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    Rowery szosowe

    Kolarstwo szosowe w Południowym Tyrolu: Poczuj dreszczyk emocji na krętych górskich przełęczach, gładkim asfalcie i panoramicznych widokach. Raj dla rowerzystów szosowych, z wymagającymi podjazdami i satysfakcjonującymi zjazdami.

    Bike round tour of Vilpiano
    Tisens/Tesimo, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    This route crosses four villages of the Val d'Adige by orchards, vineyards, along the forest and also provides some viewpoints. The route is easy to ride, since no large height differences have to be overcome.

    There are several places of interest which invite you to linger. The route leads not only past designated bike paths, but also to non-busy routes. Very easy to ride with the racing bike too.

    Poziom trudności: łatwy
    47 wysokość w górę
    10.9 Km odległość
    Etsch Bike Route from Meran/Merano to Bozen/Bolzano
    Meran/Merano, Meran/Merano and environs
    The Etsch Bike Route is a pleasant cycle path running from Meran/Merano to Bozen/Bolzano. If you rent your bike at the “Südtirol Rad” rental point in Meran, you may return it at that company’s rental point in Bozen. The return trip to Meran can then be undertaken by train. For the latter option, you may want to purchase the bikemobil Card, which combines two different offers: unlimited travelling on all of South Tyrol’s means of public transport and a day trip on a borrowed bicycle.
    If you ride your own bicycle and would like to take the train from Bozen to Meran, you should keep in mind that taking bicycles on the train is subject to a charge (€ 7) and is only possible to a limited extent (not more than 16-20 bicycles per train) due to space and security reasons. In any case, priority is given to the transportation of people.
    Poziom trudności: łatwy
    0 wysokość w górę
    30 Km odległość
    Road biking - Passo di Monte Giovo Tour
    St.Leonhard in Passeier/San Leonardo in Passiria, Meran/Merano and environs

    Passo di Monte Giovo Tour
    San Leonardo, Passiria – Valtina – Passo di Monte Giovo –
    Valtina – San Leonardo, Passiria

    Poziom trudności: trudny
    1963 wysokość w górę
    38.9 Km odległość
    Bike route from Vilpian to Lana
    Terlan/Terlano, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The route is easy to ride, because there are no special height differences to be overcome. Attractions in Lana: the Schnatterpeckaltar in the parish church of Niederlana and the South Tyrol Museum of Fruit-Growing at Brandiser Waalweg No. 4 (near the golf course).

    Poziom trudności: łatwy
    47 wysokość w górę
    20.7 Km odległość
    Tour to Bolzano
    Nals/Nalles, Meran/Merano and environs

    From Nalles the tour runs along the Etschtal Valley bicycle path to Settequerce. From there it goes through San Maurizio, over Grieser square and past the victory monument to the Walter square, the center of the city Bolzano.

    It continues through the Portici of Bolzano to the meadows of Talvera, with a view of the Castle Firmiano (Messner Mountain Museum). It runs along the river Isarco, farther south.

    You pass under the Messner Mountain Museum, from here on the tour leads you along the Etschtal Valley bicycle path and along the wine road back to Nalles.

    • Total length: 40 km
    • Driving time: 3 hours
    • Difference in altitude: 180 m
    Poziom trudności: łatwy
    131 wysokość w górę
    40.8 Km odległość
    Day trip to Merano/Meran
    Laives/Leifers, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    Pleasing tour along the river Adige/Etsch, till you reach the thermal city Merano/Meran.



    Poziom trudności: łatwy
    105 wysokość w górę
    38.4 Km odległość
    Day trip to Trento
    Laives/Leifers, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    A leisurely day trip along the Adige cycle route to the beautiful city of Trento.

    Poziom trudności: łatwy
    123 wysokość w górę
    56.4 Km odległość
    Castelfeder – Bolzano – Valle Isarco
    Salorno/Salurn, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    Der Radweg führt über das schöne Etschtal zwischen der Landeshauptstadt Bozen, dem mittelalterliche Städtchen Klausen und der Bischofsstadt Brixen entlang.

