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    Lakes & Waterfalls

    Reflections of the Alpine scenery in the water of crystal-clear mountain lakes. Roaring waterfalls whose spray floats in the air. Forests and rocks make the landscape even more dreamy. Discover trails near waterfalls and lakes and take some time off to take in the power of water.

    Culture & Attractions
    Water source Überwasser
    Ulten/Ultimo, Meran/Merano and environs

    The water of the Bad Überwasser was formerly mainly recommended for baths against anemia, weakness, arthropathy and so on. In 2009 it was analytically proven that the water is bacteriologically pure. Compared to drinking water, however, it has increased levels of iron and manganese.

    Culture & Attractions
    Gorge Gaider Schlucht
    Andrian/Andriano, Alto Adige Wine Road
    Over time, the stream Gaiderbach has cut deeply into the porphyry rock and formed a narrow, distinctive gorge with waterfalls. The gorge presents itself simply fascinating and breathtaking: the mossy rock faces, the power of the water, the species-rich vegetation (including ferns and various species of orchids) form an undisturbed interplay of nature.
    Culture & Attractions
    waterfall Egger
    Rasen-Antholz/Rasun Anterselva, Dolomites Region Kronplatz/Plan de Corones

    The Egger waterfall near the rest station Egerhöfe in Antholz Mittertal is now accessible. A unique opportunity to experience a waterfall closely. The hike takes a total of about 45 minutes (up and down).

    Culture & Attractions
    Schwemmalm Adventure Pond
    Ulten/Ultimo, Meran/Merano and environs

    Tree showers, water wheels and a raft, these are just some of the attractions that make Schwemmalm Adventure Pond the ideal destination for the whole family, guaranteeing fun and excitement for the young ones.

    The pond is a natural playground oasis for children and adults alike, and with its diverse habitat, blends harmoniously into the Schwemmalm landscape. Wooden tables and chairs ensure that this natural children's playground is also a real place for parents to relax on the meadows while the kids experience pond adventure.

    Culture & Attractions
    Welschnofen/Nova Levante, Dolomites Region Eggental

    Lo sapevi che il Lago di Carezza ha un fratello minore?

    Seguendo il sentiero [12] attraverso la foresta del Latemar, si arriva a uno specchio d'acqua segreto: il Mittersee o Lago di Mezzo. Non appena la neve inizia a sciogliersi, dove in realtà c'è solo un prato, emerge un lago. Il lago è alimentato da sorgenti sotterranee e per un breve periodo in primavera invita i più avventurosi a fare un giro su una zattera e i più coraggiosi a immergere i piedi nell'acqua fresca a 8 gradi.


    Culture & Attractions
    Kompfoss lake in terenten
    Terenten/Terento, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    Campofosso Lake is also a deep blue alpine lake (2.439m) with a legendary story: once upon a time there was a beautiful, green meadow in the Campofosso area. This was the property of the richest farmer in the village of Terento. A young shepherd, with eyes as blue as gentian, used to live here. One day, the only daughter of the farmer brought his lunch up to him. When she looked into his eyes she fell in love. He fell in love too. Some time went by, but the farmer's daughter did not visit the shepherd again. One day, the farm labourer brought lunch up to the alpine pasture and informed the shepherd about the upcoming farmers' daughter's wedding. The shepherd was petrified and the mountain trolls provoked a storm. Instead of the alpine hut, the farmers' daughter found a lake, as blue as the eyes of the shepherd.
    Culture & Attractions
    Waterfall in Schrambach
    Feldthurns/Velturno, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    Length: 3,8 km Difficulty: Medium Duration: 1.10 hours ascent. 180 m in altitude Itinerary: From the scrap mill in Schrambach slightly uphill through mixed forest to the Mediterranean Schrambacher Wallserfall back to the starting point. Special round trip for spring and autumn. You can also continue to Loatererhof -Buschenschank - Refreshments (autumn to march).

