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Vybrané filtry

    Prohlídky, návštěvy a workshopy

    Ať už se jedná o biodynamické pěstování jablek, správnou teplotu mléka pro výrobu másla nebo vhodný sklon Lagreinu: o kvalitních jihotyrolských produktech se můžete dozvědět spoustu zajímavých informací během nezapomenutelných zážitků. Jednou nebo dvakrát můžete dokonce sami přiložit ruku k dílu. Brzy si toho všimnete: Kdo ví víc, tomu víc chutná.

    Gastronomy/regional products
    The world of sparkling wines 2024 Monday
    Kaltern an der Weinstraße/Caldaro sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road
    Sparkling wine tasting and guided visit at the Kettmeir winery. The journey starts with a tour of the historic winery and ends with a final wine tasting. Participants will learn the difference between the definitions Brut, metodo classico and doux. They will also discover what the pupitre is used for and what remouage is. Finally, for a sparkling start into the week, a tasting of fine sparkling wines will take place. Guided tours on request. Registration: within saturday, 12 pm, at the Kaltern Tourism Office
    25 března, 2024 - 04 listopadu, 2024
    Guided tours
    Bunker23 "Warm yourself the fire burns"
    Mals/Malles, Vinschgau/Val Venosta
    Various international & local South Tyrolean artists and designers are currently showing at Bunker23. The exhibition offers a wide range of art works, showcasing various approaches and different materials. Start of the guided tour: 4 p.m. Duration of the guided tour: approx. 45 min Guided tour: € 9,00 (no registration required) Entry to the bunker only: € 6,00 (no registration required) The bunker is open from 1 p.m. until 6 p.m.
    02 června, 2024 - 20 října, 2024
    On the trail of minerals in the Pfitschtal valley
    Pfitsch/Val di Vizze, Sterzing/Vipiteno and environs
    Explore the world of stones together. The Pfitsch Valley near Sterzing is rich in such treasures. Good footwear, a backpack with provisions, and warm clothing are required! You need to reach the meeting point in the Pfitsch Valley by car. Duration: Walking time 1.5 hours; Total duration: 5 – 6 hours; Return journey: 1 hour Elevation difference: 500m Number of participants: min. 4 and max. 20 people Registration deadline: until Monday at 5:00 p.m.
    04 června, 2024 - 24 září, 2024
    Guided tours
    Guided tour of the Fanes-Senes-Braies Nature Park visitor centre
    Al Plan/San Vigilio, Dolomites Region Kronplatz/Plan de Corones
    From the wooded valleys to the highest snow-capped peaks, the Fanes-Senes-Braies Nature Park hides ancient secrets and discoveries of all kinds. Accompanied by an experienced guide, the Nature Park visitor centre will reveal all its mysteries. Here you will be able to get a close look at the animals and plants that live undisturbed in this protected area and explore the inside of deep caves hidden in the mountains. Beware, for it is in these caves that traces of ancient predators from prehistoric times have been found...
    04 července, 2024 - 31 října, 2024
    Daksy's nature workshop: Creative workshop for children
    Al Plan/San Vigilio, Dolomites Region Kronplatz/Plan de Corones
    Daksy's natural workshop for children between 6 and 12 years

    Are you interested in nature? Then you are right here! With experiments and games we discover every week other interesting secrets about the nature park, its animals, plants, habitats, fossils, stones, ...

    05 července, 2024 - 27 září, 2024
    Guided tours
    Art Speakings
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    Every weekend, Art Speakings with art mediators allow visitors to ask questions and deepen their understanding of the exhibitions, giving space to individual perspectives and moments of cultural wellbeing. The offer is free of charge.
    27 července, 2024 - 28 července, 2024
    Guided tours
    "Im Rampenlicht" - "Aliens" | Art exhibition
    Sand in Taufers/Campo Tures, Ahrntal/Valle Aurina
    The exhibition features works by the artists Hubert Zanol and Friedrich Sebastian Feichter. Both have exhibited several times in Sand in Taufers. // For example, as part of the Sand Art open-air exhibitions in the nineties. Or in the Kunstgarten gallery.
    27 července, 2024 - 04 srpna, 2024
    VINSCHGAU crystalline - international Marble Symposium South Tyrol
    Laas/Lasa, Vinschgau/Val Venosta
    Six sculptors from all over the world will gather in the Vinschgau Valley to create sculptures, each for themselves and together at the same time. The work material is the crystalline stone that the world appreciates and the locals are proud of: the Vinschgau marble from the quarries in Covelano and Lasa. Two so-called “skaters” from other cultural genres such as literature, music, acting, net art or acrobatics will perform simultaneously in their own way. In the interaction of these eight artists, independent statements will emerge in independent forms of expression that will complement or contradict each other. A wide-ranging supporting programme in the two Vinschgau communities makes the event a highlight in the South Tyrolean event summer.
