This hiking tour is easy and tranquil - perfect for a walk with your family. You will come through peaceful woods and pass the small brook of Aldino.
We start from the village square in Aldino and pass the Raiffeisen bank on the left side, following the one-way-street. Then we cross the main street and go past the Holzmann farm.
We follow the trial no. 6 until we come to a junction. There we turn left, following the trial no. 17B, which will lead us to "Wildeich", crossing also the brook.
Now there are two possibilities to go back to the centre of Aldino:
1. We continue our tour until we arrive at the Restaurant "Pigleider Hof" and come back by the main street.
2. Follow the trail no. 17B so you come to "Dietlkramer" and finally to the restaurant "Schönblick" in the centre of Aldino.
Start: village square Aldino