    Culture & Attractions
    Waterfall Silandro/Schlanders
    Martell/Martello, Vinschgau/Val Venosta
    The small waterfall is like a green oasis at Monte Sole mountain in Silandro/Schlanders, below Schlandersberg Castle.
    Culture & Attractions
    mystic place Zirmtaler See
    Kastelbell-Tschars/Castelbello-Ciardes, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    The mystical place: "ZirmtalerSee"aboveKastelbell
    Itinerary:ParkingSchartegg(1490m) - path number4- path number18A-Altalm- path number18-path number 18A-ZirmtalAlm/ZirmtalLake(2119m), 2hours 15 minutes-moderate hikeor parking Alte Säge (1498m) - path number7-MarzonerAlm-MarzonerAlm- path number18-ZirmtalAlm/Zirmtallake(2119m), 2hours -moderate hike

    Culture & Attractions
    Kortscher See lake
    Martell/Martello, Vinschgau/Val Venosta
    The mountain lake of Corzes/Kortsch is located in the traditional Schlandrauntal Valley, after the Schlanderser and Kortscher Alm alpine pastures. The Ötzisteig leads directly past the lake into the Schnalstal valley.
    Bathing Lakes
    Lake Kaltern
    Kaltern an der Weinstraße/Caldaro sulla Strada del Vino, Alto Adige Wine Road

    The Lake Kaltern The Mediterranean landscape around Lake Kalterer See leads many to the correct assumption that this lake really is the warmest lake in the Alps! There are four public beaches that offer direct access to the lake, known for its especially inviting water quality and colorful splendor! Sometimes it's a tint of deep blue, other times it mirrors the green of the surrounding landscape! And Lake Kalterer See is so versatile: row boats, sailboats, pedal boats and surf boards glide across the water. Yet it's so incredibly tranquil here. For sure you'll hear the sound of children's laughter; after all, this is their little corner of paradise. Quite simply, it's beautiful in the lake, on the lake and all around the lake.

    Angling & Fishing
    Fish pond Anterselva di Sotto/Antholz Niedertal
    Rasen-Antholz/Rasun Anterselva, Dolomites Region Kronplatz/Plan de Corones

    Fishing becomes a precious experience for families at the idyllically located fish pond in Antholz Niedertal. No fishing certification is required

    The fishing equipment can be rented directly at the fish pond itself. A playground and a bar with terrace can be found there as well.

    Culture & Attractions
    Pond "Narauner Weiher"
    Lana, Meran/Merano and environs

    From Narano en route to St. Hippolyt, the Narauner Weiher pond is located in a small clearing at the foot of a climbing wall and prehistoric cult site. The slightly dark pond is a habitat for frogs and ideal for a healthy natural pool. Many legends have arisen around the small Narauner Weiher pond.

    Guides, schools
    Schnals/Senales, Meran/Merano and environs
    Movement of sheep
    Every summer thousands of sheep cross the border

    The transhumance in Schnalstal Valley, which is still practiced and deeply rooted in local tradition, dates back 600 years. This ancient tradition in Schnalstal Valley is now part of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. The annual migration in Schnalstal Valley is the only cross-border and trans-glacial transhumance in existence.
    Every June, the shepherds lead flocks of 3,000 – 4,000 sheep on a mass migration from Vernago/Vernagt and Maso Corto/Kurzras across two mountain passes to the fertile pastures of Vent in neighboring Austria. The transhumance in the Schnalstal Valley covers more than 40 km, across gullies and snow-covered fields.

    In mid-September, the sheep and shepherds with the help of sheep dogs guide the flocks back to the Schnalstal Valley on the much safer return trip. At the end of the transhumance, the successful termination of the migration is celebrated.
    Bathing Lakes
    Little Montiggl Lake
    Eppan an der Weinstaße/Appiano sulla Strada del Vino, Alto Adige Wine Road

    Imbedded between forest and hills scenery on 514 meters above sea level, small Montiggl Lake is located. A lot of different walking paths bring you to the lake. With the car you can park at the big Montiggl Lake or at the supercenter Rungg.

