The mountain pasture Mastaun is also temporarily managed in winter. It is located in the high mountain valley of the same name, the Maustaun Valley, and belongs to the farmstead Mastaunhof, which is one of the largest farms in the Schnalstal Valley in terms of area. There are some indications that several centuries ago the mountain pasture was still a farm that was inhabited all year round.
The entrance is in Madonna di Senales/Unser Frau above the archeoParc directly at the car parking place. First we follow the forest road to the farmstead Mastaun and continue to the mountain pasture Mastaun (only open on weekends).
Duration approx 1.15 hours
With the SAD bus line no. 261 to Madonna di Senales/Unser Frau (bus stop Oberdorf)
Naturns/Naturno - Schnalstal Valley - Madonna di Senales/Unser Frau
Parking area at Madonna di Senales near the museum archeoParc Senales, free, unguarded