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    Poziom trudności
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    Odległość w km

    Zimowe Wędrówki w Południowym Tyrolu

    Przeżyj zimową przygodę podczas wędrówek w regionie Południowego Tyrolu. Odkryj urokliwe trasy, które oferują piękne widoki i doskonałe warunki do zimowego trekkingu.
    Hiking tour "Tschirglhöfe"
    Terlan/Terlano, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    You start your hike at the church in the center of Terlan. Via the Silberleitenweg you get to Oberkreuth, where you turn right at the fountain, walk 20 m further and then take the Vorbergweg/no°4A to the left up to the Tschirglhöfe. The first path is very steep. Further up the mountain you hike past "Mugger/Zilli" and "Bergrast". You will reach the Möltner road (please pay attention to the traffic), walk downwards for approx. 150 m and turn right onto hiking trail n°4. Where the hiking trail meets the road again, you walk downwards (attention to traffic) for a short while until you turn onto the hiking trail again. After the first 20 m descent, a detour to the left to the "Wetterkreuz" is worthwhile. It is a magnificent viewpoint with the ruins of the 14th-century St.Peter miners' chapel below. The path now leads steeply down to the "Klaus in der Mühl" farm and then leads into Kirchgasse, through which you return to the starting point.

    There is no rest stop on this hike.

    Poziom trudności: średni
    452 m wysokość w górę
    2h:17 min czas trwania