    The small Montiggl Lake has a shoreline of 890 meters and is only about 5 hectares big. Therefore it is a lot smaller then its “bigger brother”, but a lot deeper with a maximum depth of almost 15 meters.

    According to analyses the lake has very good data regarding the water quality and is therefore one of South Tyroles most popular swimming lake. It is not directly accessible by car, therefore it's more known for its relaxation and for enjoying the nature. One part of the lake has a grassed area and a small snack bar. Around small Montiggl Lake there is a walking path, along which you can find nice and cosy spots to relax or swim.

    To avoid car park problems, there is a public bus to Montiggl and back in the summertime.

    Culture & Attractions
    Lake Carezza
    Welschnofen/Nova Levante, Dolomites Region Eggental

    Every vacationer in South Tyrol has to visit Lake Carezza, the most gorgeous Alpine mountain lake!
    This small mountain lake is well-known for its soft, deep green waters and the exquisite view of the Rosengarten and Latemar mountain ranges.

    The lake is at its most gorgeous in the evening or early morning, when the Rosengarten-Latemar mountain ranges and the green of the Karerwald forest are reflected in its crystal clear water. This is a natural spectacle you won't want to miss!

    Many South Tyrolean legends are based around the lake, such as that of the water nymph, and many writers and painters have chosen the motif for their paintings and stories.

    Situated at 1,520 metres above sea level, Lake Carezza is 300 m long and 140 m wide in the Val d'Ega municipality of Nova Levante and is a protected natural monument. It is fed by underground springs from the Latemar mountain range, which is why both its size and depth are highly dependent on season and weather conditions - the greatest depth of Lake Carezza has been recorded at 22 m.

    As Lake Carezza is a protected area, it is forbidden to cross the protective boundaries around the lake. Likewise, bathing and swimming in it is also strictly prohibited.  

    Lake Carezza is accessible without barriers. At the car park of the lake there are a total of 4 parking spaces reserved for people with disabilities. At the lake there is a visitor centre with barrier-free toilets and a barrier-free passage to the lake. The viewing platform and the circular walk around the lake are also barrier-free. 

    There are refreshment facilities at the visitor centre, which include two bistros. Other places to stop are the restaurants and huts in the area.

    Lake Carezza is accessible around the clock all year round. The visitor centre with its subway for pedestrians and the toilets are open daily from 9 am - 6 pm.

    For more info on Lake Carezza, click here:

    Culture & Attractions
    Waterfall Hartungen
    Ulten/Ultimo, Meran/Merano and environs

    The waterfall Hartungen is located in S. Nicolò/St. Nikolaus directly at the Ultner Höfeweg, a few minutes walk from the Ultner Urlärchen. Especially from May to October, the waterfall is worth a visit.

    Bathing Lakes
    Big Montiggl Lake
    Eppan an der Weinstaße/Appiano sulla Strada del Vino, Alto Adige Wine Road

    The big Montiggl Lake is located in the middle of the nature reserve Montiggl with its stunning mixed forest in the community of Eppan on 492 meters above sea level. It can be reached by car or by the numerous walking paths nearby.

    The big Montiggl Lake has a shoreline of 2 kilometres and its surface is around 18 hectares wide. At its deepest spot it has a depth of 11.5 meters. In the north-east it is surrounded by rock, whereat the opposite site it changes to a swamp.

    According to analyses the lake has very good data regarding the water quality and is therefore one of South Tyroles most popular swimming lake. In the west of the lake there are hotels, restaurants and a swimming pool with a pier located.

