Starting point: Maso Corto/Kurzras (2,011 m a.s.l)
Ascent: 646 m elevation gain, 3 hours, from the Giogo Alto/Hochjoch glacier (Refuge Bella Vista 2,842 m a.s.l)
Best time for departure A: December to May
Best time for departures B and C: March to May
This is a very pleasant tour on a mountain that is still very much glaciated on the north side but that is not without its risks in one part where the “icefall” east of the Giogo Alto/Hochjoch glacier is hazardous due to glacier crevasses. The ascent is from Maso Corto/Kurzras to the Bella Vista lodge or with the Schnalstal valley cable car to the Giogo Alto/Hochjoch glacier; you leave the east side by climbing through the icefall. Avoiding the crevasses, the trail rises steeply to the upper glacier terrace, and keeping to the west of the summit, very steeply to the ridge shoulder. Continue along the short but exposed ridge to the summit.
Descent A: go along the ascent route to the Giogo Alto/Hochjoch pass and descend to the valley as far as Maso Corto/Kurzras or take the Schnalstal Valley cable car.
Descent B: Taking the first steep slope down, then to the right/north-east and continue south-easterly and southwards to the Giogo Alto/Niederjoch pass and on to the Refuge Similaun.
Descent C: Northwards towards the Hochjoch-Hospiz hut and Vent (A)
For good skiers with Alpine experience
with the SAD bus line no. 261 to Maso Corto/Kurzras
Naturno/Naturns - Schnalstal Valley - Maso Corto/Kurzras
parking place in front of the village Maso Corto/Kurzras, free, unguarded