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    Wyprawy skiturowe w Południowym Tyrolu

    Dziewiczy krajobraz, spokój i cisza z dala od tras zjazdowych, zbocza pokryte głębokim puchem i firnem. Porywasz się na Dolomity? Wolisz łagodniejsze podejścia? Uwielbiasz dalekie panoramy? A może satysfakcjonują cię wyłącznie najwyższe osiągnięcia? Każdy wybór będzie dobry, bo skitury w Południowym Tyrolu oznaczają zawsze niesamowite wrażenia w zetknięciu z przyrodą oraz sportową przygodę.

    Ski Tours
    Ski moutaineering to Saldurspitze Peak
    Schnals/Senales, Meran/Merano and environs

    Route A

    Starting point: Maso Corto/Kurzras, Koflhof farm (1,938 m a.s.l)
    Ascent: 1,497 m elevation gain, 5 hours
    Best time: December to May

    To the south, the Saldurkamm mountains sweep down towards the Schlandrauntal valley, to the west towards Matschertal valley and to the north towards Maso Corto/Kurzras over the Lagaunalm Mountain Hut. The tour to the Saldurspitze is quite challenging but spectacular. The ascent starts at Koflhof farm (0.7 km before Kurzras) and takes you through the Lagauntal Valley. From the uppermost section here, continue upwards and to the right through the steep tunnel valley to the Lagaun glacier and then northwards until you are beneath the Saldurspitze. A short, steep tunnel valley connects the southern ridge of the mountain with the glacier.

    You can descend by the same route (moderately difficult), or by the steep north-east wall and the Lazaun Mountain Hut to Maso Corto/Kurzras (difficult).

    For good skiers with Alpine experience

    Route B

    Starting point: Maso Corto/Kurzras, car park (2,011 m a.s.l)
    Ascent: 1,424 m elevation gain, 5 hours
    Best time: December to May

    To the south, the Saldurkamm mountains sweep down towards the Schlandrauntal valley, to the west towards Matschertal valley and to the north towards Maso Corto/Kurzras over the Lagaunalm Mountain Hut. The tour starts on the mountain station of the Lazaun cable car. From the mountain station Lazaun, we continue on the level and then follow the slight incline up to the Lagaunferner glacier. This is the way to the Saldurjoch pass; there is a ski depot here. On foot over the north ridge to the summit. In good weather conditions, you can start the climb to the summit before the Saldurjoch pass taking the steep north flank. You can only descend by this route (difficult) if weather conditions are good.

    For good skiers with Alpine experience


    Poziom trudności: trudny
    1517 m wysokość w górę
    5h:24 min czas trwania
    Ski Tours
    Ski Tour to the Ilmenspitze Peak
    Ulten/Ultimo, Meran/Merano and environs

    This ski tour is a classic on the southern ridge between the Auerbergtal valley and the Einertal valley. The Ilmenspitze peak in the Ultental valley is located at the rear of the Auerbergtal valley. The ascent is through a relatively thick forest. Directly after the forest boundary, a magnificent high plateau emerges with the mountain hut Seefeldalm. The summit slope is the only really steep part of the Ilmenspitze. Nevertheless, this ski tour should only be undertaken during safe avalanche conditions. The view, especially directly towards the mighty Brenta range, is overwhelming. When the summit slope is covered in ‘firn’ snow, one can definitely enjoy powder snow on the northern slopes.

    Poziom trudności: średni
    0 m wysokość w górę
    4h:30 min czas trwania
    Ski Tours
    Ski moutaineering to Saykogel
    Schnals/Senales, Meran/Merano and environs

    A great tour from Maso Corto/Kurzras up to a splendid summit with a glorious view.

    Poziom trudności: średni
    2151 m wysokość w górę
    7h:01 min czas trwania
    Ski Tours
    Felbe ski tour / Pfitsch Valley
    Pfitsch/Val di Vizze, Sterzing/Vipiteno and environs

    The Felbe summit is with its northwest mountainside to the Pfitsch valley  a ski tour classic in the Pfunderer mountains. The beautiful ski slopes are a special reward here.

    Technical skiing grade: moderately difficult.
    Alpine grade: difficult, pickaxe and crampons recommended.
    Maps: Tabacco No. 037, Kompass No. 44.


