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From Naturno to the waterfall of Parcines

Tablà/Tabland - Parcines/Partschins, Partschins/Parcines, Meran/Merano and environs
from center of
The main feature on this hike is a rustic stone-walled farmstead built by the owners with their own hands using exclusively natural building materials. The farm houses and outbuildings of the Dusterhof farmstead have progressively been expanded over the years and the
raspberry vines growing on the vertiginous slopes, help to make the Dursterhof quite unique.
Distance 8.9 Km
Duration 3h:16 min
Ascent 857 m
Descent 319 m
Highest point 1089 m
Lowest point 528 m
Tour Details
Naturno - Panorama trail - Pignol - trail no. 39A - Path No. 26 - Dursterhof - Gasthof Birkenwald
This hike can be accessed directly from the center of Naturno.
Parking in the village centre (fees apply), parking at the cemetery (free of charge) and parking along the Feldgasse (fees apply)
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(incl. VAT / excl. local tourism tax)