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Filtres sélectionnés
    Niveau de difficulté
    Distance en km

    Pistes de luge dans à Bolzano et dans les environs

    Bolzano et ses environs offrent de nombreuses possibilités de luge. Que ce soit pour le plaisir ou le sport, vous serez comblé.
    Sledging Trail
    Tobboganging Reinswalder Wiesn
    Sarntal/Sarentino, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    The "Reinswalder Wiesn" toboggan run is an experience not to be missed. The run starts at 2,130, above sea level at the Pichlberg Alpine bar/restaurant and winds its way down past hillsides deep in snow to the welcoming Sunnolm restaurant ( at the cable railway base station.

    Difficulté : facile
    0 m altitude
    8h:03 min durée
    Sledging Trail
    Sledging Trail Rittner Horn
    Ritten/Renon, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    Cool Runnings. Sleighing: a blast with family and friends.

    Take the mountain cable car Corno del Renon from Tre Sentieri/Pemmern and in a few minutes, you will be at the entrance of one of the most loved sleigh slopes. Hop on your sleigh, hold on tight and off you go!

    A sledging excursion on the well prepared natural sledging trail on the Rittner Horn. The sledging trail begins at the middle station of the Rittner Horn cable car and winds its way to the valley. Pause on the edge to admire the Schlern massif and the Dolomites, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is worth it!

    The sledging trail ends right next to the Rittner Horn cable car valley station in Tre Sentieri/Pemmern. Head up once more by cable car to the start for another descent.

    Difficulté : moyenne
    0 m altitude
    1h:30 min durée
    Sledging Trail
    Tobboganging Sunnolm
    Sarntal/Sarentino, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    Race track starting at Sunnolm. The natural toboggan run is 700 m long and ends in the toboggan run "Reinswalder Wiesn".

    Difficulté : facile
    0 m altitude
    0h:30 min durée