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    Lanové centrum v Jižním Tyrolsku

    Chcete se houpat v lese jako Tarzan, létat nad korunami stromů s pocitem absolutního bezpečí? Jste zvědaví, chcete vyzkoušet něco nového nebo posunout své osobní hranice? Přesně takovou výzvu nabízejí různé horolezecké kurzy v Jižním Tyrolsku pro celou rodinu. Vysokohorská dobrodružství zahrnují vše od jednoduchých lezeckých atrakcí až po rozsáhlé lezecké kurzy s malými lanovými dráhami a zajištěnými volnými pády. Lezecké kurzy jsou často kombinovány s doplňkovými aktivitami, jako je například "plavba po řece" nebo kurzy 3D lukostřelby.
    High-Ropes Courses
    Via ferrata Ibex - Ratschingstal Valley
    Ratschings/Racines, Sterzing/Vipiteno and environs

    The new Ibex via ferrata in the Ratschingstal valley offers routes from difficulty level C to E for beginners and pros. Children's via ferrata included. 

    Climbing equipment can be booked at Rent&Go Sport Schölzhorn at the valley station of the Ratschings-Jaufen cable cars.

    High-Ropes Courses
    Flying Fox
    Stilfs/Stelvio, Vinschgau/Val Venosta
    Soar above “Trafoi Canyon”   Since summer 2019, visitors have had the chance to strap themselves in for a thrilling flight straight from Trafoi car park to the opposite side of “Trafoi Canyon”. This stunning slide offers wonderful views of the Trafoi mountain stream, with the landing spot featuring direct access to the new climbing park.   Note: Flying Fox may only be used under the supervision of trained staff.
      Technical details:
    Flying Fox height: 40 m
    Flying Fox length: 175 m
    Minimum weight for children: 25 kg
    Price: 25 euros
    High-Ropes Courses
    Climbing garden Langenstein/Orso
    Stilfs/Stelvio, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    The climbing garden is located just below the top station of the Langenstein chairlift at 2,300 m. It can be reached via path no. 3 from Sulden (1,900 m) in about 1 hour's walking time. The difficulty levels of the 11 routes are between 3b and 7a.

    High-Ropes Courses
    Climging parc Obereggen -Vipernstein
    Deutschnofen/Nova Ponente, Dolomites Region Eggental
    The "Vipernstein" is located on the Eggentaler Almen, an impressive mountain backdrop nestled between Latemar and Zanggenberg.
    Rock: Latemar Iimestone
    Approach and access: form Obereggen (upper car park) in the direction of the Eggentaler Almen, past the Epircher-Laner-Alm and from there about 1 km further to the car park. Then follow the road on foot to Weigler Schupf, then about 100 m down the meadow to the right. It takes about 15 min from the car park to the climbing rock.

    The road to the Eggentaler Almen is closed daily from 09.00 am - 5.00 pm. Therefore ascent with the cable car Ochseinweide, from there further along the road to Weigler Schupf, then approx. 100 m down the meadow to the right. It takes about 1 hour from the Ochsenweide mountain station to the climbing rock.
    High-Ropes Courses
    Via Ferrata Ölberg
    Pfitsch/Val di Vizze, Sterzing/Vipiteno and environs
    The via ferrata „Ölberg“ in Afens in Pfitsch, with about 550 m climbing length, requires surefootedness and a head for heights. After the village Wiesen near the town of Sterzing, directly after the tunnel in the direction of the Pfitsch valley, there is a parking possibility. From here, walk back along the old “Pfitscher” road to the start of the via ferrata. It leads along the rock face in the right part of the Ölberg, where there are different variants with varying degrees of difficulty. These lead to a shoulder with a small rest area and then further down again on a partly secured path. Shortly before the village Afens a stream is crossed with a suspension bridge, the bridge can also be bypassed via a footpath. Afterwards, you have the option of descending either via Afens or directly back to the starting point at the parking lot. 

