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    Pistes de luge dans la Région des Dolomites d'Alta Badia

    Alta Badia offre de nombreuses possibilités de luge. Que ce soit pour le plaisir ou le sport, vous serez comblé.
    Sledging Trail
    Rit - Biei toboggan run
    La Val, Dolomites Region Alta Badia

    This panoramic toboggan run plunges visitors into an unspoiled winter wonderland. The Rit meadows, which in summer delight hikers with their lush and varied flowers, are popular in winter for their snow-covered alpine slopes.

    Difficulté : facile
    0 m altitude
    0h:04 min durée
    Sledging Trail
    Toboggan run "Tru dla liösa Foram" in San Cassiano
    Badia, Dolomites Region Alta Badia

    The Tru dla liösa Foram natural sledging trail starts on the Piz Sorega (2,003 m) and goes across fields and through woods beneath the Piz Sorega gondola lift to San Cassiano (1,537 m). The scenery along the route is quite enchanting: from the snowy Alpine pastures of the high plateau, you reach the Foram forest before a final spurt takes you down into the valley.

    The average gradient on the sledging trail is about 10 to 15%. To keep sledging fans safe, 2.3 km of the sledging track has been protected with legally compliant timber edging.

    The start of the trail can be reached by the Piz Sorega gondola lift from San Cassiano.

    Difficulté : facile
    0 m altitude
    0h:10 min durée