    Culture & Attractions
    Biotope in Terenten
    Terenten/Terento, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    The biotope "Pirchner Moos" is located at 1,300 m above sea level with a slight southern inclination. Bressanone granite provides the geological base of the biotope. The biotope impresses with two different vegetation areas. A small fen and swamp with a high moor-like edge can be found at the centre of the biotope. The small wetland is surrounded by marsh areas and wet meadows, loose forest areas and hedges. In the marsh area you can find different types of moss like sphagnum, but also bogbean, bog star, swamp meadowgrass, common tormentil, sedges and different types of the wild orchid. The marsh areas used to be mowed for the production of horse food and litter for the stables. The variety of flora in the biotope provides an ideal living space for different animals. Here you can admire primeval animals like dragonflies and the azure damselfly. In certain weather conditions you might also be able to see fire salamanders. The common buzzard loves the free space of wetland meadows. The border between the southern alpine and northern alpine rock composition of this area is located to the north of the biotope at "Hohenbichl", the so-called "Puster Valley Line". This disturbance line is one of the most important earthquake lines in the Alps. Starting point: car park in the village center
    Culture & Attractions
    Lake di Tarres
    Latsch/Laces, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    Here you will find a splendid panorama and a calm environment. Around the lake is also a small path. The path is very easy to walk and mostly flat. To arrive at this idyllic place you have to follow the path no.9. Only members of the local fishermen's association can also fish there.

    Culture & Attractions
    Göflaner See lake
    Schlanders/Silandro, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    The mountain lake of Covelano/Göflan is idyllically situated in the Stelvio National Park, above the Covelano marble quarry and at the foot of Jennwand summit.

    Refreshments stop: Göflaneralm, Haslhof

    Culture & Attractions
    Boat trip with the MS Hubertus Interregio
    Graun im Vinschgau/Curon Venosta, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    From July to October there is on the biggest lake in South Tyrol, the lago Resia, "Ship Ahoy" with the "MS Hubertus"
    While the ship that passeth away, idyllically situated on the turquoise blue lago Resia, passengers have views of the impressive mountain panorama.
    Captain Winkler informed about the natural beauty around the 6 km long reservoir and are legends and stories about the sunken villages for the best.

    Culture & Attractions
    A natural monument - the dripstone spring in the Burgum valley
    Pfitsch/Val di Vizze, Sterzing/Vipiteno and environs

    Along the stream near the hamlet of "Burgum" you can hear the whisper of one of the most beautiful natural monuments in the region. When the sunlight shines on it, uncountable cascades of a filigree waterfall shine in numerous beautiful colours. Between the cascades a dark olive-green moss grows, saturated with crystal clear and fresh water. It is tough to decide from which angle you have the best view of the waterfall. A few years ago, this spring waterfall was placed under conservation and is now a natural monument that should not be missed. Take the chance and come to rest and dream in this magical place. This natural monument can be found in the wooded Burgum valley on the way to the hut “Sterzinger Hütte” on path nr. 2.


    Culture & Attractions
    Lake Mezzo
    Ritten/Renon, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    From de Costalovara lake you walk on route 12 to Lago di Mezzo. The water-poor Renon still has some lakes, ponds and moors. These protected wetlands are home to a variety of plants and animals. For nature lovers these picturesque and quiet biotopes are popular excursion destinations. The Lago di Mezzo is embedded in a warm pine forest with a view of the Dolomites. Only the fluttering of dragonflies & Co can be heard.

    Angling & Fishing
    Lago Gioveretto
    Martell/Martello, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    The Lago Gioveretto is an artificial lake in the Ortler Alps in South Tyrol. The reservoir has an area of 70ha, situated at an altitude of 1850m in Val Martello and is crossed by the river Plima. The storage capacity is 19.6million cubic meters. The reservoir is situated in the Stelvio National Park and is used for generation of energy. The associated hydroelectric power station is located in Lasa.

    From June to September you are allowed to fish with a state licence. You can buy the ticket at the keeper of the dam.

    Culture & Attractions
    Lake of Dobbiaco/Toblach
    Toblach/Dobbiaco, Dolomites Region 3 Zinnen
    The lake of Dobbiaco/Toblach is a small, originally rugged alpine lake that lies in the Pustertal valley at 1259 m altitude in Dobbiaco/Toblach. The Rienza/Rienz is its inflow and outflow. The lake has a circumference of about 4.5 kilometers, its volume is estimated at 286,000 cubic meters. It is located in the Natural Park Fanes-Sennes-Braies/Fanes-Sennes-Prags and is protected as a natural monument.
    Culture & Attractions
    Lake Coldrano
    Latsch/Laces, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    Relaxing at the idyllic lake Coldrano. The children can rehearse fishing in the lake and the adults can relax on the lawn around the lake or taste a delicious coffee on the terrace of the restaurant.