    Poziom trudności: łatwy
    1288 wysokość w górę
    76.1 Km odległość
    Val d’Adige cycling track Vinschgau Mals - Algund
    Algund/Lagundo, Meran/Merano and environs

    The Vinschger railway is ideal for enhancing your cycling experience in South Tyrol. Due to the new Vinschger railway, the Vinschgau region can also now be discovered by a combination of train and bike. The railway connects the garden village of Lagundo aslike the spa town of Meran with the village of Mals. There are six railway stations along the line that offer a bike borrow service (mid April to beginning of November): Meran, Naturns, Latsch, Spondinig, Schlanders and Mals.

    Bikes can be hired and returned at different stations. The hire service includes a cycling helmet. For our little guests, who are still too small to cycle by themselves, there are children’s seats available. In addition, there are special tandems and multi-purpose trailers (also for dogs).

    Due to the incredible success of bike admittance on trains, there was not enough space on the trains for passengers and bikes. For this reason, restrictions had to be applied at that time. This restriction is still valid at the railways stations of Meran and Algund if you enter with your bike for the journey going towards the Vinschgau region. If this applies to you at some stage, you can use an alternative service: the bike shuttle. This bus runs six times daily from Meran to Mals, i.e. at 9.16 am / 9.46 a.m. / 9.46 a.m. / 10.16 a.m. / 11.16 a.m. / 4.16 p.m. and 5.16 p.m. Afterwards, your bike can be picked up at one of the bike borrow stations of your choice, which are at the following stations: Naturns, Latsch, Schlanders, Spondinig or Mals.

    The price of transporting a bike & a person is the same as the price per person, which is EURO 7. A day ticket can be bought at the ticket office.

    Bikemobil Card:

    This combi ticket can be used for all public transport (bus, train, lift facilities) in all of South Tyrol. In addition, on one day of your choice, you can also hire a bike at one of the numerous borrow-a-bike stations with the ‘Südtirol Rad’ symbol (Bike South Tyrol). Borrowed bikes can be returned at any of the ‘Südtirol Rad’ borrow stations. A fabulous way to discover South Tyrol!

    • 7 day ticket Bikemobilcard: Adults/€ 35,00 - Junior (6 to 14 yrs.) € 17,50
    • 3 day ticket Bikemobilcard: Adults/€ 30,00 - Junior (6 to 14 yrs.) € 15,00
    • 1 day ticket Bikemobilcard: Adults/€ 25,00 - Junior (6 to 14 yrs.) € 12,50
    Poziom trudności: łatwy
    110 wysokość w górę
    58.7 Km odległość
    Road biking - Passo del Rombo
    Naturns/Naturno, Meran/Merano and environs

    Passo del Rombo Tour
    San Leonardo, Passiria – Moso, Passiria – Passo del Rombo –
    Moso, Passiria – San Leonardo, Passiria

    Poziom trudności: średni
    3539 wysokość w górę
    58.6 Km odległość
    Bicycle ride through asparagus fields and blossoming apple orchards
    Terlan/Terlano, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The movement in the outdoors is not only healthy, it also causes mental miracles: On foot or by bike - fresh air promotes circulation, relax and brings good mood. The view of the Asparagus fields in Terlan and the blossoming orchards promotes this feeling of happiness.

    Poziom trudności: łatwy
    95 wysokość w górę
    29.2 Km odległość
    Castelfeder – Merano - Val Venosta
    Salorno/Salurn, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    Dieser Strecke ist ein Teilstück des bekannten Etschradweges und des Radweges Via Claudia Augusta. Hier erleben Sie die beeindruckende Landschaften und die zauberhafte Natur Südtirols. Empfehlens-wert ist ein Abstecher in die Kurstadt Meran, bekannt für zahlreiche Museen und Sehenswürdigkeiten, und den botanische Gärten von „Schloss Trautmannsdorf“.

    Poziom trudności: średni
    1741 wysokość w górę
    121.4 Km odległość
    Road biking - Passo dello Stelvio Tour
    Naturns/Naturno, Meran/Merano and environs

    Passo dello Stelvio Tour
    Prato allo Stelvio – Stelvio – Gomagoi – Trafoi –
    Passo dello Stelvio – Giogo di Santa Maria – Santa Maria –
    Tubre – Glorenza – Prato allo Stelvio

    Poziom trudności: średni
    2316 wysokość w górę
    64.1 Km odległość
    Val d’Adige cycling track Algund - Bozen
    Algund/Lagundo, Meran/Merano and environs
    The train of the Bozen-Meran line is ideal for enhancing your cycling experience in South Tyrol.
    There is one bike hire service at the train station Merano and another one at the Messe railway station Bozen Sud, both being available from mid June to mid September.

