Along the hiking trail from Jenesien to Tschaufen, there is much to experience, for young and old. In the meadows along the hiking trail and in the forests you can meet different kinds of animals. There is a beautiful panorama on the plateau Tschaufen, and the the eponymous restaurant on the Salto awaits you with an extensive menu of homemade pastries and delicious cold dishes.
If you start at San Genesio (restaurant Edelweiss) you will reach albergo Tschaufen on path no. 7 in 130 minnutes. The excursion leads most of the time through de beautiful larch-woods and meadowson the Plateau of Salto.
Eventually you can start as well ba Albergo Locher (San Genesio) and walk along path no. 2 to albergo Tschafuen.
Line 204: Bozen-Terlan-Mölten-Vöran-Hafling
Line 156: Bozen-Jenesien