: back via the ascent route
    Hiking time: ca. 02:30 hrs.
    Level of difficulty: easy
    Altitude difference: 884 m
    Slope exposure: North Slope

    Difficulté : facile
    1105 m altitude
    4h:39 min durée
    Ski Tours
    Ski Tour: Monte Luta e Monte Salmone in Tesido

    Panorama hike: over the Lutter- and Durakopf

    Starting point: parking area above the mountain restaurant Mudler Hof in Taisten 1584 m
    Ascent: ca. 3 to 3 ½ hours
    Descent: ca. 2 hours, toboggan run until mountain restaurant Mudler Hof
    Level of difficulty: moderate – difficult; slightly steep ascent through the forest – unproblematic and fairly smooth alpine terrain – mostly gentle downhill run
    Altitude difference: ca. 700 m
    Toboggan run: easy

    Difficulté : facile
    700 m altitude
    3h:30 min durée
    Ski Tours
    Ski Tour: Uwaldalm in Val di Casies Valley – S. Maddalena
    Gsies/Valle di Casies

    The Uwaldalm – an area that offers the best views of the Gsieser Valley

    Starting point: Val di Casies Valley – S. Maddalena, Head of the valley 1465 m
    Descent: back via the ascent route
    Hiking time: ca. 2 ½ hours
    Level of difficulty: easy; easy tour with the characteristics of a ski tour
    Altitude difference: 577 m
    Slope exposure: southwest – northwest

    Difficulté : facile
    577 m altitude
    2h:15 min durée
    Ski Tours
    Ski Tour: Rotlahner in Gsiesertal Valley – S. Maddalena
    Gsies/Valle di Casies

    The “Rotlahner” – an easy but famous ski mountain in the Gsieser Alps

    Starting point:  Val di Casies Valley – S. Maddalena, Head of the valley 1465 m
    Descent: back via the ascent route
    Hiking time: 3 ½ hours
    Level of difficulty: medium to difficult; with the exception of two steep slopes (one just beneath the Kasermähder Alm and the other in the area of the Heimwaldjoch) there are no considerable technical difficulties concerning the route
    Altitude difference: 1270 m
    Slope exposure: mainly southwest slopes

    Difficulté : moyenne
    1270 m altitude
    3h:30 min durée
    Ski Tours
    Ski Tour: Hochhorn in Val Casies Valley – Colle
    Gsies/Valle di Casies

    From Unterplanken across to the Schuher Alm, and from the Golfen all the way to the Hochhorn

    Starting point & parking: Unterplanken in Pichl in the Gsiesertal Valley 1213 m
    Descent: back via the ascent route
    Hiking time: ca. 5 hours
    Level of difficulty: moderate – difficult; for average skiers, open terrain with moderate slope gradient, minor technical difficulties
    Altitude difference: 1400 m
    Slope exposure: southwest
    Best period: December till March

    Difficulté : moyenne
    1400 m altitude
    5h:00 min durée