    Bikes can be borrowed and returned at different stations. The borrow service includes a cycling helmet. For our little guests who are still too small to cycle by themselves there are children’s seats available. In addition, there are special tandems and multi-purpose trailers (also for dogs).

    The price of transporting a bike & a person is the same as the price per person, which is EURO 7. A day ticket can be bought at the ticket office.

    Bikemobil Card:
    This combi ticket can be used for all public transport (bus, train, lift facilities) in all of South Tyrol. In addition, on one day of your choice, you can also borrow a bike at one of the numerous borrow-a-bike stations with the ‘Südtirol Rad’ symbol (Bike South Tyrol). Borrowed bikes can be returned at any of the ‘Südtirol Rad’ hire stations. A fabulous way to discover South Tyrol!
    • 7 day ticket Bikemobilcard: Adults/€ 35,00 - Junior (6 to 14 yrs.) € 17,50
    • 3 day ticket Bikemobilcard: Adults/€ 30,00 - Junior (6 to 14 yrs.) € 15,00
    • 1 day ticket Bikemobilcard: Adults/€ 25,00 - Junior (6 to 14 yrs.) € 12,50
    Poziom trudności: łatwy
    60 wysokość w górę
    36.8 Km odległość
    Venosta valley panoramic tour
    Laas/Lasa, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    Road bike tour with view to the marble quarry, the Ortler group and the orchards of the Lasa and Sluderno Monte Sole mountain

    Poziom trudności: łatwy
    837 wysokość w górę
    39.3 Km odległość
    With the racing bike to Lake Garda
    Laives/Leifers, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    The racing bike ready to go? For racing lovers (but not only) almost a must: a day trip to Lake Garda!



    Poziom trudności: łatwy
    199 wysokość w górę
    98.6 Km odległość
    Cycle route | Lana to the Mendel Pass
    Lana, Meran/Merano and environs

    Begin in Andreas Hofer Strasse near Lana Tourist Information Office and ride to Tribusplatz square. Here turn right into Treibgasse and then left at the crossroads into Zollstrasse. Follow the signs for Bolzano (left). Cross the MEBO highway and the river Etsch and ride along the Bolzano-Merano cycle path towards Bolzano.

    In Ponte d’Adige follow the signs for Appiano. After passing Sigmundskron Castle, turn right onto the Bolzano-Appiano cycle path. At the end of the path continue towards Caldaro. As you reach the Sanvit cycling shop, leave the cycle path and follow the road to the junction for the Mendel Pass. After a 13 km climb you will reach the mountain pass (1,363 m).

    Continue to ride to Malosco and turn off to Brez. There turn right following the signs for Proves. The Brezjoch mountain pass (1,397 m) takes you to Lauregno where you can ride along the SP 86 road as far as Proves in the direction of the Ultental Valley. Cross below the Hofmahdjoch and into the Ultental Valley. At the end of this road turn right to Lana and, after passing St. Pankraz reservoir, return to your starting point.

    Note: You will be riding through tunnels - make sure that you have lighting on your bicycle.

    Poziom trudności: trudny
    0 wysokość w górę
    105.6 Km odległość
    Road biking - Passo della Mendola
    Naturns/Naturno, Meran/Merano and environs

    Passo della Mendola – Passo delle Palade Tour
    Naturno – Merano – Lana – San Paolo – Appiano – Passo della
    Mendola – Fondo – Passo delle Palade – Merano – Naturno

    Poziom trudności: łatwy
    3784 wysokość w górę
    124.8 Km odległość
    Castelfeder – Trient – Garda
    Auer/Ora, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    Die Radtour führt entlang der Etsch, vorbei an üppigen Obstplantagen und fruchtbaren Weingärten bis nach Trient und zum Gardasee. Bekannt für das milde Klima und die mediterrane Vegetation, zählt der Gardasee zu den schönsten und beeindruckendsten Naturregionen Italiens.

    Poziom trudności: średni
    1033 wysokość w górę
    92 Km odległość
    1 2 3 4