    Culture & Attractions
    waterfalls of Barbian
    Barbian/Barbiano, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    Another important attraction was not created by builders but by nature: the Barbian waterfalls. The Ganderbach (stream), which is near Kollmann and flows into the Eisack river, which has a length of almost 6 kilometres. At the point of 1,510 metres above sea level, the stream falls over several rock cliffs down into the valley. The lower part of the waterfall with his 85 metres is the highest of the waterfalls at Barbian. From here, you can reach the upper part of the waterfall on a marked, wild and romantic path.

    Culture & Attractions
    Lake "Mesner Låcke"
    Villnöss/Funes, Dolomites Region Villnösstal

    The artificial pond at Teis is ideal for relaxing. It is situated amidst meadows and a circular trail (suitable for baby carriages and wheelchairs) will take you around this pond. Benches and a fountain with drinking water invite to take a rest and boulders on the eastern side of the pond stand witness to the area's geological history.

    Culture & Attractions
    Natural heritage Partschinser Wasserfall/Cascata di Parcines
    Partschins/Parcines, Meran/Merano and environs

    Water is, without doubt, one of the most important natural elements in the Texel Group Nature Park. It runs off nearby glaciers and bubbles up from deep underground springs to fill many crystal-clear streams and lakes. The Partschins waterfall is one of the most impressive falls in the Alpine region.

    The thundering water shoots out over a towering rock wall and thunders, rages and roars downwards like a "liquid curtain”. The sun’s rays shine on the drops of water making a fascinating myriad of rainbow colours. The 97 mt. high falls are at their best from May to July, when they swell with melted snow water, or after heavy rain storms (water capacity 4,000 – 10,000 per second). Water in all its mighty, majestic forms – the Partschins waterfall is an absolute must, especially around the end of March to the beginning of April when the snow starts to melt and the falls reach a 50 to 60 lt. per second capacity, at the end of April with an average 100 to 200 lt. per second or the end of May with records of between 350 to 500 lt. per second.

    The falls reach their full weight with melted snow from mid-May to the end of June or beginning of July with 5,000 to 6,000 lt. of water crashing over them. The most impressive sight of all was seen in July 1989 when an estimated 10,000 lt. per second went hurtling its way towards the valley.

    Alpine Health: The high level of humidity found at the waterfall has an extremely beneficial, refreshing and re-vitalising effect on our body, helps improve the circulation of air in our lungs and boosts our immune system. The “WATERFALL CURE” is recommended as a means of combatting the effects of air pollution as well as for itscleansing action on the breathing mucous membranes. The Partschins waterfall is known to have an exceptionally high concentration of so-called oxygen-ions, estimated at an incredible figure of 50,000 per sq: cm. These particular oxygen-ions are present in our homes as 100 ions pro cm³, 200 ions in town and city air, and 5,000 in mountain and seaside regions. You can either walk up to the bottom of the Partschins waterfall from the village centre in about 1,5 hoursor take the bus line 265. A well-marked, safe path then leads up to a viewing platform with a fantastic panorama out over the nearby valley and imposing mountain peaks.

    The Partschins waterfall is fed by various side streams and other smaller falls all along its 8km. journey on through a steep gorge. The watershed of the Texel Nature Park, which is completely encircled by the Merano High Path, totals some 25 sq. km. and includes the highest peak of the Partschins/Parcines area, the Roteck peak at 3,337 mt.

    The falls are most swollen at about 20.00 by which time the run-off water from various mountain streams and little lakes, which takes five hours to reach the main stream, has found its way to the waterfall. The water volume decreases during the night.

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