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Laion - Albions - Fraina - Laion

Albion/Albions, Lajen/Laion
from center of

Cozy family hike from Laion through forests and meadows over Albions to Freins and back to Laion

Distance 11.5 Km
Duration 3h:40 min
Ascent 580 m
Descent 580 m
Highest point 1243 m
Lowest point 900 m
Tour Details

Coming from the north you will reach our region via Munich - Kufstein - Innsbruck - Brenner - Klausen (exit Chiusa / Val Gardena), the SS Val Gardena - at the roundabout in Novale/Ried-Lajen you turn to Lajen/Laion.  From here you are within a few minutes in your resort Lajen.

Parking: at the football field

Parking at the football field
Accommodation image
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0  room rooms Not selected No board Breakfast Half board Full board All inclusive
Total price: 0 €
(incl. VAT / excl. local tourism tax)