A leisurely, only somewhat steep, excursion across woods and chestnut groves.
From the parking lot at the start of Via Bottai, path no. 5 leads
you across a small bridge towards the Bittner Hut. After around
10 minutes, the path turns left to Castel Wolfsthurn. The castle
is inhabited and cannot visited. Continue on the hiking path
across woods and chestnut groves. Walk by the isolated Kofler
and Regele huts to reach the Bittner Hut, a local eatery, after a
one-hour walk. It’s located in the heart of orchards and offers
a nice, westerly view. Cows, cats, peacocks and a dog can be
found in and around the hut. Children can have fun playing on
the grounds and in the small sandbox, too. Return following the
same route.