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Ski Tours

Skitour to Mitterloch peak

St. Valentin/S.Valentino, Graun im Vinschgau/Curon Venosta, Vinschgau/Val Venosta
Nice ski tour in Langtaufers valley
from center

Starting point: Langtaufers/Kappl, parking lot former chair lift Maseben
Ascent: Ascent via the forest path or along the edge of the slope to the disused mountain station. There, continue in a southerly direction until the end of the anchor lift. In the middle of the valley continue to the foot of the mountain. Over the north slope you ascend at the beginning rather in the middle. Via Mulden you reach an even steeper slope, which is best walked up from left to right into a small gap. Over the west ridge, you walk to the summit on foot and later on skis again.
Hints: The tour requires a reasonable choice of route. 
Descent: Along the ascent route. In optimal conditions, it is possible to ski down from the summit directly over the northern slope. It takes about 40 min to ski down.

Distance 8.4 Km
Duration 4h:12 min
Ascent 1268 m
Descent 400 m
Highest point 3134 m
Lowest point 1873 m
Nice ski tour in Langtaufers valley
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