Duration: approx. 3,5-4 hours, difference in altitude: 470m
Obujte si turistické boty a prozkoumejte krajinu podél jihotyrolské vinařské stezky. Tyto tipy na výlety vás zavedou po klikatých cestách, přes malebné vinice a půvabné vesničky až na bezstarostná panoramatická místa. Od nenáročných procházek až po náročné túry - každý si zde najde doslova to své. Dokonalá kombinace požitku z přírody a kultury při vychutnávání místních vín a vřelé pohostinnosti charakterizuje Jihotyrolskou vinařskou stezku jako turistickou oblast pro znalce.
Duration: approx. 3,5-4 hours, difference in altitude: 470m
“Good wine begins in the vineyard” – an oft-quoted maxim whose truth is unchallenged.
Why this is so and what happens in the vineyard is clearly described along the Castel Sallegg wine trail in Caldaro. Panels located in the midst of the vine rows explain all about Alto Adige’s grape varieties and their characteristics, relate the annual vegetation cycle of the vines and tell the history of winegrowing. Those wishing to learn more will find plenty of information about the local climate, geography and terroir. To round off the trail, visitors can visit the cellar and enjoy a wine-tasting session, thus completing the path from the vine via the barrel and into the bottle.
The starting point of the trail, which is some 350 metres long, is the Rottenburger Platz in the centre of Caldaro. From there it leads up through the vineyard to the inner courtyard of Castel Sallegg. Visitors can follow the trail alone or take part in an individual or a group guided tour: either way you can be sure of acquiring an informative insight into the traditional viticulture of Alto Adige.
Route: Rottenburger Platz (centre of Caldaro) to Castel Sallegg (30 minutes on foot).
Opening times: mid-March to mid-November (guided tours only during the ripening season).
Price: unaccompanied visits are free of charge: guided tours are €9.50 or €16.00 including cellar tour and wine tasting.
Guided tours: from 1 April to the end of October, followed by cellar visit (except during harvest time) and wine tasting. Guided tours followed by wine tasting can be organized for small and big groups.
Medium-easy exkursion across beautiful deciduous forests. The view to Bolzano and Sciliar is beautiful along the path.
The Peace Trail (Friedensweg) in Caldaro was created between 1995 and 2000 by an action group led by Georg Reider. It leads from the Sportzone St. Anton car park across the cultural and natural landscape through the Kardatschertal valley or the wild Rastenbachklamm gorge to St Peter’s Church in Castelvecchio/Altenburg.
Seven stations invite hikers and pilgrims to pause and reflect. Artists have interpreted the five themes of “Moderation, Wisdom, Justice, Belief and Hope,” artistically applying them to the environment. The sixth station (Courage) is the Rastenbachklamm gorge. The seventh, Love, is represented by the ruins of the early Christian St Peter’s Church in Castelvecchio, probably the oldest church ruins in Tyrol.
Sturdy footwear is recommended for the hike and sure-footedness is also essential in some places.
Varied and easy Trail throw the vineyards till Caldaro lake. Suitable for the whole family. (only one way 5,4km)
From the town hall square to the fairground, Söllerstraße, after the Hotel Winzerhof turn right into a vineyard path and follow the nature trail (11+11 A) to Lake Kaltern. Turn left at the Hotel Seeleitenhof and follow the signs for "Rastenbachklamm". This is followed by a varied hike over paths, steps, platforms, bridges and past waterfalls and a stream, through the wild and romantic gorge up to Altenburg. Also worth seeing along the way are the ruins of St. Peter, just before Altenburg. Return via Altenburg, Panoramaweg and Römerweg (11) to the Söll fire station and at Hotel Plattenhof back down the nature trail to Tramin.
Duration: 4.5 - 5 h
Difference in altitude: 350 m (circular route)
This beautiful hiking tour leads from Aldino to the place of pilgrimage "Maria Weissenstein/ Pietralba". We go past spectacular viewpoints and the mountain huts "Schmieder Alm" and "Schönrast Alm".
