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    Tor Saneczkowy w Dolomitach Villnößtal

    Przeżyj zimowe emocje na torze saneczkowym w regionie Dolomitów Villnößtal. To doskonała atrakcja dla dzieci i dorosłych, oferująca mnóstwo zabawy i wspaniałe widoki.
    Tschantschenon - Zanser Schwaige
    Villnöss/Funes, Dolomites Region Villnösstal

    The toboggan run from Tschantschenon starts in the middle of the wintry and snow-covered wood at 1800 meter and leads over a flat track with just a few curves to Zanser Schwaige (opening times from 25th december). A wonderful excursion.

    Poziom trudności: łatwy
    0 m wysokość w górę
    0h:25 min czas trwania
    Malga Kaserill - Zannes/Kaserill Alm - Zans
    Villnöss/Funes, Dolomites Region Villnösstal

    The toboggan run starts just below the Kaserillalm hut (opening times from 26th december) and leads over a steep slope to the snow-covered Kirchwiesl. From there the toboggan continues over a plain to the starting point Zans.

    Poziom trudności: średni
    0 m wysokość w górę
    1h:00 min czas trwania
    Zans/Zannes - Ranui
    Villnöss/Funes, Dolomites Region Villnösstal

    The toboggan run starts shortly after the car park at Zans toward Ranui. The run is pretentious and the safety is therefore is very important and should not be underestimated.

    Treffpunkt Zans open from 26th December

    Poziom trudności: średni
    0 m wysokość w górę
    1h:10 min czas trwania
    Geisler Alm - Ranui
    Villnöss/Funes, Dolomites Region Villnösstal

    The toboggan run starts directly from the Geisleralm hut (opening time from 26th december) and is identical to the path of ascension till the turning to Zans. From here the sleigh ride leads left through the woods down to the car park Waldschenke. The first piece of the toboggan run is steep and followed by a brisk track with just a few curves.

    Poziom trudności: średni
    0 m wysokość w górę
    2h:28 min czas trwania
    Glatsch Alm - Dusler Alm - Ranui
    Villnöss/Funes, Dolomites Region Villnösstal

    The toboggan run starts at 1900 meters and leads along a 5-km-long run of medium difficulty back to the starting point. The descent is identical to the path of ascension and consists of fantastic curves. An ideal winter excursion for the whole family. Note: You can shorten the ascent by taking the bus from Ranui to Zans and then hiking along the footpath to the hut Glatsch Alm. The Dusler hut is closed during the winter!

    Poziom trudności: trudny
    0 m wysokość w górę
    1h:30 min czas trwania
    Malga Gampen - Zannes/Gampen Alm - Zans
    Villnöss/Funes, Dolomites Region Villnösstal

    The toboggan run starts directly from the Gampenalm hut (opening time from 26th december) above the snow-covered meadows till the turning on your right site. From there the toboggan run continues to the Kirchwiesl and ahead till the starting point, Zans.

    Poziom trudności: średni
    0 m wysokość w górę
    1h:10 min czas trwania