    Poziom trudności: trudny
    1408 m wysokość w górę
    4h:46 min czas trwania
    Ski Tours
    Ski moutaineering to Gerstgraser Peak
    Schnals/Senales, Meran/Merano and environs

    Starting point: Madonna di Senales/Unser Frau (1,508 m a.s.l)
    Ascent: 1,586 m elevation gain, 5 hours
    Best time: March to May

    A double summit (western summit 3,083 m a.s.l, eastern summit 3,094 m a.s.l) to the west of the Mastaun summit and the Mastaunjoch pass. Take the trail upwards from Madonna di Senales/Unser Frau through the Mastauntal Valley, as with Tours 9, until you reach flat ground having negotiated the steep slope. Then, take a right in a north-westerly direction until you come to the Mastaunjoch pass (2,927 m a.s.l) and the quite difficult climb up to the western summit. You can also turn off towards the north beneath the Mastaunjoch pass and climb to the eastern summit, which is the easier one. The descent is similar to the ascent.

    For practised skiers with Alpine experience

    Poziom trudności: średni
    1507 m wysokość w górę
    5h:25 min czas trwania
    Ski Tours
    Telfer Weißen summits
    Sterzing/Vipiteno, Sterzing/Vipiteno and environs

    Difficult ski tour to the Telfer Weissen mountain summit. Start by the Rosskopf mountain station to the Sterzingerhaus mountain hut and furtheron to the Vallming alpine village. Along the valley in direction to the crest, passing by a weather cross until the eastern summit. On feet over the jag to the main summit (2565m). Pickaxe and crampons recommended! Avalanche danger in the Vallming valley!

    Poziom trudności: trudny
    980 m wysokość w górę
    3h:30 min czas trwania
    Ski Tours
    Mountain Ski Tour at Ratschinger Weiße (2,822 m)
    Moos in Passeier/Moso in Passiria, Meran/Merano and environs

    Moderatly difficult ski tour

    Time of the year: late winter to spring

    Avalanche danger: Beware of snow slabs in the middle section when there is a lot of snow

    Poziom trudności: średni
    1152 m wysokość w górę
    3h:30 min czas trwania
    Ski Tours
    Ski moutaineering to Hohe Wiegenspitze (from Madonna di Senales/Unser Frau)
    Schnals/Senales, Meran/Merano and environs

    Starting point: Madonna di Senales/Unser Frau (1,508 m a.s.l)
    Ascent: 1,472 m elevation gain, 4.5 hours
    Best time: December to May

    Together with the Kleinen Wigenspitze that is slightly northwards, the Hohe Wiegenspitze rises between the Mastauntal and the Penaudtal valleys. Climb from Unser Frau through the Mastauntal valley, passing by the beautifully situated Mountain pasture Mastaun  (1,810 m a.s.l). At the end of the valley, once you have negotiated the steep slope you will be on flat ground again. The trail continues, taking a sharp left, over the hollows of a wide valley and finally rising sharply over the western ridge to the summit. Descend by the same route.

    For good skiers with Alpine experience


    Poziom trudności: średni
    1347 m wysokość w górę
    4h:52 min czas trwania
    Ski Tours
    Hohe Kreuzspitze Mountain Ski Tour at 2,740 m
    Moos in Passeier/Moso in Passiria, Meran/Merano and environs

    Time of the year: Throughout winter

    Avalanche risk: Snow boarders should be on the look out for snow slabs at the Schartl steep slope!

    Poziom trudności: średni
    1073 m wysokość w górę
    4h:00 min czas trwania
    Ski Tours
    Seelenkogel Ski Tour (3,475 m)
    Moos in Passeier/Moso in Passiria, Meran/Merano and environs

    Time of the year: Ideal conditions in spring

    Avalanche risk: In conditions of abundant snow, high risk all along the route!

    Poziom trudności: trudny
    1844 m wysokość w górę
    6h:00 min czas trwania
    Ski Tours
    Botzer Ski Tour (3,251 m)
    Moos in Passeier/Moso in Passiria, Meran/Merano and environs

    Time of the year: Late winter/early spring

    Avalanche risk: Exersise caution near the summit!

