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Wybrane filtry
    Poziom trudności
    Czas trwania
    Odległość w km

    Tor Saneczkowy w Dolomitach Kronplatz

    Przeżyj zimowe emocje na torze saneczkowym w regionie Dolomitów Kronplatz. To doskonała atrakcja dla dzieci i dorosłych, oferująca mnóstwo zabawy i wspaniałe widoki.
    Al Plan/San Vigilio, Dolomites Region Kronplatz/Plan de Corones

    From the peak station of the Cianross cable car at 1302 m, the Cianross sledging track winds down through the forest alongside the skiing slope all the way to the valley station at 1203 m. The 680 m track (99 m of difference in altitude) can be used during the Cianross cable car opening hours with ski passes and single or prepaid tickets with point systems. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, the track will also be open between 8 and 10 pm and illuminated with floodlights. Sledges can be rented at the Cianross cable car valley station.



    Poziom trudności: łatwy
    0 m wysokość w górę
    0h:30 min czas trwania
    Toboggan run Brunst
    Olang/Valdaora, Dolomites Region Kronplatz/Plan de Corones

    The the toboggan run to the Brunst hut is especially interesting because of the appropriate length of 7 km. The natural track is perfectly groomed. You start by walking from the car park above the Lipper saw in Valdaora di Sopra over the prepared forest road towards Brunst hut.
    You can rent at Sport Sagmeister  and rent and go.
    The Brunst hut is not managed during winter time. The hut offers a little room where you can enjoy your break.

    Poziom trudności: średni
    0 m wysokość w górę
    2h:00 min czas trwania
    Toboggan run Bauhof
    Gais, Dolomites Region Kronplatz/Plan de Corones

    Downhill sledding track for families, starting at Hotel Bauhof. It is also illuminated at night.

    Poziom trudności: łatwy
    0 m wysokość w górę
    0h:30 min czas trwania