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    Wędkarstwo w Południowym Tyrolu

    Potoki, rzeki i górskie jeziora to atrakcyjne miejsca dla wędkarzy i rybaków w Południowym Tyrolu. Większość wód zasiedlona jest przez pstrągi. Mieszkańcy Południowego Tyrolu muszą posiadać kartę wędkarską (egzamin) i licencję, z kolei turyści wypoczywający w Południowym Tyrolu mogą taką licencję wykupić. Jest ona ważna przez 10 lat. Do tego każdy musi mieć jeszcze dzienną kartę na łowisko. Odkryj najpiękniejsze łowiska wędkarskie w Południowym Tyrolu.

    Angling & Fishing
    Vernagt reservoir
    Schnals/Senales, Meran/Merano and environs
    Fishing at the Vernago LakeThe purchase of a day pass is subject to the presentation of an Italian national licence for fishing. These can be obtained from the Hotel Vernago at Vernago (T +39 0473 676 063) or at the shop „Go Fish“ in Castelbello (T +39 0473 624 464) for € 32.00 per person. (valid for 10 years)

    - Vernago Lake € 20.00 + € 5.00 caution or Schnalstal river (from Vernago lake to Certosa bridge) € 30.00 + € 5.00 caution
    - available at the Hotel Edelweiss in Vernago, T +39 0473 669 633 and Hotel Vernago in Vernago, T +39 0473 676 063
    - From Lake Haider to Naturno: Go-Fish in Castelbello, T +39 0473 624 464 or Restaurant Langwies in Naturno, T +39 0473 667 526

    Directly available at lake Coldrano or Prato allo Stelvio
    Angling & Fishing
    River Ahr/Aurino - between Reinbach river in Winkel/Cantuccio and first bridge at the entrance to Luttach/Lutago
    Sand in Taufers/Campo Tures, Ahrntal/Valle Aurina
    Fishing day pass for the Ahr/Aurino river between river Reinbach/Riva in Winkel/Cantuccio and tzhe first bridge ab the enrance to Luttach/Lutago. Only available if you have an Italian fishing license. The license is available (only for foreigners) for 35,00 € at the tourist offices Sand in Taufers/Campo Tures and Luttach/Lutago.
    Angling & Fishing
    Neves artificial lake Lappach/Lappago
    Mühlwald/Selva dei Molini, Ahrntal/Valle Aurina
    Fishing day pass for the neves artificial lake Lappach/Lappago. Only available if you have an Italian fishing license. The license is available (only for foreigners) for 35,00 € at the tourist offices Sand in Taufers/Campo Tures and Luttach/Lutago.
    Angling & Fishing
    Lake Coldrano
    Latsch/Laces, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    Relaxing at the idyllic lake Coldrano. The children can rehearse fishing in the lake and the adults can relax on the lawn around the lake or taste a delicious coffee on the terrace of the restaurant.

    Angling & Fishing
    Fishing pond at Margen/Terenten
    Vintl/Vandoies, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    The fishing pond is in the Margen fraction.
    Accesible by car or on foot from the parking at Margen.
    Open every sunday from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m.
    +39 338 6531913
    +39 339 6913454
    Angling & Fishing
    Badia, Dolomites Region Alta Badia

    In the Gadera river and Rio San Cassiano from the 1st May to the 30th September.

    The license is issued for the towns of Badia, San Cassiano and La Villa by the tourist offices of La Villa, San Cassiano and Badia and costs 25,00€ + 5,00€ surety.

    Only with italian license.

    Only artificial baits are permitted.

    Angling & Fishing
    Trout fishing on Rio Gardena
    Sëlva/Selva, Dolomites Region Val Gardena

    Note: In order to promote and enhance the fish stock, trout fishing in the Rio Gardena stream is not permitted in summer 2024!

    Trout fishing on Rio Gardena: day tickets are available at the Val Gardena Tourist Offices. Guests from abroad who possess a foreign angling permit can purchase a local angling permit (validity 10 years) at the Tourist Office S.Cristina.

    Angling & Fishing
    Fishing Branzoll/Bronzolo
    Bronzolo/Branzoll, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    The sport fishing in Bronzolo/Branzoll is available to all enthusiastic hobby fishermen.
    The membership card is required, which can be purchased directly on site for €10.

    Angling & Fishing
    Fishing in the Passeiertal Valley
    St.Leonhard in Passeier/San Leonardo in Passiria, Meran/Merano and environs

    In order to fish in Italy or South Tyrol, you first need to buy an Italian fishing licence. This costs 40 Euros (identity card or passport is necessary) and is valid for 10 years in the whole of South Tyrol and Italy.

    In addition to the licence, you also need a day ticket. For the stretch of water from Quellenhof to St. Leonhard, the cost is 50 Euros or 70 Euros per day. The day tickets can be obtained at the Tourist Office of St. Leonhard and St. Martin.

    It is not allowed to take „marble trouts”.

