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    Wszystkie forty i zamki

    Podróżując przez Południowy Tyrol, można podziwiać dramatyczne widoki na 800 fortów, zamków i okazałych rezydencji, których największa koncentracja znajduje się w pobliżu Bolzano/Bozen. Wizyta w twierdzy Franzensfeste (Festung Franzensfeste) jest imponująca, podczas gdy zabawne Touriseum, Muzeum Turystyki Południowego Tyrolu, mieści się w zamku Trauttmansdorff. Osoby zainteresowane poznaniem historii Południowego Tyrolu powinny udać się do Zamku Tyrolskiego (Schloss Tirol).
    Forts & Castles
    Haderburg/ Castello di Salorno
    Salorno/Salurn, Alto Adige Wine Road

    The castle of Salorno stands imposingly on the rocks above the village and is the symbol of the village. Its position makes it one of the most impressive ruins in the Alps. It was built in the Middle Age and during the time it was constantly enlarged. It was in possession of different nobel families and since the 17th century it belongs to the descendants of Earl Zenobio-Albrizzi from Venice. Thank to their help the castle was restored. Since 2003 it can be visited during summer. Nowadays there take place many cultural events during the warm season.

    There is a path called "Way of visions" which leads to the hill of the castle in 20 minutes (by foot).

    Forts & Castles
    "Zur Rose" Inn
    Montan/Montagna, Alto Adige Wine Road

    The stately Gebhardthof has stood here since 1539. At that time, one of the sons volunteered to go to war as a lansquenet with three other young men from Montan, while his brothers managed the farm. At the same time, they marketed wine - including white Lagrein - even as far as Rosenheim. Already in the next generation, the estates and the stately accessories are separated from the house. After several changes of ownership, the Rosenwirt from today's Amplatz on the opposite side of the village square married into the house in 1671. He gave the former Gebhardthof its present name. There has been the right to manage it as a restaurant since at least the middle of the 17th century. After further changes of ownership among old-established Montan families, the Wegscheider family became the owners in 1862. Since 1990 it has been owned by the Malojer family, who run this house as a traditional inn.

    This house, which forms a unit with the Wegscheiderhof to the south, is a good example of the Überetsch architectural style. The primetime of this architectural style was between 1550 and 1600. Typical features are the stone-framed door frames and window arches, bay windows, double-arched windows with slender central columns, and the enclosed courtyard.

    Forts & Castles
    Montan/Montagna, Alto Adige Wine Road

    In 1557, this house on the square, always described as small, was still an accessory to today's Amplatz, formerly the inn "zum Zotten" and connected by three doors. After it was later mentioned as an accessory to the Hilber, it was occupied around 1700 by the priest Johann Teiss the Elder. His heirs sold it in 1722 to Balthasar Öfner, Ladler or Krämer auf Montan. In 1783 the cobbler Johann Babtista Monsorno bought the upper part of the house - the seller received a pair of new shoes on top of the purchase price - and in 1788 Monsorno also bought the lower part. In 1813 the house was divided again: Peter Kaufmann received one floor and Josef Gaßmann one. In 1834 Gaßmann ceded his part to Peter Kaufmann. In 1838, he bequeathed the house to the community as the holder of the patronage rights of the Teissische Benefizium, with the condition that it be made available to the respective beneficiary free of charge. In 1905, the Benefiziumhäusl was sold to Jordan Amplatz. In 2017, Karl Amplatz sold it to the Zuchristian-Amplatz family, who lovingly renovated the house and expanded their directly bordering accommodation business (Amplatz). This closes the circle, and the Benefiziumhäusl is once again an accessory to the adjacent Amplatz, as it was in 1557.


    Since 1507, a sundial has adorned this house, which in addition to the sundial on the church tower shows the time to visitors to the village square. As a special feature, this chronometer even distinguishes between "old" (winter time) and "new" time (summer time).

    Forts & Castles
    Garni Amplatz
    Montan/Montagna, Alto Adige Wine Road

    In 1523, the inn of Laurenz Wurnigger from Carinthia, also called Windisch, who is probably still remembered by the "Windischwald" (forest) above the village. The owner is Juliana Puphtalerin, wife of Wolfgang Canz, a country writer in Rottenburg am Neckar and in 1551 bailiff of the dominion of Bregenz. In 1554, the inn "zum Payr" was sold. Until 1611, this house was called "zum Zotten", before it was renamed "Wirthshaus An der Roten Rosen" (Inn at the Red Roses) by Georg Osterried, the caretaker of the Fuggers at Enn Castle, and in 1619 it fell to Susanna Payr of Caldiff as a debt. After several changes of ownership, Pastor Alexander Giovanelli acquired this house in 1717 and 1725. When he died in 1743, he bequeathed his entire estate to the poor, the church and the brotherhood in Montan, as well as a benefice he had founded in his home village of Carano. Property of the Resch family from 1744 to 1782, then owned by the Zuveith family until 1908. Since 1908 property of the Amplatz family.

    A special feature of this house is the Gothic parlour with its richly carved beamed ceiling, which bears witness to around 500 years of living culture. Also preserved are sandstone frames on the entrance door and window, the latter with a pentagram and the year 1565.

    Forts & Castles
    Montan/Montagna, Alto Adige Wine Road

    There used to be two large residential units here: in the front part was the house of the tailor Ulrich Leb, mentioned in 1523, called am "Prunnen", named after the village fountain which stood in front of this house until the first decade of the 21st century; and in the rear part of the house was the "Haus an der Stiegen", first mentioned in 1526 with Conz Puphtaler. Inhabitants of these houses include cobblers, coopers, bailiffs and schoolmasters. Even a baking oven is mentioned: in the 17th century, when Montan had no baker of its own, the "Brothieter" also served bread here from time to time.

