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    Écoles de ski à Sterzing Vipiteno et dans les environs

    Sterzing/Vipiteno est idéal pour apprendre à skier. Des cours adaptés à tous les âges et niveaux sont proposés par des professionnels.
    Guides, schools
    Outdoor Center - Skischool & Sportrent
    Sterzing/Vipiteno, Sterzing/Vipiteno and environs

    Ideal location directly at the Rosskopf valley station in Sterzing / Vipiteno and at the exit of the mountain station. Best equipment and top advice: Alpine skiing, snowboarding, tobogganing, cross-country skiing - skating & classic, freestyle, freeride, snow skates, snowshoes, e-bikes, bicycles. 

    Guides, schools
    Luisl`s Ski & Snowboard school
    Ratschings/Racines, Sterzing/Vipiteno and environs

    Learn to ski at the highest level

    No matter if you are skiing or snowboarding for the first time in your life or if you want to perfect your turns - in any case it is important to have an experienced professional by your side.

    Our ski and snowboard instructors are looking forward to meeting you!

    Outdoor Center Sterzing Rosskopf
    Sterzing/Vipiteno, Sterzing/Vipiteno and environs

    Ideal location directly at the Rosskopf valley station in Sterzing / Vipiteno and at the exit of the mountain station. Best equipment and top advice: Alpine skiing, snowboarding, tobogganing, cross-country skiing - skating & classic, freestyle, freeride, snow skates, snowshoes, e-bikes, bicycles. 


    E-Bike Rental:
    Sterzing - Rosskopf valley station
    Brenner - Bernmeister Bar
    Ridnaun - Sportmode Haller

    Sterzing - Rosskopf valley station
    Sterzing - train station Bar Buffet
    Brenner - Bernmeister Bar
    Ridnaun - Sportmode Haller
    Freienfeld - Lener Inn

    Guides, schools
    Ski school Ratschings/Racines
    Ratschings/Racines, Sterzing/Vipiteno and environs

    Learning the correct skiing technique and mastering this discipline greatly increases the pleasure of going down the track and ensures greater safety. Ski instructors, alpine and ski mountaineering guides, snowboard instructors and cross-country skiing instructors of the Racines-Giovo school, trained according to the most advanced teaching techniques, will help turn your fun on the snow into an exciting experience to live and share with others.

    Guides, schools
    Ski & Snowboardschool Ladurns
    Brenner/Brennero, Sterzing/Vipiteno and environs

    A highly motivated team of professional ski instructors will take care of you, from beginner to professional. Our small, personally run Ski & Snowboardschool is known for the newest and most innovative instruction methods. Our friendly and highly qualified ski instructors are at your disposal for special intensive units. The “Fichti’s” children’s club puts a smile on every child’s face. We take great care of “the tomorrow’s skistars” so we give specially planned group lessons for children from 3 to 13 years, during the whole day, including lunch and other funny activities

    Outdoor Center Brenner Bernmeister
    Brenner/Brennero, Sterzing/Vipiteno and environs

    Ideal location directly at the Rosskopf valley station in Sterzing / Vipiteno and at the exit of the mountain station. Best equipment and top advice: Alpine skiing, snowboarding, tobogganing, cross-country skiing - skating & classic, freestyle, freeride, snow skates, snowshoes, e-bikes, bicycles. 

    E-Bike Rental:
    Sterzing - Rosskopf valley station
    Brenner - Bernmeister Bar
    Ridnaun - Sportmode Haller

    Sterzing - Rosskopf valley station
    Sterzing - train station Bar Buffet
    Brenner - Bernmeister Bar
    Ridnaun - Sportmode Haller
    Freienfeld - Lener Inn

    Guides, schools
    Biathlon for guests
    Ratschings/Racines, Sterzing/Vipiteno and environs
    Shoot with original biathlon rifles at a distance of 50 meters - with or without skis. On request, we also offer the organization of entertaining biathlon fun races for groups.
    Guides, schools
    Sterzing ski school
    Sterzing/Vipiteno, Sterzing/Vipiteno and environs

    You will find ideal conditions on the slopes of Monte Cavallo in Sterzing / Vipiteno - from beginner to pro!