    Refreshment stop: Schönau inn

    Poziom trudności: trudny
    1486 m wysokość w górę
    5h:00 min czas trwania
    Ski Tours
    Ski moutaineering to Finail Peak
    Schnals/Senales, Meran/Merano and environs

    Starting point: Maso Corto/Kurzras (2,011 m a.s.l)
    Ascent: 646 m elevation gain, 3 hours, from the Giogo Alto/Hochjoch glacier (Refuge Bella Vista 2,842 m a.s.l)
    Best time for departure A: December to May
    Best time for departures B and C: March to May

    This is a very pleasant tour on a mountain that is still very much glaciated on the north side but that is not without its risks in one part where the “icefall” east of the Giogo Alto/Hochjoch glacier is hazardous due to glacier crevasses. The ascent is from Maso Corto/Kurzras to the Bella Vista lodge or with the Schnalstal valley cable car to the Giogo Alto/Hochjoch glacier; you leave the east side by climbing through the icefall. Avoiding the crevasses, the trail rises steeply to the upper glacier terrace, and keeping to the west of the summit, very steeply to the ridge shoulder. Continue along the short but exposed ridge to the summit.

    Descent A: go along the ascent route to the Giogo Alto/Hochjoch pass and descend to the valley as far as Maso Corto/Kurzras or take the Schnalstal Valley cable car.

    Descent B: Taking the first steep slope down, then to the right/north-east and continue south-easterly and southwards to the Giogo Alto/Niederjoch pass and on to the Refuge Similaun.

    Descent C: Northwards towards the Hochjoch-Hospiz hut and Vent (A)

    For good skiers with Alpine experience

    Poziom trudności: średni
    634 m wysokość w górę
    3h:16 min czas trwania
    Ski Tours
    Grabspitze - Summit ski tour
    Pfitsch/Val di Vizze, Sterzing/Vipiteno and environs
    Very demanding tour with steep parts on the northface of the Pfitscher Mountains.
    Poziom trudności: trudny
    1649 m wysokość w górę
    5h:00 min czas trwania
    Ski Tours
    Rotes Beil - Summit ski tour
    Pfitsch/Val di Vizze, Sterzing/Vipiteno and environs
    Demanding solitary ski tour with a magnificent view to the Hochfeiler area. Exposed summit. Not always accessible.
    Poziom trudności: trudny
    1477 m wysokość w górę
    4h:25 min czas trwania
    Ski Tours
    Ski Tour to the Hochwart (2,748 m)
    St.Leonhard in Passeier/San Leonardo in Passiria, Meran/Merano and environs

    Difficult ski tourDifficult ski tour

    Time of the year: ideal conditions in spring

    Avalanche danger near the ridge

    Poziom trudności: trudny
    1898 m wysokość w górę
    4h:30 min czas trwania
    Ski Tours
    Erensee Ski Tour (2,292 m)
    Moos in Passeier/Moso in Passiria, Meran/Merano and environs

    Time of the year: Throughout winter

    Refreshment stop: Lazinser Hof inn

    Poziom trudności: łatwy
    664 m wysokość w górę
    2h:30 min czas trwania
    Ski Tours
    Ski Tour to the Alpenspitze Peak (2,477 m)
    Ratschings/Racines, Meran/Merano and environs

    Time of the year: Throughout winter

    Avalanche risk: located on a steep slope of the Sailer Valley, pay attention to snow slabs!

    Refreshment stop: Auerhof inn

    Poziom trudności: średni
    1040 m wysokość w górę
    3h:30 min czas trwania
    Ski Tours
    Ski moutaineering to pre-summit Trumserspitze
    Schnals/Senales, Meran/Merano and environs

    Starting point: Certosa/Karthaus (1,327 m a.s.l.)
    Ascent: 1,474 m elevation gain, 4 hours
    Best time: winter and early spring

    Uphill and downhill possible with skis from  to Certosa/Karthaus if the snow conditions are good. Referred to as Gamseck on some maps. The ascent is from Certosa/Karthaus along the road to Farmstead Sennhof and then on the forest path to malga del convento, above Certosa/Karthaus, from there continue southwards to the highest and rather steep ascent to the secondary summit of the Trumserspitze.

    Descent A: The same as the ascent route and the road to Certosa/Karthaus.

    Descent B: Northwards to malga del convento and along the forest path as far as the viewing point for Certosa/Karthaus and then directly downhill to Certosa/Karthaus through the forest aisle.

    For practised skiers

    Poziom trudności: średni
    1600 m wysokość w górę
    5h:52 min czas trwania
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