This educational nature and wine trail along Gschleier-Eck in Cornaiano opened in 2007.
From Andrian walk through the gorge of river Gaido to the ruins of Festenstein - the trail is very steep and requires attention - continue to the hamlet of Gaido (Moarhof). a short distance along trail no. 8, continue along trail no. 6 to the viewpoint Burgstalleck and descend via the Sattelweg trail to the Bittnerhof farm and back to Andrian.
The hike offers some beautiful viewpoints: take some time to rest and enjoy the view: at the ruins of Castelforte (Festenstein), at Payer's Peak (Burgstalleck) and above Andriano at Schlosspichl.
Walking time: 60 - 90 minutes
Walk along the historic town center „Betlehem“, through the Gewürztraminer vineyards above Tramin-Termeno. Enjoy the Mediterranean culture, the landscape and a unique view on Tramin-Termeno and the environment.
Our alpine hut is located at 1,750 m, surrounded by large alpine meadows and in the immediate vicinity of a beautiful pond. The view of the surrounding mountains, Latemar, Catinaccio, Sciliar, Corno Nero and Corno Bianco invites you to simply let your soul dangle. We will coddle you with local delicacies and seasonal specialties.
The hike leads from Terlan via Neuhaus Castle up to the hamlet of Montigl. From the “Moarhof” farm a very steep path leads up to the Helfenberg ruins. From here you go back to Terlan via the same route. Or as an alternative for sure-footed and experienced hikes: path 9 A and path 11 A down to Siebeneich. From there you can take the bus back to Terlan.
From the main square of Kurtatsch we take the Obergasse, a street that starts steeply up to the small square, where we turn right. At the next intersection - near the fountain - we follow the Schiessstandweg, which continues as a narrow street through the woods (Trimm-Dich-Pfad). This road takes us past Kastelaz to the southern limits of Tramin. We return to Kurtatsch over the street to Rungg, to the right just before the Elena Walch winery.
At the bottom of the Gantkofel the Eppaner Castle triangle is located. On the art-historic walking tour you get an impression of the mediaeval South Tyrol. The walking tour to the castles takes you to the Castle Triangle. First you reach the Castle Hocheppan, which is one of the most important fortifications of SouthTyrol. After a visit as well as refreshment at the Castle tavern the hike continues to the ruin Boymont. A little bit underneath Castle Korb is located, which derived from the Roman époque and is now a hotel.
The Corno di Tres offers a wonderful view over the Bassa Atesina holiday region and the remaining Adige valley. The tour begins on the Favogna road, right about 3 km after Fennhals along trail 3, Corno di Tres. For a round trip, a climb over the saddle (marking 7, Fennhals) is also possible (11km, 865hm, 4h40m). Once on top, pass the Rätersteig (always sign no. 3) on the right to Fenner Joch (1563 m). From there on, the somewhat steep Barbara path to the summit. In the same way back to Favogna.
The road starts from the centre of Aldein next to the Church. We follow the instructions of the road nr. 10 and after 1 1/2 we reach the main street, which has to be crossed. The instructions show the way to farms and meadows. Soon we reach the first station of the cross, this one as well as the others are made by the Schützenkompanie Aldein. At the "Bacherhof" farm starts the "Long way", called by the inhabitants of Aldein, which goes into the woods with a slight raising. Walking from one station of the cross to the next we reach the "Woller"-shed in the middle of alp meadows with beautiful flowers. The forest road (Nr. 2-8-10) leads us to the largest place of pilgrimage of South Tyrol: Maria Weißenstein. Behind the Curch we find the restaurant and the bus parking place, where a bus drives to the Centre of Aldein too.
Route: from the car park at Kalterer See lake, continue north to the Geier restaurant. Behind the restaurant, a narrow trail leads to the north into the orchards. Walk along these and turn off to the right in an easterly direction following the markers. At the slope on the eastern side of the valley, turn right, passing by the hotel on the left to the Klughammer road. First follow this road, then continue on a trail above the road.