    Difficulty / Equipment
    On the difficulty scale from A to E (from easy to extreme), the Ölberg via ferrata is at B / D, in the middle range. Here, a large part of the route can be assigned to the B range. Several variants offer the difficulty level D, while the easier options are at B / C. Thus, the Ölberg via ferrata is ideal for experienced via ferrata enthusiasts. For children who already have climbing experience, a minimum height of 1.30m is recommended.

    Climbing length and duration
    230 meters in altitude and 550m climbing length.
    Ascent approx. 2 ¼ hours
    - with descent to the starting point a total of approx. 3 hours
    - With descent via Afens about 3 ¾ hours.

    Starting point 
    From the parking lot after the tunnel next to the old Pfitscher road to the start of the via ferrata about 15 minutes walk. 

    Either via Afens or directly back to the starting point at the parking lot.
    High-Ropes Courses
    Climbing Garden in Antholz Niedertal
    Rasen-Antholz/Rasun Anterselva, Dolomites Region Kronplatz/Plan de Corones
    The climbing rock in Antholz Niedertal is located in the shady forest between fish pond and the Hofstatt hut. There are over 30 different routes here with varying difficulties, e.g.: "Geckos" for the little ones, "Dance Course" for experts and "Difficult Crack" for the crevasse enthusiasts. Let's go for vertical fun!
    High-Ropes Courses
    Ötzi Rope-Park
    Schnals/Senales, Meran/Merano and environs

    Sfidarci divertimento per tutte le età promette il parco avventura in Val Senales. In uno splendido luogo naturale, con una gola impossante, c’è un parco avventura, con 11 percorsi e ca. 150 piattaforme, da 2m fino a 30m di altezza.
    Caratteristiche speciali: Altalena Gigante „Giant Swing“, tante carrucole e percorsi per bambini.
    Periodo d’apertura: 01/05 – 04/11/2018 Durata di un giro su tutti i percorsi: ca. 3 ore Luogo: si trova alla fine del Lago di Vernago, a 1780 metri sul livello del mare. Fermata dell’autobus e parcheggio disponibile.

    High-Ropes Courses
    climbing garden Marchegg
    Schnals/Senales, Meran/Merano and environs

    Those who want to experience this (including the surge of adrenaline) can learn it under the supervision of an instructor in the Marchegg rock climbing garden. The 30 metre high wall offers a lot, from fixed rope climbing to climbing routes with degrees of difficulty from 4a to 7b+. Great adventure and fun not only for kids!

    High-Ropes Courses
    Climbing area Marderwand
    Kurtatsch an der Weinstraße/Cortaccia sulla Strada del Vino, Alto Adige Wine Road

    A Climbing garden in Graun/Kurtatsch with 80m² of climbing surface and 36 routes between 9m and 21m long. 

    High-Ropes Courses
    Climbing garden Mastaun
    Schnals/Senales, Meran/Merano and environs

    The climbing garden Mastaun is located in the high valley oft he same name near Madonna di Senales/Unser Frau in Schnalstal Valley, approx. 20 minutes walk behind the Mastaunalm hut.

    The approx. 70 metre high rock face offers technically challenging routes over several pitches in the middle of an untouches natural landscape. It was initiated and built by Nereo Ongaro (AVS Schnalstal Valley), further routes are planned.

    Special features: Due to the exposed location oft he rock face, the multi-rope lenghts and the technically challenging routes, the climbing garden is suitable for experienced climbers.

    High-Ropes Courses
    Climbing Park near the Adolf Munkel Trail
    Villnöss/Funes, Dolomites Region Villnösstal

    The climbing crag by the Adolf Munkel trail is situated beneath the north face of the Furchetta Mountain and it offers climbing routes for almost every difficulty level. The area around the climbing crag is child-friendly and the view of the Odle/Geisler Mountains is breathtaking. • Starting point: Zannes/Zans; hiking time: 40 min to the climbing crag; difficulty of the routes: 3 to 8a; rock: dolostone

    High-Ropes Courses
    Crag Garbe
    Salorno/Salurn, Alto Adige Wine Road

    The climbing wall Garbe is the southernmost adventure park of South Tyrol. It's direction and the surrounding trees with their huge shadows allow the kids to climb also durning hot summer days.