    27 července, 2024 - 04 srpna, 2024
    Gastronomy/regional products
    Tisens/Tesimo, Meran/Merano and environs
    TESANA - TIME out for You from 07.04.-08.06.2024! Simply switch off, do yourself some good and experience something new - that is the motto of TESANA. During a herbal hike you will be shown how valuable the gifts of nature are and how we can use them for ourselves. On a guided bird call hike you will learn to listen carefully and to perceive the subtle differences, and on a guided bee tour you will learn how important even the small things or animals are for our lives. In addition, yoga, forest bathing and Kneipp-water treading will bring you back the balance that your body and soul need. The fact that a time-out also includes the conscious enjoyment of high-quality food can be experienced at the TESANA events, in which food plays the main role. We invite you to taste TESANA products and enjoy healthy dishes in our TESANA restaurant. You will see how good such a TESANA TIME out does! All information on TESANA - TIME out for You at www.tisensprissian.com/tesana
    27 července, 2024 - 09 srpna, 2024
    Forest Bathing (in german)
    Mölten/Meltina, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    Bathing in the forest (in German language) For an english-language event, we ask you kindly to get in touch directly with Maria Theresa Bortoluzzi, tel. +39 348 8552804 Thank you!
    27 července, 2024 - 31 srpna, 2024
    Guided tours
    Art exhibition Biennale Gherdëina "The parliament of marmots"
    Urtijëi/Ortisei, Dolomites Region Val Gardena
    At the center of the 9th Biennale Gherdëina are three thematic areas: the wild as a creative dimension, the multiple relationships between species, and the mountain as a meeting place. The artists gathering in Ortisei will focus their research on the concrete experience of the forest, hiking, isolation, the mountain, matter, the body, connection with different animal species, and empathy with the natural world. www.biennalegherdeina.it
    27 července, 2024 - 01 září, 2024
    Guided tour of the mill museum
    Aldein/Aldino, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    Guided hike to the mill museum "im Thal" Meeting point: at 10.00 am at the fire station in Aldein. The 5 old mills in Aldein are put into operation and the way they work is demonstrated. Very interesting for young and old to see the power of water and the old way of working Voluntary donation to the Aldein Museum Association for the preservation of the mills
    27 července, 2024 - 14 září, 2024
    Guided tours
    Temporary exhibition "Ert tla tor" of Siegward Sprotte
    La Val, Dolomites Region Alta Badia
    An exhibition journey in the evocative tower of the castle Ciastel de Tor between the north and the south of the paintings of Siegward Sprotte (1913-2004). The north - Germany, where he lived, and the south - South Tyrol, where he stayed, are the compass by which he orientated himself. The island of Sylt, with its waves and colourful horizons, and Colfosco, with its mountains and trees tousled by snow, the two extremes of an immense geography called art. Price: ticket Museum Ladin Ciastel de Tor During the event photos or video footage may be taken for the purpose of documentation and promotion of the event and the region. The footage may be used and published on websites, on social networks and on media in compliance with the data protection regulations.
    27 července, 2024 - 29 září, 2024
    Guided tours
    Nativity exhibition
    Sexten/Sesto, Dolomites Region 3 Zinnen
    The museum is located in the Hotel Mondschein / Luna in the center of Sesto. It has been realised by Mr. Stabinger with a lot of love for detail.
    27 července, 2024 - 12 října, 2024
    Guided tours
    Museum Bellum Aquilarum - Exhibition "Traces of history"
    Sexten/Sesto, Dolomites Region 3 Zinnen
    Many areas of the Dolomites are in the process of setting up projects to enhance the historical testimony of the Great War. Sesto di Pusteria was both victim and protagonist of this tragedy. Sesto di Pusteria is the only place of Germanic language and culture belonging to the Austro-Hungarian Empire to find itself at the front line, undergoing forced evacuation and displacement, and then, together with other places of the South Tyrol, being annexed to Italy. This chance set of events makes Sesto an emblematic place to tell the history of this period, not only for the Tyrolean citizens of today but for all the inhabitants of Europe. The vicissitudes of the civilian population and of the soldiers during this extremely important moment in history have so far surprisingly been neglected, undoubtedly because of the upheaval following the end of the war and annexation to Italy. Given the considerable interest in the First World War that is now emerging in Europe, Sesto has unique and inestimable contribution to make. The Associazione Bellum Aquilarum (Bellum Aquilarum historical association) aims to save from oblivion the surviving testimony to this tragedy in order to preserve it so that it can be handed down to future generations, not only to the young people of Pusteria, but also to those living in places once belonging to the former Austro-Hungarian Empire that were the scenes of battle here. The tragedy experienced so deeply at Sesto and in Pusteria is askin to that of many other areas of Europe which were on the front line or which, after the war, witnessed the havoc brougth on by territorial annexation. The ensuing cultural, historical and political schism was immense; without doubt, these events changed Pusteria but also Europe itself, and today - in a European perspective enabling the age-old tensions issuing from the war to be overcome - preserving these memories can aid us in the construction of our common future.
