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Ski Tours

Marmotta Peak

Hintermartell/Altavalle, Martell/Martello, Vinschgau/Val Venosta
from center
One of the classics in Martelltal Valley: glacier tour with fantastic views of the triumvirate of Königsspitze, Monte Zebru and Ortler as well as the Martelltal Valley Zufall Peak and Monte Cevedale.

Martelltal Valley is one of the most beautiful ski touring areas in South Tyrol and an insider tip at the same time.

From the car park "Enzian" at the end of Martelltal Valley take the path to Rifugio Nini Corsi/Zufallhütte (2,264 m). Immediately after the hut, turn left (southwest) through a narrowing with a rocky riegel and continue to the flat valley floor of the Plimabach, where we come across the old dam wall. At first still flat further west, then left (south) over a steeper slope up to the wide basin below the Fürkeleferner. At an altitude of about 2,550 m we turn right - we see the Marteller Hütte, which remains on the left - and first follow a bit of the track towards Zufallspitze/Zufall Peak. Then we turn left and ascend southeast over rather steep flanks to Hohenferner. Continue south over the flat Ferner, then up over an increasingly steep slope to the point where the path begins to turn right of the summit, which we now reach without difficulty.

The descent is along the ascent track.

This much frequented tour requires safe avalanche conditions. Especially in the area of the steep flanks below Hohenferner and on the summit slope, caution is required. On the glacier there is sometimes a danger of crevasses!

Distance 8.0 Km
Duration 4h:15 min
Ascent 1251 m
Descent 1251 m
Highest point 3267 m
Lowest point 2052 m
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