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Filtres sélectionnés
    Niveau de difficulté
    Distance en km

    Pistes de luge dans la Région des Dolomites des 3 Cimets

    Les 3 Zinnen offrent de nombreuses possibilités de luge. Que ce soit pour le plaisir ou le sport, vous serez comblé.
    Alpine Bobsled
    Funbob Haunold/Baranci
    Innichen/San Candido, Dolomites Region 3 Zinnen

    Check out Italy's first summer toboggan run! The bobs are securely mounted on a 1.750 m long aluminium pipe. Slide downhill to the valley and have as much fun as the children, since a journey on a Fun Bob is a special kind of experience for adults. You can even regulate the speed by yourself!

    Difficulté : facile
    0 m altitude
    0h:10 min durée
    Sledging Trail
    Innichen/San Candido, Dolomites Region 3 Zinnen

    The Haunold sledging trail can be reached via the 4-seater Haunold chair lift in San Candido/Innichen. It starts right outside the Riese Haunold Hütte mountain hut, and after racing downhill for about 2 km you reach the valley station again.

    Difficulty level:  DIFFICULT

    Difficulté : difficile
    0 m altitude
    5h:00 min durée
    Sledging Trail
    Croda Rossa
    Sexten/Sesto, Dolomites Region 3 Zinnen

    The 5 km long Rotwand sledging trail in the Sexten Dolomites can be easily reached via the 6-person Rotwandwiesen cable car. The start is right beside the mountain station of the lift. From there, you go through woods and fields back down to the valley station.

    Difficulty Level: DIFFICULT

    Difficulté : difficile
    0 m altitude
    5h:00 min durée