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Running and fitness

Lake Caldaro

Barleit-Lavardi/Barleit-Lavardi, Kaltern an der Weinstraße/Caldaro sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road
from center of

Easy stroll around Lake Caldaro. Gentle incline. If you wish to avoid one of the uphill climbs, we recommend you start the circular trail heading towards the south. However, nothing stops you from heading in the opposite direction. Tip: The straight stretch in the southern part of the excursion is ideal for interval running or sprints. We recommend you take this excursion during the morning.

Distance 7.5 Km
Duration 2h:00 min
Ascent 29 m
Descent 29 m
Highest point 567 m
Lowest point 538 m
Tour Details
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(incl. VAT / excl. local tourism tax)