    Other fishing waters in the Passeiertal Valley:

    · Fish pond at the Sandhof (the governmental licence is not necessary)
    · Moos - Pfelders
    · Seebersee Lake
    · Großer Schwarzsee Lake (Timmels)
    · Kleiner Schwarzsee Lake (Schneeberg)

    Angling & Fishing
    Fish pond at the Sandhof
    St.Leonhard in Passeier/San Leonardo in Passiria, Meran/Merano and environs

    The governmental licence is not necessary. The day ticket incl. equipment and bait for sale!

    The day ticket costs €18,00 and is valid for 4 trouts. A bait bag is €3,00 - 3,50, the rental of fishing equipment is free of charge.

    Open on public holidays from 10 am - 7 pm, the following working day remains closed.

    Angling & Fishing
    Fishing in the Pflersch river
    Brenner/Brennero, Sterzing/Vipiteno and environs

    Fishing in the Pflersch Stream

    - Italian fishing license
    - FIPSAS (membership card 2024)

    Beneficiary: F.I.P.S.A.S comitato di Bolzano
    IBAN: IT80 V058 5611 6030 5257 1406 813

    Price List 2024
    Day Ticket:
    - F.I.P.S.A.S "Adult" €25.00
    - F.I.P.S.A.S "Junior Angler" (born in 2009 or later) €6.00

    Annual Fishing Permit:
    - F.I.P.S.A.S "Adult" €140.00
    (for those who still have a valid FIPSAS card or have paid for it online)

    Day Ticket + Annual Fishing Permit:
    - F.I.P.S.A.S "Adult" €170.00
    - F.I.P.S.A.S "Junior Angler" (born in 2009 or later)€100.00

    Day tickets available online at

    Angling & Fishing
    Fishing pond Coldrano
    Latsch/Laces, Vinschgau/Val Venosta
    Lake Goldrain also makes fishermen's hearts beat faster.
    Tickets can be purchased in the following stores: Seebar Goldrain - Bar Vermoi - Tabacchino Gamper Hansi - Supermarkt Götsch - Bar Vis a Vis - Bruggenwirt Goldrain - Kiosk Laces - Go Fish Castelbello.
    (On Sundays from 07:00, tickets are only available at Bar Vermoi)
    Angling & Fishing
    Trout fishing in Val Gardena
    Urtijëi/Ortisei, Dolomites Region Val Gardena
    Note: In order to promote and enhance the fish stock, trout fishing in the Rio Gardena stream is not permitted in summer 2024!

    Daily tickets are avaiable at the Val Gardena Tourist Offices of Val Gardena. Guests from abroad who possess a foreign angling permit can purchase a local angling permit (validity 10 years) at the Tourist Office S. Cristina.
    Angling & Fishing
    Fishing in the lake Waldner at Prettau/Predoi - 2330 m
    Prettau/Predoi, Ahrntal/Valle Aurina
    The following 3 documents ar necessary:

    • Italian fishing license
      (available for € 35,00 at the tourist offices of Sand in Taufers/Campo Tures and Luttach/Lutago - validity: 10 years)
    • day ticket for each area:
      (available from the person listed below for 30,00 - 60,00 €)
    • valid personal document

    For day ticket:
    Hut Waldner Alm, family Kottersteger, phone +39 347 0360330

    Please note the regulations of the single areas.
    In all the remaining waters fishing is prohibited!
    Angling & Fishing
    River Ahr/Aurino - between river Riva and river Selva
    Sand in Taufers/Campo Tures, Ahrntal/Valle Aurina
    Fishing day pass for the Ahr/Aurino river between river Riva and river Selva. Only available if you have an Italian fishing license. The license is available (only for foreigners) for 35,00 € at the tourist offices Sand in Taufers/Campo Tures and Luttach/Lutago.
    Angling & Fishing
    Fishing in Mühlbach
    Vintl/Vandoies, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    In Mühlbach, anglers can enjoy their hobby in the following waters:

    Mühlbach Reservoir (upper part)– from Orthammer Graben to Eiterbach
    Season: March 1 – October 31

    Wilder See (Vals district)
    Season: July 1 – October 15

    A day permit is required for fishing.

    Where to buy a day permit:

    Tourism Association Gitschberg Jochtal
    Address: Mühlbach, Katharina-Lanz-Str. 90
    Contact: +39 0472 886048
    Price:€20 + €30 deposit

    Digital day permit via the Hooking app

    Information about annual permits:

    Facebook: SFV Mühlbach

    Angling & Fishing
    "Meggima" lake and Mühlwald/Selve dei Molini river
    Mühlwald/Selva dei Molini, Ahrntal/Valle Aurina
    Fishing day pass for the sections "Meggima" lake and Mühlwald/Selva dei Molini river. Only available if you have an Italian fishing license. The license is available (only for foreigners) for 35,00 € at the tourist offices Sand in Taufers/Campo Tures and Luttach/Lutago.
    Angling & Fishing
    Fishing pond in the leisure centre Trattla
    Martell/Martello, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    Everybody comes onto his expense in the sports & leisure centre Trattla. And quiet seeker is the fisherman pond in the heart of the national park Stelvio, the perfect attempt point for families. The fisherman equipment can be lent without problems in the near situated restaurant Trattla.

