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Angling & Fishing

Fishing in the Ahr river at Prettau/Predoi and Kasern/Casere

Casere/Kasern, Prettau/Predoi, Ahrntal/Valle Aurina
from center of
The following 3 documents ar necessary:

  • Italian fishing license
    (available for € 35,00 at the tourist offices of Sand in Taufers/Campo Tures and Luttach/Lutago - validity: 10 years)
  • day ticket for each area:
    (available from the people listed below for 30,00 - 60,00 €)
  • valid personal document

For day tickets:
Berggasthof Stern, 39030 Kasern/Casere 6, phone +39 0474 654100

Please note the regulations of the single areas.
In all the remaining waters fishing is prohibited!

Opening hours

Fishing in the Ahr river at Prettau/Predoi and Kasern/Casere
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