    High-Ropes Courses
    Climbing "Nesselwand"
    Schlanders/Silandro, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    The climbing area in Lasa valley.

    - 65 routes
    - Altitude: 1.800 m
    - Walking time: approx. 1 h
    - Rock: marble
    - Difficulty: 4 - 8a

    Access: Lasa Valley
    From the village, take the trail no. 5, or take the car up to the Bremsberg and from here just below the trail no. 5A - no. 5 into the Lasa valley, continue on a forest road to a right turn. By a wire rope, which leads over the brook, one can look for a place to cross the brook. To the right, follow a path leading up to a forest slab from the wire rope.

    Detailed Info: Sportclimbing Guides 1 Passeier Vinschgau

    High-Ropes Courses
    Climbing "Priel"
    Schlanders/Silandro, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    The climbing garden above the sports area Silandro/Schlanders

    - 36 routes
    - Altitude: 770 m
    - Walking time: approx. 10-35 min.
    - Rock: gneiss
    - Difficulty level: 5a - 8a

    Access: Sportzone Silandro
    Follow the road in the valley, turn left on a forest road and a few hundred meters after the fishpond turn left to the electricity plant - or the hiking trail no. 7 towards Schlandersburg castle - or follow the hiking trail 14 above the sports zone.
    The climbing "Priel" is maintained by AVS Schlanders.

    Detailed Info: Sportclimbing Guides 1 Passeier Vinschgau

    High-Ropes Courses
    High rope garden Skytrek at Sterzing
    Sterzing/Vipiteno, Sterzing/Vipiteno and environs

    Try this adventure, learn to assess your personal limits, overcome your fears and experience an unforgettable day, high up in the trees at the North Park in Sterzing / Vipiteno. Ideal for families and children. 

    High-Ropes Courses
    Adventure Park
    Corvara, Dolomites Region Alta Badia

    A series of routes with increasing difficulty able to meet every expectation, from the simplest for the younger ones to the most acrobatic for the more expert ones.

    Prices per person:
    • € 8,00 for the first route (fuchsia) - € 3,50 for every repetition, up to max. € 22,00
    • Green, orange, blue and red routes:
      • € 15,00 for one single route
      • € 22,00 for routes, also different from each other
      • € 6,00 for every further route, up to max. € 35,00
    •  Only visitor: € 1,50

    The park is only open in summer.

    High-Ropes Courses
    Climbing Area Hintersegg
    Kurtatsch an der Weinstraße/Cortaccia sulla Strada del Vino, Alto Adige Wine Road

    A Climbing garden in Graun/Kurtatsch with 20 routes. Routes from 4 to 6b


    High-Ropes Courses
    Climbing garden Bergkristall in Pfelders/Plan
    Moos in Passeier/Moso in Passiria, Meran/Merano and environs

    Fascination, movement as well as emotion for good work, this is sport climbing. Climbing is a sport that covers a wide range of activities, which is why the Passeiertal Valley offers a wide range of climbing gardens and walls.

    Climbing Garden Bergkristall in Pfelders/Plan: just before Pfelders/Plan accross from the inn Bergkristall.

    Degree of difficulty: 3-7c

    Climbing routes: 55

    Guides, schools
    Via ferrata "Heini Holzer" - Ivigna
    Hafling/Avelengo, Meran/Merano and environs

    The 500 m long climb is perfectly secured with 1.000 m of steel cable and it is rated at medium difficulty (A – B – in some places B/C). Nevertheless, the last part of the via ferrata, the so-called Angel’s edge, presents a very impressive rock passage.

    Due to the nature of the new via ferrata, the climb can be a bit of an adventure for less experienced mountaineers as well as mountaineering families with children who like walking and climbing. The minimum recommended height is 1.50 m.

    High-Ropes Courses
    Ferrata Stuller Wasserfall
    Moos in Passeier/Moso in Passiria, Meran/Merano and environs

    The via ferrata „Stuller Wasserfall“ is a medium-difficulty-level climb with a very difficult variation in the middle part, which can be bypassed. This steep and exposed climb proceeds through a breathtaking setting in the immediate vicinity of the roaring waterfall.

