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    Artisans d'art dans la vallée d'Ahrntal

    Broderies en plumes d'oie, figurines de crèche, dentelles aux fuseaux, bijoux en or, tapis en laine ainsi que travaux sur bois, tournage et tressage. Tu es à la recherche d'un produit fait main ? Regarde autour de toi parmi nos artisans compétents.

    Mein Larch
    Sand in Taufers/Campo Tures, Ahrntal/Valle Aurina
    Corner shop in the center of Mühlen in Taufers/Molini di Tures. Everything from wool and decorations to newspapers and tobacco is available.
    Ahrntaler Kunstschmiede artists blacksmith
    Ahrntal/Valle Aurina, Ahrntal/Valle Aurina

    The care of the artisan tradition and openness to creative and implementation of modern forms and materials characterize our business and make us a powerful specialist for grave crosses, lanterns, plaques, iron gates of castles and cemeteries. 

    A high-quality and clean working operation mode is our top priority. This enables us to provide you with the best skills and knowledge!

    Tiroler Holzschnitzerei sculptor
    Ahrntal/Valle Aurina, Ahrntal/Valle Aurina

    The Tyrolean company engaged in wood carving for over 25 years, with the production of high quality wood carvings and other gift items made of wood and its your contact when it comes to the production of individual pieces. You will also find a large selection of gifts, angels, crosses and nativity figurines for special occasions.

    Südtiroler Kunsthandwerk arts and handicrafts
    Ahrntal/Valle Aurina, Ahrntal/Valle Aurina
    The name "Maranatha" comes from Aramaic, the mother tongue of Jesus, and means "Our Lord shall come" However, this does not only mean the arrival of Jesus 2000 years ago, but the musuem should help to experience the arrival of Jesus more deeply, not only at Christmas.
    GlassArt Marion
    Sand in Taufers/Campo Tures, Ahrntal/Valle Aurina

    Your shop for jewerly made by glass for women and men at Sand in Taufers / Campo Tures and surrounding.

    Kirchler Klaus sculptor
    Ahrntal/Valle Aurina, Ahrntal/Valle Aurina
    A special experience for yound and old!

    Nativity figurines, traditional carvings, musical instruments and rhythm devices, funny wooden novelties and much more... 


    Engl Joinery
    Sand in Taufers/Campo Tures, Ahrntal/Valle Aurina

    Open and creative, flexible and innovative, loyal and reliable – we are experts in our field, but we are also people on whom you can depend. Who work sustainably, ecologically and economically. Who like to think one step ahead, and go the extra step so that at the end there is not just a piece of furniture but a unique work of art that will give you great joy for many years. From Tischlerei Engl, your joinery in South Tyrol.

    Lace making Prettau/Predoi
    Prettau/Predoi, Ahrntal/Valle Aurina

    In 1893 when the copper mine ceased its activity, the population of Prettau/Predoi was forced to find other sources of income: the lace making.

    The precious art to create these masterpieces was transmitted to the local population after founding the School of Lace Making in Prettau/Predoi. The laces were sold in Europe, Africa and America.

    Laces for costumes, applications for sheets and tablecloths, handrails, tablecloths, decorations, window decorations, Christmas and Easter decorations and much more ...