    27 července, 2024 - 12 října, 2024
    To Amaten and the Folklore Museum
    Percha/Perca, Dolomites Region Kronplatz/Plan de Corones
    Hike from Gais to Amaten and visit to the South Tyrolean Folklore Museum in Dietenheim (dogs not allowed). Length: approx. 6,5 hours (visit included) Altitude difference: 480 m Difficulty: moderate walk Contribution: 20,00 € per person Free participation for those who are in possession of the Bruneck Kronplatz Card, please bring it to the meeting point! Limited number of participants! Reservations required at www.bruneck.guestnet.info or +39 0474 555722.
    27 července, 2024 - 26 října, 2024
    Guided tours
    Kunsthistorische Führung durch die Burgruine Lichtenberg
    Prad am Stilfser Joch/Prato allo Stelvio, Vinschgau/Val Venosta
    Entdecken Sie die geheimnisvolle Burgruine in Lichtenberg zusammen mit unseren ausgebildeten Schlossführern und erleben Sie Geschichte hautnah. Die Burgruine Lichtenberg ist eine Höhenburg im Dorf Lichtenberg in der Gemeinde Prad am Stilfserjoch. Gutes Schuhwerk, Sonnenschutz bzw. Sonnencreme und genügend Trinkwasser nicht vergessen. Möglichkeit zum Mittagessen in Lichtenberg nach der Führung (kalte Platte, warme Imbisse) im Gasthof "Schwarzer Adler" in Lichtenberg. Bitte am Vortag reservieren unter +39 0473 616019 Führungen nur mit Anmeldung: bis 18.00 Uhr des Vortages im Infobüro Prad am Stilfserjoch oder online Führung in deutscher Sprache jeden Mittwoch und Samstag: um 10.00 Uhr bei der Pfarrkirche Lichtenberg Preis: in bar vor Ort zu bezahlen 12,00€ Erwachsene 6,00 € Kinder (unter 15 Jahren) Auf Anfrage Gruppenpreise und Führungen an anderen Tagen!
    27 července, 2024 - 26 října, 2024
    Guided vineyard tour with wine tasting in Castel Ringberg (Elena Walch)
    Tramin an der Weinstraße/Termeno sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road
    In the summer months, short hikes through the vineyards surrounding VIGNA Castel Ringberg are offered. Find out all about vineyard care dedicated to sustainability. The walk comes to a relaxing end with a tasting of four wines on the large terrace of the castle. Duration approx. 2 hours. Just with favourable weather.
    27 července, 2024 - 30 října, 2024
    Visit Rohrerhaus
    Sarntal/Sarentino, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    Visit of the historic Rohrerhaus Farmers' Museum at Sarnthein Village.
    27 července, 2024 - 31 října, 2024
    Guided tours
    Guided tour in the parish church with the "Schnatterpeckaltar"
    Lana, Meran/Merano and environs
    Guided tour of the Niederlana parish church with the Schnatterpeck altar. A first church was built on this site in the early Middle Ages on Roman foundations. In 1492, the present late Gothic wall pillar church was consecrated. Josef Weingartner counts it among the "most beautiful Gothic churches in the country" in his "Art Monuments of South Tyrol". The Gothic winged altar from the workshop of Hans Schnattpereck is a work of art that is known far beyond the borders of the province.
    27 července, 2024 - 31 října, 2024
    Carriage ride in the Ridnauntal valley
    Ratschings/Racines, Sterzing/Vipiteno and environs
    Just sit back and enjoy the experience. Alone, with your partner, a friend, or the whole family. Don’t miss out on an exciting horse-drawn carriage ride. Between blossoming mountain slopes, green valley meadows, and rushing streams, the journey is unhurried and you don’t have to do anything but take in the scenery. Daily by appointment.