    The Stuller waterfall is a mighty height of 342 meters consisting of two cascades, and is the third highest in Europe.

    About two thirds of the way through the climb there is the possibility to discontinue the ascent and take a footpath to Stuls or descend to Moos. The final section of the via ferrata can also be undertaken as a short journey from Stuls with access via said footpath.

    From the large parking lot in Moos, head briefly toward the bus stop and follow the path to the parish church. A few meters after the parish church, turn left onto the trail “Passerschluchtenweg” and walk about 20 minutes in the direction of St. Leonhard.

    At the bridge over the Passer, continue straight ahead. Hike uphill to the main road and the rockslide tunnel, which will subsequently be scaled. Once on top, there is a short tunnel that leads to the via ferrata access trail. The entire access trail to the via ferrata is signposted from the bus stop in Moos.

    From the exit of the via ferrata, path No. 10a leads back to Moos/Moso. Another possibility: return by bus.

    High-Ropes Courses
    Lake Neves Via ferrata
    Mühlwald/Selva dei Molini, Ahrntal/Valle Aurina
    The via ferrata on the Neves dam wall is a successful mix of high ropes course and ferrata. The easy rainbow via ferrata leads up to the left of the dam wall over slabs and flat parts of the wall; original elements such as a net, climbing hold passage and a final rope bridge provide plenty of variety. The direct Neves Lake via ferrata requires a little more muscle power because you are challenged right up to the last clamp. If you come to the Neves lake, you should also consider a hike around the lake in addition to the via ferrata - perfect mountain scenery in the southern Zillertal Alps.

    The left-hand Rainbow via ferrata has a B/C passage, the direct Neves Lake via ferrata on the central dam wall has a D at the end.

    Source: www.bergsteigen.com ; Author: Andreas Jentzsch
    Total time required approx. 30-45 min.
    High-Ropes Courses
    Climbing garden "Zoll" in the Passeiertal Valley
    St.Leonhard in Passeier/San Leonardo in Passiria, Meran/Merano and environs

    Fascination, movement as well as emotion for good work, this is sport climbing. Climbing is a sport that covers a wide range of activities, which is why the Passeiertal Valley offers a wide range of climbing gardens and walls.

    Climbing garden "Zoll": coming from St. Leonhard/S. Leonard in direction of Moos/Moso, ca. one kilometer after the locality Gomion there is on the right side of the road one single house.

    Degree of difficulty: 5a-8a · Climbing routes: 16

    High-Ropes Courses
    Via Ferrata Hans Kammerlander
    Sand in Taufers/Campo Tures, Ahrntal/Valle Aurina

    A tricky, demanding, superbly constructed route with absolutely breathtaking views. The via ferrata was named after the mountaineer from Ahornach. The route begins close to the Kleingruberhof in Ahornach, covers 600 metres in length and 300 vertical metres, and requires nerves of steel and a lot of strength – above all in the arms.  After a relatively moderate start, the rock face becomes extremely steep. According to Hans Kammerlander, there is nothing like it in the entire Dolomite region; the difficulty reaches level E, but is mostly D and C. The path ends after around three hours of climbing near the Kofler zwischen den Wänden and is only suitable for experienced climbers. A good head for heights is one hundred percent essential.

    Route description:
    A short ladder up to an overhang (E), then a B/C and C-grade traverse to the Burma bridge (A/B). After the bridge continue (B) to a small niche and then steeply (D) to a flake and right into the narrow intersection (D/E). The intersection widens (D) and leads to the 15-m ladder (inside B/C; outside C). After the ladder, a left turn (D and briefly E) over the roof and climbing to the right (D and C) in easier terrain (B/B). Then the route moves on to an edge and the long, ascending traverse begins (always B, B/C and also briefly C) up to the next overhang. Just before this the face becomes steeper (C/D) and you will reach the tree trunk on which you cross to the roof edge. Next briefly D and then easier to the rope bridge. Cross this bridge and then traverse horizontally (B). The rope becomes steeper (C and C/D) and leads up under the next bridge, which is reached by looping round to the left (B). After the second bridge a slab pillar (up to C) leads up to the exit at a wooden fence.