    Peter, Elisabeth and Anna Terleth were the last private owners from 1875. With a foundation, they laid the foundation stone for the old people's home that has stood here since 2010.

    The farm gate to the east and the farmhouse parlour to the south have been preserved from the old days and have both been well integrated into the new building.

    Forts & Castles
    “Altes Gemeindehaus” (Old parish hall)
    Montan/Montagna, Alto Adige Wine Road

    Here used to be the farm at Ziggl, first mentioned in 1541 as the property of Franz Seemann von Mangern, later as the property of the Barons von Coreth. In 1798 Bartlme von Hebenstreit sold it to the court clerk Anton Teiss. In 1820 Michael Rizzoll acquired the farm; the majority of the estates were separated in the process. In 1862 it went to Katharina Rizzolli and in 1871 to the grocer Mathias Pfitscher. In 1880, he sold it to the municipality. From 1889 onwards, the school building was erected in the lower part, the upper part being the community hall until the first half of the 20th century. Today, this house houses various social institutions, a primary school, library, flats for the elderly and the doctor's ambulatory.

     Inside the house there are numerous cross vaults, and the doors and windows are mostly stone-framed. The sandstone for these openings was once quarried in the surrounding area, for example in Kalditsch.

    Forts & Castles
    “Gasthof Goldener Löwe” (Golden Lion Inn)
    Montan/Montagna, Alto Adige Wine Road

    According to oral tradition, it was once a customs station for the Enn jurisdiction. In 1530, an inn was first documented here. Furrier Hans Disner from Neumarkt is named as the tenant. The valuable wall paintings in the dining room, which probably also served as a courtroom at the time, date from this time.

    The central element of these frescoes is the coat of arms of Emperor Charles V, who probably passed through Tyrol on his way back from Bologna to the Imperial Diet in Augsburg in 1530 and probably stopped here in Montan. Various allegorical representations can be seen in eight divided fields of the cross vault; the Habsburg imperial coat of arms, the Austrian shield with ducal hat and the Tyrolean coat of arms with laurel wreath are also shown in the centre of the west wall.

    Owned by the Teiss family from 1586. In 1600, the "Guldenen Löwen auf Monthan" is described as an economic dwelling. 1687 Ownership by the Pernter family, who appear as restaurant owners until 1737. This was followed by the Constanz and later the Haidenberger from Olang and 10 further owners. In 1865 the property came to the Pichler family from Kalditsch, who had once migrated from Petersberg. Matthias, Peter and Kreszentia acquire the Oberwirt. They are followed as owners in 1928 by Lambert Pichler and then his widow Martha until 1974, followed by their son Otto Pichler with his wife Magdalena Scherlin. In 2002, their son Harald Pichler took over the "Goldener Löwen" together with his wife Barbara Thaler and their two daughters.

    Forts & Castles
    Castle Enna
    Montan/Montagna, Alto Adige Wine Road

    The stately castle of Enn is located above Montan/Montagna. It was built around the year 1300 at the request of the noble Lords of Enn, who at that time also owned the fortress of Castelfeder. In the course of a dispute, the von Enn family was expelled. The castle was subsequently inhabited by several noble families and repeatedly rebuilt. Since the 17th century, Enn Castle has been privately owned by the Albrizzi family and is not open to visitors. An exception is the traditional "Schlosskonzert," which takes place annually in mid-August. This is a good opportunity to see the castle courtyard and experience a traditional concert by the Montan Music Band.

    Forts & Castles
    Castle Turmhof
    Kurtatsch an der Weinstraße/Cortaccia sulla Strada del Vino, Alto Adige Wine Road

    The "Linticlar estate" is first mentioned in records dating from 1225 A.D. A hundred years later, the Cathedral Chapter of Trento, was being supplied with wine from the estate "auf dem Püchel", also known as "mansu a coste", on the orders of the Counts of Tyrol. Then, in 1537, the name "Turnhof" was first used, and later there are occurrences of the designation "Thurner Hof". With the drawing up of a new land register in 1848, the name finally became officially "Turmhof". The estate has belonged to the family since 1675.

    Forts & Castles
    Mansio Endidae
    Neumarkt/Egna, Alto Adige Wine Road

    During some excavations in the "Kahn" area in 1983, remains of an ancient Roman edifice were found. Those remains almost certainly belong to the "Endidae Mansio," which appears in the "Itinerarium Antonini." The large edifice with ground area of 737 m² featured a rectangular shape with a huge arcade and a central, partly roofed court. Several rooms were built around the court, which were probably relaxation rooms (cubicula) and a kitchen.


    Forts & Castles
    Old Railway Line
    Auer/Ora, Alto Adige Wine Road

    As early as 1891, there were plans to construct a railway between Ora and the Val di Fiemme Valley in order to improve accessibility and stimulate the economy. The Val di Fiemme railway line was built during World War I. Between 1918 and 1936, it was used mainly for transporting goods. It connected Auer/Ora with Predazzo. The segment between Auer and San Lugano is still in good condition. Nowadays, it is a very nice hike and cycle path which leads through the beautiful mountain landscape of the Trudner Horn Nature Park and is especially worthwhile due to the views of the South Tyrolean Unterland region.

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