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Filtres sélectionnés
    Niveau de difficulté
    Distance en km

    Pistes de luge dans la Région des Dolomites Seiser Alm

    Seiser Alm offre de nombreuses possibilités de luge. Que ce soit pour le plaisir ou le sport, vous serez comblé.
    Sledging Trail
    Puflatsch Sledge Run
    Kastelruth/Castelrotto, Dolomites Region Seiser Alm

    The Puflatsch Run on the Seiser Alm is best suited for those who want to enjoy a challenging run and a breathtaking panorama.

    Difficulté : facile
    0 m altitude
    1h:00 min durée
    Sledging Trail
    Molignon Sledge Run
    Kastelruth/Castelrotto, Dolomites Region Seiser Alm

    For long-lasting fun on a sledge, the Molignon Sledge Run is the place to go.

    Difficulté : moyenne
    0 m altitude
    1h:04 min durée
    Sledging Trail
    Zallinger Sledge Run
    Kastelruth/Castelrotto, Dolomites Region Seiser Alm

    The longest sledge run on the Seiser Alm needs stamina and skill, but offers you masses of fun.

    Difficulté : facile
    0 m altitude
    1h:30 min durée
    Sledging Trail
    Icaro - Monte Piz Sledge Run
    Kastelruth/Castelrotto, Dolomites Region Seiser Alm

    The sunny slopes of the Icaro - Monte Piz run guarantee tobogganing fun for the whole family. And with its unique panorama over the Schlern, Langkofel, Plattkofel, your tobogganing outing will be nothing short of unforgettable.

    Difficulté : moyenne
    0 m altitude
    0h:34 min durée
    Sledging Trail
    Tobogganing park Seiser Alm
    Dolomites Region Seiser Alm

    In Compatsch (opposite the church) there is a small toboggan park that can be used as a toboggan run and sliding hill. Patrick Lambacher, former tobogganing world champion from Villnöss, offers free tobogganing courses three times a week, where those interested can get tips and tricks for learning the right braking and riding technique.

    The toboggan park can be used freely by everyone outside of the “course times”. It is therefore accessible at all times!

    Tobogganing at your own risk!

    Difficulté : facile
    0 m altitude
    0h:04 min durée
    Sledging Trail
    Hofer Alpl Sledge Run
    Völs am Schlern/Fiè allo Sciliar, Dolomites Region Seiser Alm

    This sledge run, which leads from the Hofer Alpl to Ums, is suitable for all the family and offers masses of sledging fun on an easy slope.

    Difficulté : facile
    0 m altitude
    1h:34 min durée