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    Ab Hof

    Local traditional products
    Getzlechenhof - Herbal farm
    Ahrntal/Valle Aurina, Ahrntal/Valle Aurina

    Herbs farm - since 1991 .

    Biological products: herbal teas, seasoned salt, wort and oil for salads, syrup, finished mixture for liqueurs, cosmetics and also handmade products.

    Possibility to buy our products at the weekly farmer's market every Thursday from 14:30 in Sand in Taufers/Campo Tures in the "Tubris Center".

    Guided tours on request , tel . 348 4900125

    Ahrntal/Valle Aurina, Ahrntal/Valle Aurina
    Craft beer from South Tyrol!
    Discover unique beer varieties with their own character.
    Sand in Taufers/Campo Tures, Ahrntal/Valle Aurina

    Products from our farm or from farmers around the corner.
    In our store you will find Cheese, ice cream and pudding made from goat milk, cheese from the cow, jam, juices, Craft Beer and wine, dumplings and homemade pasta but also bacon, smoked sausages ...
