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    Szkoły Narciarskie w Dolomitach Seiser Alm

    Region Dolomitów Seiser Alm to doskonałe miejsce do nauki narciarstwa. Lokalne szkoły narciarskie oferują szeroki zakres kursów dla dzieci i dorosłych, dzięki czemu każdy może cieszyć się sportami zimowymi.
    Ski schools
    Skischool Schlern 3000
    Kastelruth/Castelrotto, Dolomites Region Seiser Alm

    Dear winter sport enthusiasts, welcome to the big network of world- class slopes extending through the vast Seiser Alm, a paradise for winter sport enthusiasts under the azure sky of Südtirol.

    With many years of experience in the field of winter sports, we can help you with learning modern techniques and to keep up with the latest trends.

    We offer group courses for every discipline, private lessons for every discipline, Skisafaris and a unique culinary- ski day.

    Ski schools
    Skischool Seiser Alm
    Kastelruth/Castelrotto, Dolomites Region Seiser Alm

    Dear sports friends!


    The highest high­alpine pasture in Europe and the Seiseralm Ski School constitute an extraordinary combination: this is the place where the fascination of a very attractive ski resort and a ski school, which always aims to top the highest demands, converge. We set standards, which are as special as Seiseralm itself.

    More than 80 perfectly trained winter sports instructors personally look after your learning progress and wellbeing. From skiing, cross­country skiing and snowboarding to adventures like ski tours or snow­shoe hikes... we offer a large spectrum of possibilities, and we guarantee individual programmes, the maximum of safety and great pleasures. Our ski school has always been and will remain extraordinary: founded in 1957, the Seiseralm Ski School is now amongst the biggest.  During our group courses, private lessons or the Area Check you can get to know the fascination of our ski resort together with us ­ so we continue to offer what the Seiser Alm pasture gives us every day: the joy to fully enjoy a very special ski resort.