    Source: www.bergsteigen.com ; Author: Andreas Jentzsch

    Total time required approx. 4 hours.

    High-Ropes Courses
    Climbing in Alliz
    Laas/Lasa, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    The climbing area on Monte Sole mountain of Lasa

    - 23 routes
    - Altitude: 1080 m
    - Walking time: approx. 4 min.
    - Rock: gneiss
    - Difficulty level: 4 - 6c+

    Access: turn left at the bridge to the entrance to Alliz

    High-Ropes Courses
    Kronaction Outdoor & Fun Park
    Pfalzen/Falzes, Dolomites Region Kronplatz/Plan de Corones

    Kronaction is the largest high rope climbing garden in South Tyrol and is located near the lake Issinger Weiher in Pustertal Valley. The adventure park & ​​climbing garden awaits you.

    High-Ropes Courses
    "Huafwond" Panorama Climbing Area
    Partschins/Parcines, Meran/Merano and environs

    "Huafwond" Panorama Climbing Area

    An absolute highlight for experienced climbers, a beautifully laid-out climbing area on Sonnenberg mountain in Partschins/Parcines with more than 100 sq. mt. of panorama terraces, grill facilities, benches and tables and fantastic views of the Dolomite peaks and the Meran area.
    More than 30 climbing routes, from grade II to IX in difficulty, and a number of rope-ways – some over 30 mt. long.

    How to get to the climbing area:
    Simply take the Texelbahn cable car in Partschins up to the mountain station then walk 7 min. along the “Dursterhof” path to the rock-face turning off after a 5 min. walk to the right in a westerly direction.
    By car to the „Dursterhof“ farm, then a 30 min. walk to the rock face, following the Giggelberg path then turning uphill after 25 min. towards the west.

    High-Ropes Courses
    Climbing area Unterlegstein
    Margreid an der Weinstraße/Magrè sulla Strada del Vino, Alto Adige Wine Road

    A Climbing garden Unterlegstein in Fennberg/Kurtatsch is oane of the southernmost adventure park of South Tyrol. 

    High-Ropes Courses
    Climbing at the "Loathna Kofel"
    St.Lorenzen/San Lorenzo di Sebato, Dolomites Region Kronplatz/Plan de Corones

    The so-called “Loathna-Kofel” near the village of Sankt Lorenzen was already inhabited in the Iron Age. Today there are climb climbers, who train and are already trained in the 26 in part exigent and light craning routes.

    2 routes till 5a, 6 routes till 6a, 10 routes till 6c, 12 routes till 7b, 1 route till 8a

    High-Ropes Courses
    Larix Ferrata
    Schnals/Senales, Meran/Merano and environs

    The 'Larix' (larch in Latin) via ferrata with suspension bridges, exciting rope slides and a parallel hiking trail will be available.The challenging via ferrata is of medium difficulty and also suitable for experienced families. The entrance is located at the foot of the large Kurzrasbach waterfall and leads towards the Teufelsegg hut. The 'Alpin Trail' hiking trail runs partly along this, allowing you to observe and accompany the climbers. Whether you are a leisurely hiker or an arduous climber, you will find what you are looking for here.

    Prerequisite: via ferrata equipment (rental in Maso Corto at Service Stricker or Ski Factory Maso Corto).

    Entrance: behind the Roter Kofel chairlift, at the foot of the large Kurzrasbach waterfall
    Exit: above the Teufelsegg hut
    Difficulty: medium difficult (C)
    Ascent: 3:30 h
    Length: 1.8 km 
    Metres in altitude: 410 hm each

    1 2 3

      Dabei reicht das Angebot von einfachen Kletterattraktionen bis hin zu weitläufigen Hochseilgärten mit kleinen Seilbahnen und Fallstrecken. Oftmals ist das Angebot in den Hochseilgärten noch mit weiteren Aktivitäten gepaart, wie zum Beispiel „River Boating“ oder 3D Bogenparcours.