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Restaurants & Taverns

Fronza Bar

Lutago/Luttach, Ahrntal/Valle Aurina, Ahrntal/Valle Aurina
from center of
feels like „dahoame“ Fronza is personal, relaxed and honest. A place to keep turning again and again. You don't feel like a guest here, you live surrounded by friends. Right in the middle of it, instead of just being there. Feel like „dahoame“- feel like at home in the warm gourmet hotel with discreet luxury. For almost 50 years it has been a meeting place between people, nature and traditions. A chat with the locals at the hotel bar, a piece of homemade apple strudel, sitting together at a South Tyrolean Marende . . . Switching off from everyday life. Breathe in peace in the midst of the Ahrntaler mountains. Just be who you are.
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