    27 července, 2024 - 31 října, 2024
    Adventure tour through the Bletterbach gorge - from Aldein
    Aldein/Aldino, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    The guided hike starts with an initial overview of the special features of the Bletterbach gorge at the Aldein visitor centre. A forest path then leads into the deep porphyry gorge made of volcanic rock. From there, the trail continues upstream to the colourful and shapely sandstone layers as the valley widens. Scientists have found valuable plant fossils and impressive dinosaur tracks in these layers - and with a bit of luck, the GEOPARC guide will be able to show the group some of the finds on the spot. The guides' explanations bring the landscapes, the climate and the inhabitants of the time when the rock layers of the Bletterbach were formed 260 million years ago to life. The hike leads to the large waterfall and then back a little way, where the steep Jagersteig trail from the gorge and a wide forest path lead back to the visitor centre. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
    27 července, 2024 - 31 října, 2024
    Guided tours
    Museum Steinegg - 1000 years of Tyrolean history
    Karneid/Cornedo all'Isarco, Dolomites Region Eggental
    Experience over 1000 years of Tyrolean history, customs and traditions on a 1000 m² guided tour. The lovingly furnished rooms, chambers and workshops faithfully reflect the life of our ancestors; above all, the art treasures of religious and secular origin give the museum a special touch and make it unique in South Tyrol. An animal exhibition is a source of amazement, especially for children. On normal weekdays, a reservation is required within 12 noon of the previous day; on weekends a reservation is always obligatory until 5 p.m. on Thursday and until 48 hours before for public holidays: at the tourist office or online. Guided tours in german or italian. PRICES: Adults from 14 years 7,00 € Children from 6 - 13 years 4,00 € Student with valid student card 4,00 € Mini - Family one adult and one child up to 13 years 7,00 € Family ticket two adults and two children up to 13 years 14,00 €
    27 července, 2024 - 31 října, 2024
    Guided tours
    Permanent exhibition "Silent Forces of Everyday Life: folk belief"
    Sand in Taufers/Campo Tures, Ahrntal/Valle Aurina
    The special exhibition at Taufers Castle deals with the medieval theme of "popular belief", which combines religious aspects with superstition. Curated by Marie Rubner, it can be seen from March 29 to November 3, 2024.
    The exhibition shows a view of the world that was influential until the Enlightenment and is still influential today. It does not judge, but provides insights into religious customs, rituals and the belief in otherworldly powers.
    Popular belief sought to harness otherworldly powers in order to achieve safety, health and salvation.
    The exhibition presents texts, exhibits and images, including unicorns, basilisks and thinkers.
    Although it does not draw any conclusions, the exhibition opens our eyes to the importance of popular beliefs in society. It also shows how the focus on popular belief affects historical conflicts of faith.
    It becomes clear that popular belief filled gaps in the Christian understanding of faith by turning to powers beyond. At the same time, the Catholic understanding of faith opposed pagan cults with sacramental alternatives.
    A visit to the exhibition can reveal further insights and invites you to visit several times.
    27 července, 2024 - 03 listopadu, 2024
    Guided tours
    Temporary exhibition "Countdown to Mass Extinction?"
    La Val, Dolomites Region Alta Badia
    The new special exhibition at the Museum Ladin is titled “Countdown to Mass Extinction?”. It focuses on the End Permian Mass Extinction that occurred 252 million years ago and the current climate change. Free entry. During the event photos or video footage may be taken for the purpose of documentation and promotion of the event and the region. The footage may be used and published on websites, on social networks and on media in compliance with the data protection regulations.
    27 července, 2024 - 03 listopadu, 2024
    Guided tours
    Ötzi the Iceman, the Stone Age and me
    Schnals/Senales, Meran/Merano and environs
    During the family-friendly Discovery Tour, adults and children can learn all about the life of Ötzi the Iceman: At the archeoParc Museum, you’ll find various different challenges for you to overcome. Using your Discovery Kit, you’ll visit a Stone Age house, bake some break, and try on some of Ötzi’s clothing. And would you like to try shooting with a bow and arrows, or maybe riding in a dug-out canoe? And there’s a little surprise at the end! Price:Ticket € 54 (family4+), ticket € 32 (family3)
    27 července, 2024 - 05 listopadu, 2024
    Gastronomy/regional products
    Wine Talk in a relaxed atmosphere
    Eppan an der Weinstaße/Appiano sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road
    "Taste, discover and listen, pause for a moment and understand." Let us guide you through the world of wines in a cozy atmosphere. Take part in a guided wine tasting with regional and Italian specialties.
    27 července, 2024 - 09 listopadu, 2024
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