    Angling & Fishing
    Lake of Stava
    Naturns/Naturno, Meran/Merano and environs
    Fishingfornon-membersandholidayguests. OnSaturdays, Sundaysandpublicholidays (08. 00–20. 00clock) youcanfishrodsatthefishingpond. ThefishingpondisopenfromApriltomid-September.  Additionalfishinginformation: TopurchaseadayticketontheAdigeoratthereservoirs, theItalianstatelicenseforfishingisrequired. YoucanuseyourIDcardintheAngelshopGo-FishinKastelbell, Dorfplatz7,Tel. +390473624464.
    Angling & Fishing
    Aglsboden fish pond
    Ratschings/Racines, Sterzing/Vipiteno and environs

    The pasture Aglsbodenalm at the end of the Ridnauntal valley offers a very special fishing opportunity: Launch your fishing rod in the on-site mountain lake, enjoy the quiet, and let the sun shine on your face. And then, the host of the hut can cook the catch of the day!

    Angling & Fishing
    Fishing at the Lake of Dobbiaco
    Toblach/Dobbiaco, Dolomites Region 3 Zinnen

    It is only possible to fish from the daybreak till the twilight.                                                      

    Angling & Fishing
    Fishing in the Trippbach river St. Johann/S. Giovanni
    Ahrntal/Valle Aurina, Ahrntal/Valle Aurina
    The following 3 documents ar necessary:
    • Italian fishing license
      (available for € 35,00 at the tourist offices of Sand in Taufers/Campo Tures and Ahrntal valley - validity: 10 years)
    • day ticket for each area:
      (available from the person listed below for 30,00 - 60,00 €)
    • valid personal document
    For day tickets:
    Primisser Guido, 39030 St. Johann/S. Giovanni, phone +39 348 2268364

    Please note the regulations of the single areas.
    In all the remaining waters fishing is prohibited!
    Angling & Fishing
    Sport Fishing - Sexten/Sesto
    Sexten/Sesto, Dolomites Region 3 Zinnen

    Guests from abroad require a host license for South Tyrol (available from the Tourist Association Dobbiaco). This is a prerequisite for the purchase of a day ticket: € 30. (valid from 08.30 clock until one hour after sunset) Section: # 226 Waldheim bridge towards the origin. Equipment: according fly fishing (without barbs) Minimum: Trout 30 cm - 30 cm char; max. 3 piece Fishing without permission or non-compliance will be prosecuted

    Angling & Fishing
    Fishing in San Martin
    San Martin /San Martino, Dolomites Region Kronplatz/Plan de Corones

    In San Martin - Lech Vistles
    In Lungiarü - Lech Punt da Rü Fosch
    Information and day permissions: San Martin Tourist Office
    Str. Tor 18/c (+39) 0474 523 175 
    Prices: from € 20

    Angling & Fishing
    Fishing in the Ahr river at Prettau/Predoi and Kasern/Casere
    Prettau/Predoi, Ahrntal/Valle Aurina
    The following 3 documents ar necessary:

    • Italian fishing license
      (available for € 35,00 at the tourist offices of Sand in Taufers/Campo Tures and Luttach/Lutago - validity: 10 years)
    • day ticket for each area:
      (available from the people listed below for 30,00 - 60,00 €)
    • valid personal document

    For day tickets:
    Berggasthof Stern, 39030 Kasern/Casere 6, phone +39 0474 654100

    Please note the regulations of the single areas.
    In all the remaining waters fishing is prohibited!
    Angling & Fishing
    Fishing lakes Prato allo Stelvio
    Prad am Stilfser Joch/Prato allo Stelvio, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    Peace and meditation, but also excitement: sport fishing is a leisure activity, a remedy to the hectic nature of modern life and a form of relaxation for all the senses. In Prato allo Stelvio, anglers will find ideal conditions at the two small fishing lakes of the area. These three ponds of 47,000 square meters are in perfect shape, and offer the unique opportunity to fish without a fishing license. In the ponds there are mainly rainbow trout and brown trout, as well as carp and herbivorous fish, but also tench, perch, sturgeon and other fish and minnows.

    The two ponds are located directly next to the cycle trail that leads from Resia to Merano, and thus it can be easily reached by bicycle.

    Aperto dalle 7.00 alle 20.00.
    Lunedì giorno libero

    Angling & Fishing
    Huber Weiher pond
    Völs am Schlern/Fiè allo Sciliar, Dolomites Region Seiser Alm
    The Huber Weiher is an artificial pond that was created for irrigation and goat breeding. The pond is used for private fishing, but guests can also purchase a day ticket here to catch their own fish.

    You can fish from April to October.

    The day ticket (price €22.00) can be purchased at the Völser Weiher car park or Restaurant Pizzeria Alpin Roof; a fishing licence is not required for the Huber Weiher.
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