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Restaurants & Taverns


Naturno/Naturns, Naturns/Naturno, Meran/Merano and environs
from center of
Bar and bicycle eatery with a beautiful garden, located direct at the famous Vinschger bicycle road between Naturns and Staben. We offer mainly regional products on our menu. The variety goes from fresh sparkling water, juices, Italian coffee, homemade pastries, South Tirol bier and wine, hand crafted ice creams, snacks and small cold and warm dishes. The area of the radbar is mainly level and freely accessible. Seating places are widely available in different setups to express the nature ambience and child friendliness. Examples are chairs, lounge chairs and hammocks at different places like a roof terraces, in the garden, next to our pond.

Opening hours

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(incl. VAT / excl. local tourism tax)