This trail ends at the southern end of the lake. Cross the road to join the Nature Discovery Trail (Naturerlebnisweg). At the end of this nature trail, turn right onto the so-called Kuchlweg trail, hiking to the vineyards on the western side of the valley. Just before the wine road, turn right into the trail through the field, following it until you reach the point where the wine road curves to the right. Cross over and now follow a trail through the field once more. Then follow the footpath next to the wine road to the church of San Giuseppe al Lago/St. Josef am See (Kirche St. Josef). Take the farm track to the right back to the starting point of the hike.
Beautiful hike with a lot of views. The first and the last part of this hike is dominated by beech and mixed forest. Douring the middle part you will find various ditches.
In Terlan you will find a "wine path" running through the upper Terlan area.
Already existing roads and hiking paths are combined into a theme walk through the vineyards of Terlan.
From numerous signs you can learn interesting facts about Terlan’s winemaking history and culture. Following the information boards along the path, you will enter vineyards at various altitudes and with different climatic conditions, see the varieties grown in the area and the vine training systems, and be introduced to soil and quality management.
The accompanying brochure is available at the tourist office or at Terlan's winery.
The wine teaching trail Cortaccia/Kurtatsch | On the 1.6 km path through the vineyards of Cortaccia, hikers can trace all of the important things that happen over the course of the wine-growing year. You’ll learn about wine cultivation, landscape, and history at a number of different information stations along the way. You can also smell different aromas found in wine. | The wine teaching trail Cortaccia/Kurtatsch | Starting point: The main square of Cortaccia/Kurtatsch | Highest point: 400
To "Rungg" and St. Valentin, duration: approx. 45 minutes, asphalt
This leisurely stroll follows a country road through the vineyards to Tramin. At the halfway mark, in the tiny hamlet of Rungg, there is a farmer's inn offering drinks and snacks where you can rest (closed Wednsedays). After a visit to Tramin, we follow the same road back to Kurtatsch.
From the parking lot at the Weinstraße the route proceeds into the village center, across St. Gertraud's square and into the narrow Franz-von-Fenner-Straße, following the marking number 3. The road starts steeply up through vineyards to the marking 3a towards Entiklar. After about 100 meters towards Entiklar, the 3B path to Penon branches off to the left. Once the first houses of Hinterpenon (605m) are reached, a paved road heads north until a fork in the road (to the right, a roadside shrine). Stay to the right - also at the next fork - to descend to Entiklar (256 m) - marking 7. Upon reaching the first houses in Entiklar, the path 3A takes off to the left toward Margreid (226 m).
A comfortable walk through the middle of the fruit trees. Recommended in the heyday, when the orchards are blooming. Suitable walk for babies/kids and strollers. Also practical on bad weather days.
A leisurely, only somewhat steep, excursion across woods and chestnut groves.
The Wine Trail is layed out in the form of an "8" and takes you from the village centre, down to the lake and back – past wine vineyards, farms and estates. Ground markings have been laid into the ground so that the hiker is aware of the various vineyard names as he passes by. You will see some of the age-old poetic vineyard names, which date back to either Rhaetian or Romantic origins: "Vial", "Prunar", "Puntara", "Palurisch" …
Along the geological path you will find a lot of signs and stations that shows the geology and the connected relations. The main attraction of the trail is the "Höllenbach" catastrophe of 1986. Following the path you will arrive on a big rock of tufa and the S. Nepomuk santuary. This rock last a violent mudslud and reminds the power of nature. The next sign reminds the mudslide of 1986. Just a short look to the panorama shows the different layers of rock from Montan to Weis and Schwarzhorn. Nearby you will find another rock. That's a Voltago conglomerate who resisted a mudslide 245 millions of years ago. After it there's the possibility to take a little break on a quiet island with 5 columns and a little bench with some small different rockets from the sourroundings. On the dam of the river a sign will explane you the different layers of the rock infront of you. The last sign indicate some fossils which where found in the river bed and with a bit of luck also you could find one.
Moderately difficult hike below the Mendel Ridge, mostly on forestry trails with beautiful viewpoints over Eppan, the entire Überetsch and the Bozen basin.