According to a legend recorded by Ignaz Vinzenz Zingerle, two children once found a sword made of pure gold here. This sword was stuck in the earth, and couldn’t be completely pulled out. When they returned the next day, a man dressed in old-fashioned attire led them to the grotto behind the waterfall where there were magnificent chambers. That’s where the man revealed to them that he was waiting to be released from a curse: Only he who was able to completely draw the sword from the ground would be able to save him. The sword and the man in the old-fashioned clothing were never seen again.
The Titschen waterfall
When it’s not completely dry, this is where the Titschen Brook drops approx. 70 meters as a waterfall. Since time immemorial, people have conveyed water from here to use to live and work. When the weather was stormy, the Titschen Brook – otherwise a relatively calm body of water – could transform into a torrent due to the valley floor’s low inclination and greatly endanger houses, fields, and roads. Up until the end of the 15th century, it crossed the neighborhood of Gries in the south of the village before it was re-routed towards the north and a bridge was built.